Monday, 24 December 2012

Xmas Greetings

Happy Christmas &
A Very Special New Year

On behalf of the committee of the Yea Camera Club, we would like to wish all members and their families and friends  a Happy Christmas and a safe  New Year with all their loved ones.

We hope that you enjoyed this year’s programme of learning and outings. Certainly the standard of our photography has increased, and our membership has been well represented in several local competitions.

Next year’s programme is well under way and will incorporate  several  ideas from the membership for both training purposes and outings. We also hope to re- introduce  the Camera Club Photographic  Exhibition in The Cup weekend.

A final reminder for the matt cutting day January 5th. And all display photographs for Rotary to Judy at the garage or Kim at her house in Aldous street by January 14th.

Enjoy the season, have fun on holidays, stay safe on the roads and cherish the time with family.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Bushrodders in town

This morning the Bushrodders were in town for half an hour on their way to Eildon. Below a couple of shots taken in quite wet conditions.

Photo Mounting Workshop

Mounting of Photographs

For display and competition purposes your photographs need to be mounted on Matt Board.

You can purchase mounts already cut to size from various outlets including in Yea, but it can be expensive. The alternative is to cut your own and several members have expressed a desire to do so but need a refresher course at least, in cutting.

There will be a workshop in the 
R.S.L Hall

Saturday 5th January 2013 @ 9.00am

The club has the cutter and tools, but you must bring your own board. Mount/Mat board  

Board can be purchased in full sheets or half sheets. A full sheet - (A0-1189 x 841 mm) makes 6 A4 frames.

Board can be purchased from FrameCo 23 Ceylon Street Nunawading, Ph 1800 033 619 or Picture Framers Corner Canterbury and Dorset Roads, Bayswater

This is an ideal opportunity to prepare mounts for the Rotary Display in January. Remember each member is asked to provide 6 to 10 mounted prints (min 8" x 10") for the display. All prints to be delivered to Kim W before 16 January 2013 .

Come on - Have a go!!!!
See you all there.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Photo Opportunity


11:00 TO 11:30 AM
Black Top Cruisers Hot Rod Club are passing through on way to Eildon. Make a note to be there for a photo opportunity that does not often come our way.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Christmas Meeting

Christmas Dinner

The Country Club, Yea

At 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm

Wednesday, 12th December 2012

All costs at members’ own expense. Please reply with your intention to attend by Friday 7th December. - by return email. We have requested to use the private room at the Country Club so that we can have an enjoyable night together

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Free Workshop at Michaels Camera Shop

“Capture to Print Workshop with Darren Jew - Featuring an introduction fine art printing with the PIXMA PRO-1"
Link to their web page:

Also now posted on their facebook-

Event Details.

Saturday 24th November, from 1:30pm. (2.5 hour workshop)

At Michaels –  Located corner of Elizabeth and Lonsdale streets, Melbourne.

RSVP essential to

Workshop Summary.

Here's your chance to gain insights into photographic process from one of Australia's foremost nature photographers. Darren shares tips and techniques that will help you improve all the steps of your photographic journey: from the shooting and processing of your images, right through to fine art printing on Canon's range of Pixma Pro printers.

Monday, 19 November 2012


Hello all Landcare Members!

 $300 Cash Prize!!!

Do you have a photo that represents the UGLN Landcare story?

If so we want it!!!

Send us your photos of planting days, social gatherings etc

In high resolution photos (300 – 600 dpi).

The photo selected as the one which best represents the UGLN story will be printed on our banner and promotional material.

The winner will also receive a $300 cash prize for their Landcare group

Please send your photos to;

Judy Watts at; or

Lynnda Heard at; 

By Friday 30th Of November

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Cancellation Notice

Cancellation Notice

The camera club committee is disappointed to cancel the Portrait Weekend planned for November 17/18. There were insufficient bookings to make the weekend worthwhile.

The committee would like to thank the Yea Chronicle and the many Yea Businesses for their promotional support, particularly Ian Findlay at Station 7.

For the Y.C.C. committee

Monday, 12 November 2012

Portrait Photography

Portrait Photography Training.

Never make assumptions - Join The Myth Busters Club for free!

Sunday 11 Nov, we had a fantastic workshop on Portraiture with Paul Robinson. His explanations were clear and simple, and his demonstrations were effective and practical. Everyone had a good time and learnt in a fun environment. The day would not have been so successful if we had not had such wonderful models who were so patient and understanding. They gave up their time freely on a day of other commitments. We are indebted to them all . We also need to thank those who provided the morning tea and lunch.It was very much appreciated and we did justice to the offerings.

For those who didn't come, one day you will believe me that we have such a good time and learn at the same time.

We dispelled some assumptions;
1 you don't need artificial lighting to take good portraits.
2 you don't need a tripod.
3.You don't need an S.L.R. with fancy lenses and filters.
4. You don't need to know a lot about your camera.Auto everything will do the job.

You can't get much simpler than that!

For those who did attend : Alan C. Alan S. Ann Anstey Alister Sedgeley Ian Wallace Judy Hoffmann Joy and John Clayton Andrea Whitaker and Marlee  and Kim Wyllie

As a token of our appreciation of the support of the models, we propose to give each of them a certificate of appreciation and a photo from the day, mounted and framed.

Would all attending members send to Kim at their best photo of each model. At this stage it doesn't have to be full size. Kim will select "The Best of the Best" of each model and then request  a full size version of those photos to be emailed to her for printing.

Sat 17 and Sun 18.November 
Community Portrait Weekend
$20 per sitting (20 Minutes) with best shots copied to a CD for you to own.

Station 7 Cafe Station Street opposite Elders. Bookings essential phone Ann 03 5797 3121

We need support for this weekend as a club fundraiser. A photo of family member(s) or friends can make a perfect gift and Christmas is coming!  You can dress up or dress down, but no pets please. Ian Findlay will have an alpaca if you want a photo taken with an animal.Contact Ann Anstey for your appointment.

Wednesday 12.December 
Christmas Presentation and Diner Night

There will be no December meeting. Instead we having a Presentation Night Dinner at the Country Club Hotel. The winner of the members voting for the Capture an Idea photographs will be announced and presented with their prize, as will the Judge's award for the Best photograph. 

Members and partners must pay their own way for food and their drinks. 

Please advise Ann Anstey by December 1st if you wish to attend. Members, partners and guests are invited.

Rotary Art Show
Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 January 2013

The club will be participating in this event with a display of members photographs in The Railway Goods Shed. More details of this event later, but volunteers will be required to man the display. 

Please email your availability and preferred day and time to  Time slots are available as follows;

Fri 24th Nov afternoon 1:00 to 3:00 pm to set up, 6 people 
Sat 25 Nov 10:00 to 11:30, 11:30 to 1:00, 1:00 to 3:00. Two people for each shift
Sun 26 Nov 10:00 to 11:30, 11:30 to 1:00, 1:00 to 3:00. Two people each shift
Sunday 26 Nov 3:00 to 4:00 to dismantle and pack up, 6 people.

All members are invited to submit 6 prints for the display. We will let you know min/max size etc next week. so look through your photo archives and pick out your very best shots. No charge for Yea Cameras Club members to submit display entries.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

October 2012 News

October News

The October Capture an Idea is "Challenged" will be judged by the membership prior to and on the day of our November Portrait presentation on Sunday November 11th.Photographs must therefore be available for that date. Judging will take place about 9.00 am

Members are requested to submit 3 one word ideas (if not already received) for next year's Capture an Idea commencing Feb.2013. Please email to John at  no later than 19th. October. The monthly topics will be drawn from a hat from the submitted ideas. There will be amended rules published for next year’s competition prior to the start.

The scheduled meeting for November is replaced by the Portrait day November 11th.

Portrait Presentation with Paul Robinson is confirmed for Sunday November 11th in the Netball rooms at the Yea Rec. reserve.

The club public Portrait Day is organised for Saturday 17th November at Station 7 Café, Station Street, Yea.

Bookings are essential - contact Ann Anstey. Cost $20 for a DVD with up to about 20 images. Assistants to the photographers would be appreciated.  If you would like to volunteer please email John Publicity is in this week’s Chronicle and Alex. Std. and flyers are ready for printing and distribution.

It is expected that we will be asked to act as stewards at the Yea Show photography expo. Please make yourselves available for the roster. November 24th. An hour or two is all it takes. Once again please email John at to register your support.

We expect to contribute to the Rotary Arts Festival Australia Day January 2013. This will be a display of member photographs, so get ready with your exceptional efforts. Contributions from everyone would be great. A venue has still to be confirmed.

Our Christmas break-up this year will be on the regular Wednesday meeting night. Dinner at a local pub was a very popular suggestion. Further advice will be sent out when details are confirmed.

A new calendar of events for 2013 is being prepared. Please submit your ideas for topics and outings.

Please visit our blog site for latest news and information.


Sunday October 14.

Photo shoot visit Alowyn gardens and Yarra Glen environs.

Could all members intending to come and who have not yet indicated that intention please send an e-mail to John or  NOW so that we can wait for stragglers and late comers…but not for long.

Meet in the Castella trail car park at the cross roads at the top of the Slide, on the left going towards Melbourne, at 10.30 am sharp

Friday, 5 October 2012

Meeting Reminder Wed 10 October 2012

Just a reminder to all that our next meeting will be Wednesday 10th. October in the R.S.L. hall at 7.30pm.

The subject for this meeting is Landscape Photography. We have an expert guest presenter and I'm sure the evening will be interesting and entertaining. Bring along your cameras and tripods and special lens, if you have one. Don't be shy - we are all here to learn and have fun. It would be fantastic to have a large roll up to support our guest.

This month's Capture an Idea was "SILVER". Please bring it along as a print 10x 15cm. up to A4. Those who could not attend last month's meeting still have the opportunity to bring along their "Astronomical" print.

Bring along your homework based on last months meeting topic on a memory stick - 4 photos - a) A star trail b) A night portrait c) A night landscape and d) Your personal choice from our " Farm visit". For those who couldn't attend our farm visit, it's your personal choice.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Meeting Reminder 8 August 2012

Just a reminder to all that our next meeting will be Wednesday 8th. August in the R.S.L. hall at 7.30pm.

The subject for this meeting is Macro and Still Life. We have an expert guest presenter and I'm sure the evening will be interesting and entertaining. Bring along your cameras and tripods and special lens, if you have one. Don't be shy - we are all here to learn and have fun. It would be fantastic to have a large roll up to support our guest.

This month's Capture an Idea was "FUN". Please bring it along as a print 10x 15cm. up to A4. Those who could not attend last month's meeting still have the opportunity to bring along their "Gate" print.

Those who went on our trip to Melbourne will testify to the great day we had. The homework for this month was to put on a memory stick your 6 best architecture photos from that day out or any architecture if you couldn't make the day.