Next meeting of the camera club will be Wednesday 11th September - next week!
Do we have a night for you?!
Important details and a lip smacking practical!!
The meeting will commence in the RSL Hall 6.30 for 7.00pm prompt start.
The first item will be the judging of the "Capture an Idea " Balloons. Please bring your entry as a print.
We are sorry but Black and White homework is postponed again because we have a full night schedule.
We also need to finalise a date to go to Flowerdale Estate either the 22nd. or 29th this month.
This will be followed by the postponed 2013 AGM. As previously circulated the President and Treasurer will present their annual reports and financial statement.
Belowis last year's AGM minutes which will be taken as read to save some time. This does not preclude you from raising any issue with the minutes.
All committee positions both executive and non executive are up for nomination. There will also be special resolutions to accept the recommendations of the committee to change the constitution as per previously circulated detail and minutes.
This meeting must finish by 7.45pm when we will move to The Provender Country Bakehouse on High Street.
Judy Hoffmann has kindly liaised with the management to photograph their products and will have set up lights etc in readiness for us.This is a practical session so bring your gear!! We should have fun and produce some mouth watering images.
Minutes of last years AGM
Annual General Meeting of the Yea Camera Club Committee was held
at Yea RSL Hall on Wednesday, 11 July 2012 at7:45 p.m.
Present: Sarah McMaster, Kim Wyllie, Joy Clayton, John Clayton,
Alan Synnott, Andrew Potts, Judy Hoffman, Alan Cole
Apologies: Ann Anstey, Julie Fishlock, Kimm Noonan
Minutes of Previous AGM were circulated and read John moved and
Sarah seconded that the previous Minutes as read be accepted. Carried
President's Report Judy presented a Report on the Year 2011/12
Kim moved that the President's Report be accepted. Seconded Alan
S Carried
Treasurers Report:
John had presented a detailed Report on the year's financial
transactions. A June 30th balance of $4606 was recorded See John's earlier
He commented that the year has seen our bank account decrease by
about $1500, that the November Show runs at a loss and that we do have
significant photographic "hardware" as assets.
John moved the Treasurer's Report be accepted. Seconded by Kim
All Committee positions were declared vacant and elections for
those positions took place-
Election of Office bearers 2012/13:
President: Kim Wylie Nominated by Alan S Seconded by Joy Carried
Vice President: Alan Synnott Nominated by Kim Seconded by Andrew
Secretary: John Clayton Nominated by Judy Seconded by Kim
Treasurer: Ann Anstey Nominated by Kim Seconded by Alan S
General Committee (2 positions):
Judy Nominated by Alan C Seconded by Joy Carried
Andrew Nominated by Judy Seconded by Alan S Carried
General Business
Alan C. distributed the Loddon Shire pamphlet and drew attention
to its 2 day photographic workshop.
John commented about an approach from Yea Rotary seeking
participation via a display in their January Art Show. A matter for the new committee.
Alan C. will forward information about "Melbourne, My
beautiful City" competition. (NB this is attached to the email with these