Sunday, 24 November 2013

Ballarat National Photographic Exhibition

Art Gallery of Ballarat: supporting local artist image:
Bianca Lai Yin Ho Aboriginal Woman (detail) photographic print

Ballarat National Photographic Exhibition

Saturday 7 December 2013 – Sunday 19 January 2014

The Ballarat National Photographic Exhibition provides a quality art and cultural experience, which raises the profile of photography and encourages visitors to Ballarat. It is well-regarded in Australia’s photographic circles and this year has attracted eight hundred and eighty-five images from ninety-two entrants from as far as Broome in Western Australia. The top one-hundred and sixteen prints have been selected for display.
This is the forty-fifth year that the Ballarat Camera Club has staged the exhibition, which has been held at the Art Gallery of Ballarat since 1997. The Ballarat National Photographic Competition is approved by the Australian Photographic Society and is run in accordance with its recommended practices.

Opening event
Sunday 8 December, 3pm

Guest speaker: Ian Pym; Past exhibition Co-ordinator and ex-member of the Ballarat Camera Club.

RSVP Wednesday 4 December to or 03 5320 5858
Art Gallery of Ballarat
40 Lydiard Street North, Ballarat

Entry free. Open 10am - 5pm
(closed Christmas and Boxing Days)

Thursday, 7 November 2013


The next meeting of the camera club will be:
Wednesday 13th @ 7.30pm in the RSL hall

This will be the last meeting before our Christmas break up tea, and therefore part of the meeting will be a tidy up of outstanding issues.

This is the last month for "Capture an Idea"
Please bring your SHAGGY print.

Please bring your homework - Black and White
Remember 2 subjects 6 photos
    Colour, Black and white in the camera,and colour conversion to black and white.
On a usb please.

We may also review our FOOD photos.

Please bring all sold/unsold raffle tickets and money.

Please bring ideas for next year, learning as well as outings.

Please bring 3 ideas for Capture an Idea.

Anyone interested in being a delegate to VAPS?

We may also discuss the show and VAPS boards hire etc.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

November meeting

Because it is a holiday long weekend for some, we thought it would be an ideal opportunity to get out there with your cameras and take your SHAGGY photos and if you haven't already, either start or finish your Black and White homework. (Details below)

Next meeting of the club will be Wednesday 13th.

This may be the last time John wilI see some members before the Yea Ag Show, so can ALL raffle tickets sold/unsold be returned to him at the meeting together with monies to Ann.

If you cannot make the meeting please ensure that you give your raffle monies and ticket books, sold/unsold, to someone who is attending. Thank you.

Take photographs of 4 different subjects
You will need to take 2 of each subject
One in Camera Mode - Black & White
An identical photograph of the subject in colour
Convert the colour photograph to black & white with your software.
Bring them along next month on your memory stick so we can all compare.
Please write down the procedures of your conversion.

Judes Suggestions

Still Life Subject (Look for something OLD)
Landscape Midday
Same Landscape at Dusk
If you have a Polarizer give it a try.
Then take another photo without the polarizer of the same subject and let’s see the difference