Sunday, 30 March 2014

Minutes March Meeting - Landscape Photography

Homework - 3 Landscape photographs of the same scene taken at different times of the day. Send to AlanC by Sunday 6th @7.00pm. Please make image size small.

Minutes of the general meeting 22nd March 2014

Present: Kim Wyllie Alan Synnott  Ann Anstey  John Clayton  Alan Cole                  Mary White  Ian Wallace  Joy Clayton  Kerry Gouldthorpe   Judy Hoffmann
Prospective new members; Peter White and Sean Munley
Apologies: Pauline Roberts
Guest Presenter Rene Martins
Guest Will from ABC Open Shepparton

Capture an Idea TEXTURE photographs were open judged by Rene and thereafter the members were asked to vote for their  concept of best  photograph.

Homework - still life triptych  was viewed.

Rene Martins gave a presentation on Landscape photography.

Guidelines and tips not rules.
  1. You must like your own photographs.
  2. Rule of thirds a tip not a rule.
  3. High depth of field essential.
  4. Use HDR for enhanced colour and detail.
  5. Picture requires a focal point, a foreground, middle and background. He is a minimalist.
  6. Tripod is optional.
  7. Use a sky to add to the picture or minimize if flat sky.
  8. Lines and curves add to interest and hold attention.
  9. Movement can be both a detraction and an interest.
  10. Weather and time of day are important to the composition.
  11. Know the 'sweetspot' of your lens and shoot in RAW.

Will indicated a willingness to talk to the club on post camera enhancement and process or any problem area we nominated.

The meeting continued at Murchison Gap for the Golden Hour photographs. Rene assisted members with composition and exposure.

Vote of thanks to Rene and Will.

Members had a picnic tea in the twilight/dark and returned home about 8.30pm.
Next meeting  April 9th at 7.00pm in the RSL
Capture an Idea - TWIST bring as a photograph.

We need to firm up interest in an Autumn Colours shoot. Date? Where? Day trip or overnighter? Please sent an email with your ideas to or to JohnC. 

Landscape Coastline

As we were looking at landscape photography last week I thought that this link would be interesting. Click on each image to see the same shot at low and high tide. These are all taken around the British coastline.


Shore line landscape. Click each picture to see it at full and low tide.

Reminder April Meeting

You have just 1 week in which to send your homework to Alan Cole
Homework - 3 landscape photographs of the same subject taken at different times of the day.

Send to   acole(AT) by Sunday 6th.April 7.00pm. Please resize picture to small.
Also this month's "Capture an Idea" is TWIST to be presented at the next meeting as a print.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

An Invitation

This year is the 125th Anniversary of the Geelong Camera Club - the oldest photographic club in mainland Australia.

To celebrate, there will be a special evening held on Saturday 17th May 2014 at the Mercure Hotel, Myers Street Geelong.

Included in this evening will be:
Guest Speaker
Exhibition of Archives and Memorabilia
Audio Visual

Your invitation is attached. Here 

Please note that payment is due by 11th April, and if you choose to pay by EFT you must include your Surname and Initial in the reference.

We would appreciate it if you would circulate this invitation to your members.

We would be very pleased if you could join us to celebrate this very special occasion.

Regards, Mary

Clubs invite.jpg

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Last Minute Reminder

Remember our next meeting will start promptly at 4.00pm TODAY Saturday. Please bring a picnic tea.

You should by now have sent your triptych photos to Alan C.

This month's "Capture an Idea" is TEXTURE and you should have your print available at 4.00pm.

May I bring to your attention that with our meeting being later in the month than usual, the consequence is that you have less time to prepare for the April topic - TWIST. You have been advised!!

We hope to see as many members as possible on Saturday to support our guest-Rene Martins.( His photo was on the ABC weather 19th March.

We will have an interesting presentation and nice little trip to Murchison Gap for a photo shoot and the  weather forecast is promising, so fingers crossed.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

VAPS Half Yearly Meeting 2014

The Half Yearly General Meeting will be held Sunday 23rd March 2014. Below links to alll the info.

New Photo Book Competition Rules Discussion Paper

VAPS Half Yearly General Meeting Sunday March 23rd to be held at Sunday 23 March 2014 at 1.30 p.m.
at the Melbourne Camera Club rooms, Cnr. Ferrars and Dorcas Streets, South Melbourne

Last Years Half Yearly Meeting Minutes

Homework for March - Tryptich

Please send this month's homework to Alan Cole at his personal email address. Check your email from John C for the address.
To limit costs for Alan as he is on satellite internet connection and to reduce the time for him to download, we ask that your photographs are resized before sending. If not sure how to do that see below.

Please ensure that your photographs do not exceed 1MB each.

If you send them directly from Outlook Express in Windows XP or 7 and ask to make your pictures smaller, in John's experience with his camera, the photos end up about 100kb. Not so in Win 8/8.1.

You can resize via Microsoft Office. Go <office/tools>, <picture manager> <resize>. Choose a %. You can retry if not the right size. 

If you are using Win 8/8.1 go to the Store and look for Photo Resize Apps. There are several that are free.Some of these are fairly basic though.

If you use Picasa 3 go to <Tools, Options> select the 'Email' tab. select the email account to use, set the send size to 800 pixels. OK. This only needs to be once and will stay tis way until you change these settings.

In the Library or View page left click the photo to send,  or use the CTRL key and multiple select. When all the photos are selected go to <File/Email> and an email will open with the images attached, resized ready to add the senders address and a text and send.

Sorry for Mac users,I have no info. But I suspect the Picasa for Mac will be much the same.

Remember the homework is 3 still life photos that tell a story.
Please send to Alan Cole by 7.00pm Wednesday 19th.
We hope that this procedure will be for this month only, thereafter we hope to use the blog site.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Gulf Station Outing Feb 2014

The link below will take you to the newsletter from Yarra Ranges Photographic Society about our joint outing in February to Gulf Station.

YRPS/YCC joint Gulf Station Outing Newsletter

Open Invite GEELONG 125th Anniversary

Included in this evening will be:
Guest Speaker
Exhibition of Archives and Memorabilia
Audio Visual


There is a flyer, registration form, activities and workshops list and convention programme documents for view and or download on the Documents page in the above menu of pages.

Important date: Registration for the convention closes 25th April.

No Meeting Tonight BUT

Reminder that there is no meeting tonight 12th March.
Next meeting - Landscapes with Rene Martins Saturday 22nd.March @ 4.00pm in the RSL followed by excursion to Murchison Gap.
Bring a picnic diner.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Wednesday Meeting now Saturday 22nd at 16:00 (4pm) LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY

Please note that there will be no meeting on Wednesday 13th.March. 

IT IS CHANGED to Saturday 22nd of March at 4:00 pm sharp in the RSL. Please be on time.

The meeting will commence with judging of your homework and Capture an Idea ( Texture ) followed by

Presentation on Landscape Photography by Rene Martins

Rene is a renowned landscape photographer and his photos can often be seen on the 7.00pm news/weather on ABC1.

At approx. 5:50 pm we will leave for Murchison Gap with Rene to take photos from the spectacular lookout.The " Golden Hour" is expected to be 6:30 - 7:30 pm.

Please bring a picnic tea, and cross your fingers for good weather and a good sunset!

Rene is currently being shadowed by an ABC crew, so I would suggest that those who have a club Tshirt wear them as potentially good publicity for the club.
Texture is the subject for Capture an idea presented at the meeting in a PRINT

HOMEWORK is 3 photos on your still life triptych sent electronically to Alan Cole. Details of how to do this for those uncertain will be given later.