Minutes of the general meeting held 9/04/14 in the RSL
Present: Ann
A .Alan C. Alan S. Peter W. Joy C. John C. Kerry G. Kim W. Judy H. Mary W.
Apologies: Pauline
R. Sean M .Ian W.
Presenter: Tuck Leong
Macro and Close-up Photography
Kim welcomed members and guest presenter. Issued
latest club calendar of events.
Tuck gave an individual critique on “Capture an Idea”
entries - “Twist.”
Tuck gave a short presentation on difference between
close-up, macro and micro photography. Outline on potential of various
different lenses, zoom and primary, to take close-up and macro photos.( Macro
being 1:1 ) Indicated required equipment, plus patience and insect repellent?.
Illustrated his talk with stunning examples of orchid and insect photos.
From the floor - Concern raised re requirements of
Football Netball clubs to take individual and group and match photos for very
little recognition. Requires a large time commitment from members sometimes in
bleak conditions.
Kim W. to talk to Tom o’d re match up of club request
and camera club’s support.
Capture an
Idea for May - EMPTY
Homework If you have a macro lens try to get 1:1 or better shots otherwise get close ups.
- An Insect
- A spray of flowers
- Close up of a flower
- A creative close-up/macro photo of a flower.
Kim thanked our guest. Meeting closed.
Let John C know what dates you can assist with the Tigers games photography. Please consider one weekend of the season and the load will be shared around.