Friday, 16 May 2014

Minutes May meeting

General meeting Yea Camera Club held 14/5/2014 in the RSL @ 7.00pm

Present:Alan Cole, Alan Synnott, Ann Anstey, Pauline Roberts, Ian Wallace, John & Joy Clayton

Apologies: Judy Hoffmann, Kim Wyllie, Mary White

Guest Presenter : Bert Hovelling

Alan Synnott chaired the meeting and welcomed Bert and his friend Margaret.
Capture an Idea photos “ Empty” were judged first by the members and then Open Judged by Bert.

Homework was viewed. It was encouraging to see so many entrants. Alan Cole stated that in view of the quality of the submissions, he doubted that he could add anything through his talk in October on “Flowers”.

To obtain best reproduction of submissions, it is important that photos are sent as an attachment to an email, NOT embedded in the email itself.

Bert gave a short PowerPoint on Layers, followed by 2 audio visual instruction presentations extracted from photographic magazines. This complete presentation has been copied to the club’s computer and can be made available to members.
Homework will be based on using our new skills and will be circulated soon.
Capture an Idea for next month –WHITE

There will be committee meetings for the Show and general club coming up soon, probably evening in the RSl. Dates to be advised.

Meeting closed 9.45pm

VAPS May 2014 Newsbrief

Click the link to read the latest VAPS Newsbrief.
VAPS May 2014 Newsbrief


VAPS Convention 24th and 25th May in Geelong. Links to info below

Activities and Workshops
Registration Form

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Meteor Shower Photography. Any Interest?

Hi YCC Members

Found this article in my mail today so thought that someone else in the club might be interested. It would be a 01:00 to 05:00  time slot it appears for the best images, but I would be game if I can get company. Maybe the December event rather than the October one... Too cold!!

Read the article here Meteor Shower and let me know.


May Meeting

The next meeting of the camera club will be Wednesday 14th May in the RSL @ 7.00pm
Learn with Bert
We have guest presenter Bert Hoveling who will teach us the basics of Stitching and Layers.
Homework – 4 photos
Go here for inspiration if you need it. MacroManiacs
1 An insect
2 A full close up of a flower
3 A macro flower 
4 An original take on a flower photo.

Please send them to Alan Cole by 7.00pm Sunday (tomorrow). By brutal experience, I suggest you reduce the size of your individual photos to 1MB. I know that previously I said send them full size,but that didn't work for me!
Capture an Idea photograph – EMPTY – to be presented at the meeting.

I hope someone has taken some autumn colours – it’s past its best now.

Happy Mothers Day to the mothers out there.

A motion is required to be put and voted upon.
That 'the name of the club’s bank account at the Yea branch of The Bendigo Bank be changed from Yea Camera Club to Yea Camera Club Incorporated Limited.'

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Homework for May

This month’s homework – 3 insect and flower photos using macro setting or if have one using your macro lens. Go on try something creative and get great detail not seen by the naked eye.

Email to Alan C without reduction in size. Please send them as an attachment to your email by 7:00pm Sunday 11th May.

Name your photos using this format; XX051401 being XX your initials, 0514 - month year -, 01 picture number, 2 digits. If you use this naming format you pics will be in order.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Judges Training Course

VAPS are holding a training course for would be judges on the 13th July.

If you are interested go here VAPS Judges Training Course for the details.

Photo Comp

The following is a letter re a photo comp that closes soon so go to the web site indicated and check it out. Best of luck.
Hi there,
The Italian Cultural Institute Melbourne has organised a photographic competition entitled “Australia & Italia // Foto & Photos” which is open to participants in Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia.
We hope that you and members of your camera club might be interested in participating!
All the details about the competition are available on our website and the flyer is attached.
There is a total of $1000 prize money and entries close on Friday 16 May.
We hope this information is of interest and that you might spread word of the competition through your networks! Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you would like any further information about the competition.
Also, if you are interested in keeping in touch with the Italian Cultural Institute Melbourne, which is the Italian Government office for the promotion of Italian language and culture, we would invite you to sign up to receive our regular newsletter via ourhomepage and to like us on facebook.
Thank you very much! We hope you will consider participating and we look forward to receiving your entries!
Istituto Italiano di Cultura Melbourne
Tel: 03 9866 5931