Tuesday, 22 December 2015
Sunday, 6 December 2015
Friday, 4 December 2015
VAPS AGM Minutes

Victorian Association of
Photographic Societies Inc
Postal Address: PO Box
2010, South Melbourne 3205
No.: A000 7142B ABN 84 252 668 335
President: - Ron Speed Secretary: - Lorraine Holden
ABN 84 252 668 335
of the Annual General Meeting held on 20 October 2015
At St
Peter’s Church, Cnr
Neerim Road & Ames Avenue,
meeting opened at 1:35pm
PRESENT: Barry Povey & Stephan Ferran (Berwick Viewfinders
Camera Club), Lorraine Holden (Camberwell Camera Club), Alex Letelier and Linda
Fox (Casey Camera Club), David Doyle (Caulfield Photographic Society), Noni
Shugg (Central Highlands Imaging & Photographic Assoc), Kerrie Gerloch
(Diamond Valley Photographic Society), John Smith (Doncaster Camera Club), Alan
Wilson (Essendon Camera Club), Sara Knight, Duane Eaks & Anne Dakin
(Ivanhoe Photographic Society), Alfred Zommers (Knox Photographic Society), Ron
Mathews (Macedon Ranges Photographic Society), Joy Rollason (Maroondah
Photographic Society), Gary Richardson & Ian Bock (Melbourne Camera Club),
Danielle LeGassick (Pakenham Camera Club), Jan Burt & Gerry Gore (Rosanna
Photographic Club), Peter Calder (Southern Suburbs Photographic Society) and
Kerrie Gerloch (Whittlesea Photography Club)
APOLOGIES: Betty Bibby (Ballarat Camera Club), Shane
Coles & Val Moss (Bellarine Camera Club), John Spencer (Benalla Camera
Club), Rebecca Nicolandos (Camberwell Camera Club), Irene Giannelli (Central
Highlands Imaging & Photographic Association), Allan Burfitt & Damien
Lewis (Diamond Valley Photographic Society), Pam Rixon (Doncaster Camera Club),
Joseph Maher (Eastern Suburbs Photographic Society), Vera Curnow (Echuca Moama
Photo Club), Jeff Sumons, Max Lane & Bob Date (Frankston Photographic
Society), Deborah Mullins (Macedon Ranges Photographic Society), Darryl Howman
& Neil Roberts (Maroondah Photographic Society), Lesley Bretherton
(Melbourne Camera Club), Wally Gore (Rosanna Photographic Club), Bob Clothier
& Greg Earl (Southern Suburbs Photographic Society), Paul Spence, Dave
Sumner & Vicki Moritz (Waverley Camera Club), Karen Malbon, Cathy Buchanan
& Neil Anderson (Williamstown Camera Club) and Brian Paatsch (Wodonga-Albury
Camera Club)
Minutes emailed to all
delegates via club secretaries
Secretary, Lorraine Holden
moved the minutes as circulated by accepted
Sara Knight (Ivanhoe)
REPORT: (Lorraine Holden)
the Half-Yearly Meeting in March, Rupanyup & District Camera Club
affiliated, bringing a total of 70 clubs now affiliated with VAPS, with 3258
the year we have regularly received copies of Warragul Camera Club’s Newsletter
and Exposure from the Melbourne Camera Club and clubs are more than welcome to
forward copies of their own newsletters.
fees will be due by 31 December 2015 and it would be appreciated if clubs could
pay by that time.
Moved: Lorraine
Holden Seconded:
Irene Giannelli (Central Highland Imaging) Carried
have received the Accountant’s Report for 2014/15. I have asked him if he could do it again next
year but I haven't heard back as yet.
The Balance of the Term
Deposit account is
The balance of the Convention
cheque account is $5,472.36
The Cheque account balance
this $16,695.39
The accounts that where paid
out today at the
Committee meeting $382.20
Balance $36,413.19
Jenny asked permission from
the meeting to pay the Honorarium to the Secretary of $300.00 and the Web
Master $250.00 for 2015/16. Approved
The clubs that run Nationals,
that is, Warragul, Pakenham, Ballarat and Vigex, will need to write to the VAPS
Committee when you require the donation from VAPS. We don't want you to miss out in receiving
Moved: Jenny Colson Seconded: Margaret Zommers
(Ron Speed)
me it is hard to believe that two years have come and gone since I have had the
honour of taking on the role of President. Through this journey I have had the
privilege of attending many clubs throughout Victoria. As a result of the
hospitality and fellowship I have experienced, I have developed many cherished
memories. Thank you to all who have made
this possible, as this is what being part of a community is about.
it is with pleasure I announce that next year’s convention will be held in
Albury/Wodonga from the 3rd to 5th June. Brian Paatsch
and his team up there are and will be working hard to make this a great
weekend. From the enthusiasm I have seen I am sure that it is going to be a
great weekend.
the past two years we have seen the introduction of our new website along with
the introduction of a very active Facebook page, which can largely be
contributed to Rebecca Nicolandos and her team. Rebecca and her family have now
relocated to Ballarat. On behalf of the
VAPS committee we thank you for your contribution and wish you well in this new
phase of your life.
have seen also seen a revamp of Newsbrief and those who have previously
contributed to this role know only too well of the enormity of this task. Credit for this must go to our editor Karel
Reus and his assistant Vera Curnow. From the feedback I have received I know
the photographic community we serve is very appreciative of your efforts. It is
my hope that you all will continue to contribute and support the editorial
team. Today, I would also like to
welcome Barry Povey as the new Newsbrief Editor and wish you well in your new
role. We are also looking for members to join this team.
the convention in 2014 we saw the introduction of our new display system at
Geelong, which has proved to be a wonderful success, as it has proved so much easier
to transport and erect, not to mention giving our display a professional look.
this time we have also seen the introduction of a trail photo-book competition,
which was originally conceived, and conduct by John Spring. I would like to
take this moment to give a vote of thanks to John for his foresight for this
project. I would also encourage all our affiliated clubs to get behind this
concept, as I believe that it is a great way for photographers to
present/preserve their work and in the future we will see the emergence of many
more competitions and exhibitions for photographic books.
the next few months we will see the introduction of an electronic system for
the uploading of the interclub that is being designed by Peter Lawrence. It is
sure to simplify our system and will make it much easier for clubs. Thanks to
Peter Lawrence for his efforts in developing the system for VAPS, Peter Kewley,
Peter Calder and Alfred Zommers for their assistance in bringing this project to
fruition. I am sure that Peter Kewley will elaborate on this in due course.
project I have been proud to be involved with is the formation of the Australian
Photographic Judges Association. I must
thank Paul Robinson who quickly embraced the idea and has been a significant
figure in making this happen. Whilst this association is still in its infancy I
have no doubts that it will continue to grow and will be of great benefit to
all photographers Australia wide. To all that are involved thank you for your
commitment to improving standards Australia wide.
joining the VAPS committee I have had the privilege of working with some
amazing people who continually give up their time freely to see our association
flourish in order to support your clubs. I owe a personal debt of gratitude for
the support they have given me to represent the association in a way to
progress forward.
I must give a special thank you to Lorraine Holden our secretary who has given
up her time over the past 12 months to keep things going. In the absence of no
nominations for her position she has consented to do another year, which I must
personally thank her for her generosity to the commitment she has for the
association and the broader photographic community. This commitment is well and
truly above and beyond what she originally signed up for.
Jenny Colson, I thank you for all your work and dedication in keeping our finances
on track. Even when people are slow to submit their accounts, you still manage
to keep things balanced. Thank you for
keeping us all on track.
Margaret & Alfred Zommers, I take this opportunity to thank you for your
support and friendship. It is highly
valued and cherished and to Peter Kewley, I give my personal thanks for your
unyielding support and counsel.
I have named a few, there are many who have contributed and I would be here too
long to name and thank you all individually, so to all of you who have helped
and given service in any way, I will just say thank you from me and the
the incoming President Ian Rolfe, I congratulate you on your appointment and
hope that you will gain as much fulfilment as I have. Whilst it is a role that
will consume much of your time, I am sure you will find it a privilege and
rewarding position. To the incoming committee, thank you for commitment and
wish you all the best.
involvement with VAPS has been one that I will cherish, so I would like to take
this opportunity to encourage all those within our community to ask yourselves
how you can contribute and join the committee.
2009 I came to Victoria from Western Australia for one year and quickly fell in
love with the State, so much so that I decided it was to become our permanent
home. However, due to events over the past four weeks, we will be returning to
Western Australia on a permanent basis within the next six weeks. It is a
decision that has not come lightly, as I have come to value and embrace the
life style Victoria has given me. However, I have put my family first, so today
is very sad for me, as I know that I am giving up the opportunity to be part of
a wonderful community but I am leaving with many new friends. On behalf of Marg
and myself, I thank all those who have offered their prayers and heartfelt
thoughts. I look forward to continuing the friendships I have made and hope
that in some way I will still be able to contribute to VAPS.
Moved: Ron Speed Seconded: Alfred Zommers
(Knox) Carried
& AWARDS: (Margaret
Margaret informed the delegates that the SSVAPS and
Meritorious Service Award protocols have been adjusted and proceeded to read
the new protocols and advised that copies would be forwarded to clubs in due
NEWSBRIEF: (Karel Reus)
No report, as Karel was an apology.
JUDGING: (Alfred Zommers)
Alfred reported that VAPS was no longer running judges
courses and that these were now being run by APJA. At the moment he is just monitoring the
judges list which is sent out to clubs and currently all information on the
judges list is current.
HISTORY: (Alan Wilson)
Nothing to report at this stage.
WEBSITE: (Rebecca Nicolandos)
Although an apology for the meeting, Rebecca sent in
her report as follows:
On a weekly basis, we have had 836 unique visits to the web page and in
the previous week we had 1,277.
The Facebook page currently has 274 likes and provides a good connection
with people in social media circles and is another avenue to distribute
The main change to the website this year was that of the hosting
company. In April 2015 the hosting company was changed from Design Experts
based in Bendigo, to Pretty Digital based in Sydney. There were no interruptions
to our website during this time. Thanks to Betty Bibby for sourcing the best
hosting solution for us.
Recently, the domain name of vaps.com.au was relinquished. We had two
domain names in use, both directing traffic to the one website. As we are a
voluntary organisation we have selected to stay with .org.au. So please keep in
mind to type in www.vaps.org.au when searching directly for our site.
The Newsbrief page on the website has been very successful this year as
it allows people to subscribe to our newsletter from home. The data is
automatically entered into our Mailchimp account which distributes the
newsletter to club members and interested people.
REVIEW: (Peter Calder)
Peter reported that he, Margaret Zommers and Peter
Kewley will be looking at the By-Laws document and the Model Rules, to ensure
it is up to date.
REGISTER: (Jenny Colson)
Jenny reported that the
committee had purchased the following items in 2014/2015:
One HDMI Cable $20.00
Two Channel Receiver and
Microphones $1,026.00
One HDMI Spitter plug $16.95
Coupling for the trailer $49.00
One Microphone headset $73.50
2016: (Ron Speed)
are pleased to announce that the 2016 VAPS Convention and Interclub exhibition
will be held in ALBURY over the
weekend of JUNE 4th and 5th.
put their hand up to manage the Convention and mounting of the exhibition next
year and we are very grateful for the work that Brian Paatsch and the Albury
Wodonga club have put into securing a top rate venue for the convention.
will be held at the Albury Commercial Club where many successful VAPS and
APSCON events have been held in the past.
will be assured of a high standard of venue, catering and a great BBQ on the
VAPS Convention weekend in Albury also coincides with the opening of the new
Murray Art Museum Albury, (National Photographic exhibition with prize money
around the $40,000 mark). An extended, but separate, “Stay Another Day”
programme is being prepared to entice delegates to stay on and enjoy the new
Arts Museum and all that the region has to offer.
information will be distributed via Newsbrief and the VAPS website.
INTERCLUB 2016: (Peter Kewley)
are planning some important changes to the Interclub process.
will be a new web based upload system replacing the paper entries.
will be able to enter their maker’s details and upload the digital files
directly to the electronic form; Print titles and makers will also be entered
electronically and transmitted to the VAPS team.
will reduce the amount of work that goes into compiling the information each
year and hopefully cut down the workload by a number of days.
will put the onus of correct entries, maker’s names and files on to clubs.
Clubs will enter all details of EDPI, Prints and AV’s to the new system, Prints
and AV’s will still need to be delivered by the Mid Year meeting date.
also ask that clubs pack their prints in sleeves or portfolio cases and not use
wooden boxes where possible, Country club excepted where that are sent by post.
being is that the boxes take up so much room and that also cause damage in
passenger vehicles.
All portfolio reports moved by Lorraine Holden Seconded: Alfred Zommers
1. Gary Richardson (Melbourne Camera Club)
advised that they were ready to accept hosting of the VAPS AGM, Half Yearly
Meeting and Judging, as usual but also advised that renovations were to be
carried out at Melbourne Camera Club until mid year 2016.
2. Ian Bock (Melbourne Camera Club)
advised that with the PhotoBook Competition, now any supplier could produce a
book for a maximum cost of $100 and may be involved at the 2016 convention.
3. Ian Bock also advised that Monash
Gallery of Art was showing the 2015 Bowness Photography Prize entries
4. Vera Curnow, retiring member of the
committee, though unable to attend the meeting requested that her email, as
follows be read to the delegates.
I would like to thank the VAPS community and the
committee specifically in welcoming me in the role as general committee member
last year. I have thoroughly enjoyed spending time with planning and assisting
various aspects of the role including Newsbrief and the Convention in Bendigo.
Surprisingly to most, it was my first VAPS convention I had attended, and
having the unique opportunity to be witness to behind the scenes planning and
development of the convention activities, and helping to run the Friday night
social activities, I enjoyed learning and experiencing this in 2015.
Unfortunately my personal commitments require me to
step down from this position. I hope that in the future I will return to
committee in a more full capacity and the people I have met have made this last
year’s activities worthwhile to me personally as an added benefit. I encourage
anyone who would like to give some time to helping the committee to put their
hand up today and start the enjoyable participation of this VAPS committee and
gain much from the experience. Thank you. I will look forward to keeping in
touch with many of the friends I have made throughout this last year of
Ron advised that there would be a special resolution meeting held in
conjunction with the Half Yearly Meeting in 2016.
The following nominations were received:
President: Ian
Rolfe (Southern Suburbs Photographic Society)
Secretary: Lorraine
Holden (Camberwell Camera Club)
Treasurer: Jeanette Colson (Essendon Camera
Vice-President: Alfred
Zommers (Knox Photographic Society)
Vice-President: Peter
Kewley (Frankston Photographic Society)
Committee: Margaret
Zommers (Knox Photographic Society)
Calder (Southern Suburbs Photographic Society)
Povey (Berwick Viewfinder Camera Club)
Wilson (Essendon Camera Club)
Nicolandos (Camberwell Camera Club)
Half Yearly
Meeting – Sunday, 20 March 2016 – 1:30pm
Venue: St Peter’s Church, Cnr Neerim Road & Ames
Avenue, Murrumbeena
(Melways: 68 K5)
Before the meeting closed, Peter Kewley gave a vote of
thanks to Ron Speed for his contribution as President.
Meeting closed:
After the meeting concluded, Danielle LeGassick
(Pakenham Camera Club) and Betty Bibby (Ballarat Camera Club) were seconded to
the committee, with Betty Bibby being seconded, as her nomination form did not
arrive before the meeting commenced.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Geelong by Nature Photography Competition
The Geelong by Nature Photography Competition is open again. Entries are open until 22 January 2016 an attached are the guidelines and terms and conditions. The Geelong by Nature photography exhibition will run the same dates as the Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2015 exhibition at the National Wool Museum, Geelong 29 January – 15 May 2016. More information visit:
Tanya Stedwell
Marketing Officer
T: 61 3 5272 4701
M: 0418 351 513
VAPS Newsbrief Dec 2015
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