DO NOT FORGET YOUR CAMERA, TRIPOD AND FLASH and a jacket in case the temperature drops.
To further whet your appetite for 2016, go to the "Calender 2016 pageof this blog" for this year's programme and 'Capture an Idea' words.
Welcome to the start of our new programme for 2016. I hope everyone enjoyed Christmas and the New Year, and now you are all fired up and snap-happy for 2016.
Our first meeting will be Wednesday February 10th. at 7.00pm .
Important note – for this month only our meeting will start at the Yea Y Water Centre.
We will have a short presentation from Ron Litjens and then utilising the light evening, we will have a guided walk through the Wetlands. Ron is a well known wildlife photographer and will show us the best spots for photography.
Prior to the walk we will view and judge the entries to our monthly competition. Remember to bring your entry – this month the subject is ORANGE.
We may also have time to review the rules and judging of the competition.
We may also have time to review the rules and judging of the competition.
To further whet your appetite for 2016, go to the "Calender 2016 pageof this blog" for this year's programme and 'Capture an Idea' words.
John your secretary