Monday, 17 October 2016

General Meeting Oct 2016

General meeting of the Yea Camera Club Inc.held Wednesday 12th October @ 7.00pm in the Yea RSL.

Present: John & Joy Clayton, Alan Synnott,  Alan Cole, Ann & Andrew Potts, Gidget Knight, Ann Anstey, Phil Glowacki, Maree Hanby, Val Uhd,  Stuart McLennan

Apologies: Kerry Gouldthorpe, Judy & Keith Hoffman, Michael Minter, Pauline Roberts

Capture an Idea Photos “ Weeds” were judged by the members.

Guest Presenter
Photo courtesy AlanS
Jenni Tanner was introduced and presented on the post camera production of Black and White photographs. This technique has far more processing options than “in Camera” processing. She outlined several Photoshop techniques and her preferred option of “solid colour adjustment layer”. Jenni also listed the attributes that contribute to a good black and white photograph.  It was interesting to learn that all her B & W photos start as Raw colour photos because of the greater level of data in colour compared to in camera B & W.

Whittlesea Show
Alan Cole offered to take member photos to the Whittlesea Show.

Gap photos from last month’s Capture an idea were not available so judging results were not announced. Next month’s subject is DOOR/S .

The outing to Healesville Sanctuary is a week on  Sunday, the 23rd October. Cost is $24.90 for Pensioners and $29.30 for seniors. Meet at the entry at 10.30am . Lunch at your cost.
Please let me know if you are coming so that we can wait for you at the gate.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

50% OFF DISCONTINUED Mounts (20x16" Outer to suit 14x7" Prints) ONLY $3


50% OFF

20x16" Image Art Mounts

to suit 14x7" Prints

Available in any QTY

Buy 1 or Buy 100

Offer valid until stocks last.

Due to a lack of demand,
we are clearing out these
Image Art Mounts.
20x16" Outer to suit 14x7" Print (2:1 panoramic ratio)
Here is your chance to purchase individual mounts!
ONLY $3.00 each 
(plus GST & Freight)

ORDER NOW - Click Here
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Weather photos

Tanya Dendrinos is the local weather presenter for WIN News.

As part of her segment each night she features a viewer

Tanya is requesting interested club members to submit their weather photos for her to use on the segment. Contact Tanya at the email address below for more information.

You must include the following information with each photo submitted;
  • your name
  • location - where it was taken
  • date taken
  • a short description of the photograph

Do not reduce the size as she will need a high resolution photo to get clear projection

The email address is: weather(at)

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Next meeting

It seems that now is holiday season. I have received several apologies for tomorrow's meeting.

We have a guest presenter – Jenni Tanner- and we would really like a good turnout of members to make her effort and travel worthwhile. If it is possible, please come and enjoy the evening with your fellow members.


Upcoming Melbourne photography workshop

We have a fantastic photography workshop coming up in November on food and event photography that we would like to share with you and your photography club.

Join us for a "Shoot the Chef" food photography demonstration with Fairfax Media photographer Eddie Jim and Dinner by Heston head chef Ashley Palmer-Watts.
The event is on Friday, 11 November at Crown Riverwalk Southbank and tickets are $79.
It would be great if you could share this workshop with your photography club members should they be interested. For more information on this event, and for members to purchase tickets, please follow this link:
​Please let me know if you have any questions or queries.​ We would love to see some of you there.
Kind regards,
Danielle & the Clique team.
Fairfax Media
Danielle Giannopoulos | StudentClique Coordinator & Clique Support| Fairfax Media



VAPS Newsbrief October 2016

VAPS Newsbrief
View this email in your browser
Victorian Association of Photographic Societies Inc.
October 2016. Vol. 43, No 9.


Subscribe here:
Unsubscribe: See the link at the end of the email.
VAPS Annual General Meeting.
6 November 2016

Details have been sent to clubs.

Message from the President
Greetings everyone,
Winter seems to want to hang on tenaciously here in Victoria and the usual warm spring is still yet to come. It's a great time however, to get out there and photograph something different. Rising creeks and rivers and gushing waterfalls and flooded valleys are wonderful subjects and we don't normally see it like this.  It's unfortunate of course, for those poor folk who have suffered in the floodwaters throughout rural victoria, but the seasons come and go and there is nothing we can do about that!

Also of good news is the number of clubs in and around Melbourne who have decided to make it an official day out and club event to attend the Tesselaar Tulip Festival this year. There is still time to consider this and the forms and coupon are in this issue of News-brief.
This issue also announces the 2017 VAPS Interclub and Annual Convention to be held at the Monash University Peninsula Campus. The Frankston Photographic club is the Proud Supporter of this event and the Line-up of Speakers, workshops and social gatherings will make it a must attend for us all if we haven't already made travel plans for next May. Some club members find it difficult to get to some of the VAPS conventions as they are held in rural Victoria, so 2017 will be easier for many and less costly, as the majority who attend will not have accommodation costs to consider. Put it in your 2017 Calendar now!!
My very best to you all

Ian Rolfe 

Return to Contents

Message from the Newsbrief Editor
Spring is here.
I apologise for a mistake in the date for the VAPS AGM. I was two days out. The correct date is indicated in this issue and the VAPS website copy..

An interesting competition for you. The mEYE World Photographic Competition 2016 is now open.  There's a prize pool of over $8,000. You will be supporting Macular Disease Foundation Australia in raising awareness of the macular disease. -
See more at:

The BROWNESS Photographic Award winner has been announced. Finalists are exhibited at the Monash Gallery of Art. I remember going to the exhibition of 2015 finalists with a couple of friends last year and found the images created much strong discussion amongst us. If you want to see images that make you think, plan a visit. I will be there again.

Barry Povey (Berwick Viewfinders Camera Club)
Danielle Le Gassick (Pakenham Camera Club)
Return to Contents
VAPS Annual General Meeting


VAPS Annual Convention
27-8 May 2017.




Fantastic Speaker Lineup:
Tom Putt outstanding Landscape photographer, Tom will take us on a surprising photographic journey
Darran and Pearce Leal, Photographic Travel adventures to places far afield, rare opportunity to have this dynamic Father and Son team together
Craig Wetjen, Photographic Studies Collage, defining the image, making of his award book, "The Men's Shed"
Roosters Overland, by motorbike to Iran, a photographic adventure to be told
Ballarat Biennale Creative Director. A new approach to the Biennale

"Lunch included both days"
Friday Social Dinner Frankston RSL
Saturday Formal Awards Night Frankston Arts Centre
++ Plus more to come
The VAPS 2017 Convention and Interclub Exhibition will be a fantastic weekend, plan your visit now!

Registration forms available later this year
Accommodation availability soon to be announced
Updates in VAPS Newsbrief and on the website
Subject to change
2016 Tesselaar Tulip Festival Photographic Competition








Name your images with one of the above descriptions and be in the running for cash prizes.

Attention All Camera Clubs


VAPS has partnered with Tesselaar Tulip Farm to bring you an exciting digital competition. See the flyer in this Newsbrief for the details.

This will be a Club entry, not individual members. Members will need to lodge their best digital images taken at the Tulip Festival during 8th September and 4th October with their clubs, and clubs will need to select the top 10 entries.

Clubs will then need to load their digital entries up to the VAPS Competition website,,  just as you did for the Interclub.

If your Competition Steward has lost the current club login to the VAPS system or you need a new one please request a new password or use the Contacts tab to contact us.

Digital images for the competition must have been taken between 8th September and 4th October and be uploaded to the system by the 14th October.

When entering your digital images please put the category name followed by a hyphen and then the title;


There is no restriction on the number of images per member or category, however, the total maximum per club is 10.

Where the image title is not preceded by the category, the adjudicators will place that image into the appropriate category.

The Tulip Competition will only accept Digital Images, please follow the normal login process and ignore any reference to Prints.

A number of the VAPS forms are being updated and turned into Interactive PDF forms.
This means that you can type directly into the fillable spaces, save the document and print it by using the hot buttons in the document.

To read these documents you need the Adobe Acrobat Free Reader which can be accessed and downloaded from the link below,

So if you don't have the Adobe Reader installed, get it now. It is free and an industry standard.

Of course, you can still print the Interactive forms and complete them manually if you want to do that.

Click on the Adobe Icon below to go to the Adobe download page

Remember to save the PDF once you have completed the details required.
Now is the time for clubs to start thinking about Year Bars and Service Awards.

These are presented annually at the VAPS Awards Dinner held with the VAPS Convention.

Year Bars are important to members.
Starting at 10 years membership and available in 5-year increments, they are recognition of your member's service and support for your club. They are $12.50 each but some clubs recycle them. Do you have accurate records of eligible members? If not you can see who has received what on the VAPS website.  If you spot any errors there, please let the Badges and Awards officer know.

Service Awards
There are two levels of service awards that are available to club members.

Meritorious and State Service awards.
Again these are important levels of recognition for your members' efforts. Criteria apply to these awards and all information can be found on the VAPS website under Documents,

Clubs should be looking at recognising their member's efforts where appropriate.

Photographic Safari Tours
From Clubs/Societies and Others
VAPS Interclub 2017



Due to vehicle and storage and weight restrictions next year
we will not be able to accept club wooden boxes
for club prints.


Clubs are requested to use A2 folios that are available from
Office Works ($60), Riot Art Supplies and Seniors Art Supplies.
Hills Photographic Society Inc
The Hills Photographic Society Inc. is now up and running, and we are holding
our first image evaluation night on the 13th October.

We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each the month at 8 pm.

Meetings are held at:-
U3A House
402 Main Street (On some maps 402 Belgrave-Gembrook Road)
Emerald, VIC.

Our website link is
New members welcome, we can be contacted through the Contacts page on the website.
Look forward to seeing you soon

Wodonga Albury Camera Club

Challenge Presentations Annual Paatsch Shield

On Sunday the 11th of September 2016, Wodonga Albury Camera Club and Benalla Camera Club met at Wangaratta for the 2016 Paatsch Shield Challenge presentation. The day commenced with a casual stroll through the Wangaratta markets and surrounding parklands followed by a social lunch at the Wangaratta Club.

Following lunch, the images, submitted by both clubs, were reviewed along with  the judges' comments.[Vicki Moritz had kindly judged the images] As always, the quality and diversity of the images were outstanding and only four points stood between the winning club and its counterpart.

Individual awards were presented to third place was Jen Fawkes with her image "The Old Register". In second place was Vicki Cain with her image "Past Remedies" Coming in first place was Monika King with her image "Old News".  Additional merit awards were also presented.

The combined efforts resulted in Wodonga Albury Camera Club winning the Paatsch Shield for 2016
Top left: Jen Fawkes presents individual winning mug to Monika King [WACC]
Top Right: David Willis [Wodonga Albury C/C] accepts the Shield from Jen Fawles [Benalla C/C]
Bottom:  Monika's winning image "Old News" [Taken on a Samsung Mobile Phone]

Great Photographic Adventures
A Guide to Entering Photographic Salons



If you pursue an interest in photography for any length of time and join a club or society, you will eventually become aware of the world of the photographic salons or exhibitions. It can be extremely confusing at first and somewhat daunting. For instance, you get to see some photographers with entire alphabets of letters after their name, some still even striving for glory or the next honour, discussing acceptances, merits and awards across the Internet. Then there are the online forums dedicated to the pros and cons of different salons, and how much better one patronage is over another. For a beginner, it is bewildering. It can be a very confusing world to enter and it certainly isn't for everyone. Hopefully, this article will explain the idea behind the Salon and help you decide if this section of photography is for you. It can become the most rewarding aspect of your photography and give you a real sense of achievement. Interestingly, my great Uncle was a founding member of the Linked ring (an organisation established in the nineteenth century whose sole aim was to promote photography as an art form) and they coined the term Salon for all the photographic exhibitions they proposed to run, which is still used today all around the world, over 120 years later! These Salons or exhibitions can be localised, be run nationally or even international in scope. In most cases, a camera club or photography society creates their salon with a few core sections - "open colour", "monochrome" and "nature" and these three sections you will almost always find - and often, additional sections depending on the individual tastes & interests of the organisers.

Now, this may sound like a lot of time and effort and whether or not it represents value for money and a worthwhile investment of time is up to you, but here is why I consider it all very worthwhile in getting involved in local, national and international salons.

It can broaden your horizons.

Even though I sell my work online every day, through stock libraries with the type of photography I am involved in, it's very important for me to always have a consistent style of photo they want. But, Salons are so different, because it's so much more Art based and subject to styling and current trends. Now, while a substantial amount of what I see winning awards is less than what I would consider acceptable, I've also seen some stunning work that's very inspiring. With so many photographers involved you are guaranteed to see a range of styles and standards, all of which is useful to study and understand.

It can be motivating.

Projects are a great way to get you out shooting and working towards the international accreditations is just another type of project. While it may not help you sell more photos or get likes on Facebook, working towards a goal over a number of months & years can definitely be rewarding and leave you with a great portfolio of images.

You can make new friends!

Salons often offer group rates for 5 or 6 photographers who submit work together. As well as being cheaper than individual entry, joining a group can be useful for making new friends and getting feedback on your work from experienced exhibitioners. Your own club may do a group entry or maybe the neighbouring club, which then broadens your friendship in the photographic world.

It can improve your photography.

Having to think very critically about what you submit is something you should already be doing! But as a general rule, judges are extremely harsh when it comes to easily fixed errors - if you keep this in mind when preparing your images your final result will be better. Likewise, seeing the types of images doing the rounds across the salon scene can help inspire you to shoot new subjects in different ways, or apply different post-processing techniques to create a new look and feel to your images.

So, getting back to the club or society that wants to run a Salon: with their particular Salon all set up, the photo club or society will then approach a few international associations for their patronage - bodies like FIAP and PSA exist to promote photography and standards in international exhibitions and also to supply a range of awards to recognise photographic merit in these exhibitions. The idea is that a photographic salon with either FIAP or PSA patronage means that images are judged to a fair and usually good and reliable standard, regardless of where in the world the exhibition is. On a localised or National level, such as here in Australia, a Salon is advertised within the photographic community and on the web and this Salon is usually, but not confined to, being patronised by photographers within the country. On an international level, photographers from around the world are invited via adverts and the web to submit images for each section of a Salon. The limit is four photos per section, so depending on the Salon, the photographer can be submitting anywhere from 12 to even 20 plus images to a single salon. All photographers make a payment to enter a salon and it's not guaranteed that images they enter will win an award or even be accepted. It depends hugely on the relative standard of each photographer's work and the tastes of individual judges as to what is accepted into their salon. By and large though, quality work is universally recognised, though as with every art form sometimes there is no accounting for taste. It's amazing to see what would be accepted or get an award in one country and not even make the grade in another.

Once the entry phase has passed, the images are judged to standards set by whomever they have received patronage from and a week or two later, the results for the Salon are published. Many Salons then hold real-world exhibitions in a public venue to display the images that have won awards for the public to come and see. Photos that have won awards, commendations or honourable mentions are then sent certificates, small trophies or medals and in rare cases a salon may offer monetary prizes. The rest of the images are either accepted or declined and each photographer is given a report card showing their results. The notion of an acceptance is important, as this is the basis to grow your number count towards your next level. You may also see reference to something called circuits. This is basically a collective of salons and often organised by national bodies within one or more countries. The idea is very similar - you submit images for each section but instead of going to one salon, the same set of photos goes to three or more linked Salons for judging. As a result, it is possible to pay for one submission to a circuit and get far more acceptances or chances of an award than entering a single Salon, and it's always cheaper than entering the same number of individual Salons.

So, what is the point of doing all this? Unless you're a stunning photographer with a huge portfolio of world-class images, the goal of most photographers entering a Salon is to earn acceptances. This means your photograph is officially recorded as meeting a minimum standard by the Salon judges and they want to include it in that year's suite of exhibited images. These acceptances then tie-in to the governing bodies already mentioned. FIAP & PSA are the two prestigious ones, although others are starting to emerge in other parts of the world. Here is a description of the two main bodies:

FIAP - Fédération Internationale de l'Art Photographique, is an international association of photography comprised of more than 85 national associations.

PSA - Photographic Society of America is, despite its name, another international association but differs from FIAP that it offers membership to individuals, clubs and national bodies. It also has other activities for individual photographers to become involved in beyond exhibition patronage.

These bodies differ in history and where they are based but their stated goals are essentially there to further photography as an art form and hobby, to provide standards in international exhibitions and to recognise and reward skilled photographers. Each has different levels of support it offers to individuals in terms of learning opportunities but in the context of this guide, they exist to set standards and provide the awards you compete for when entering a Salon. They also offer accreditations for ongoing successful acceptances and awards over time.

For most photographers, acceptances are the main incentive for entering an exhibition. Awards are lovely, but as anyone who has ever entered a photographic competition knows, judges are fickle with wildly differing tastes. Photographic art is extremely subjective!

However, FIAP the PSA and APS offer accreditations, which recognise the success photographers have earned in patronised Salons. This is where the letters after photographer's names come from and indicate how successful someone has been in Salons over a period of time. Information about the different levels and the points needed is available from the FIAP, PSA and APS websites directly and is subject to review and change - but the general idea is each level of accreditation requires a minimum number of acceptances and awards across different salons in different countries. Sometimes it depends if the acceptance is a physical print or a projected digital image. So basically, you enter salons to get acceptances. You get acceptances to earn accreditations. Accreditations give you those all important letters after your name and you can judge from the level of accreditation a photographer has, as to what general level of achievement that photographer has reached and how good their work is viewed as art at international Salons.

So, what kind of photographic work should we aim to create and enter? This depends entirely on firstly, the quality of your work and secondly, what you like to shoot. As a general rule, most exhibitors submit four colour and four monochrome images as a minimum and then, depending on the other sections in the Salon, might submit nature, travel or landscape images too. Here is a good starting suggestion: build up images in each of the following categories-

Colour - this is a very broad category and is generally a bucket for anything that doesn't fall into one of the other allowed sections. No specific theme in most Salons, the only time a theme would apply is if there are other specific sections. E.g. if a Salon has a portrait section and a colour section, you wouldn't be expected to submit portraits in the colour section.

Monochrome - again it's usually an open, broad category for monochrome images. It normally allows for "one colour" toned images OR black and white, but duo-tone is not monochrome and your image will be rejected if submitted as a duo-tone into a monochrome section.

Nature - this is a very restrictive section with some special rules. Within nature, the PSA and FIAP often define sub-sections, specifically "Nature" referring to the natural world which CAN include captive animals, natural events and phenomena and so on. "Wildlife" specifically restricts you to wild animals and you have to be able to prove the animals were wild if requested. Showing human influence in either section is a grey area and usually frowned upon but, frustratingly, depends on context and individual judges. A wild animal that lives entirely in an urban environment should theoretically be eligible for either sub-section, for example, but some judges just reject images with even a hint of human involvement. Photo manipulation is also strictly forbidden for all but the most basic adjustments.

Travel, a fair broad category with varying definitions that overlaps a lot with colour/monochrome. The best way to define travel is "scenes of life and human endeavour from outside the country the salon is held in". The other notable difference is in similar restrictions on Photoshop that exists with nature and wildlife. Think Newspapers, magazines, World Press Photo and it's broadly the same - humans doing things, with minimal Photoshop.

Portraits/Landscapes/Macros. Some Salons like to have specific genres of photography and split them off into their own section, usually because the club running the Salon has an interest in that style of photography. Although splitting genres is very common, less frequently are even more narrow sections such as Monochrome Landscape. Usually, the sections are self-explanatory; just make sure you read the Salon rules.

Creative/Experimental - though all photos need some degree of post-production, a common new section is specifically for "Creative" photography, sometimes called Experimental. The most common definition is that the author can use elements from any photograph they have taken to build a new image from scratch. This means you can effectively compose any scene you can imagine and composite it together in Photoshop, but each element must be from a photograph you have taken; stock photography and entirely artificial elements are usually not allowed. Be aware that just because a Salon might have a Creative section, it doesn't mean that photo-shopped images won't be seen in some categories and there's a lot of online debate about how much is too much when it comes to photo-shopped images that are not in the Experimental section. Appreciation & acceptance of this type of image seems to vary from country to country but broadly speaking, it is gaining in popularity and will no longer be an issue like is has in the past.

After you've checked the relevant sections for the Salon you are interested in and picked/processed your best images you either upload/email your digital images (often at a specific resolution & limited file size) or post your prints to the organiser and wait for the results.

The question of being good enough is not an easy one to answer. However, you won't know until you try and the general rule of thumb is that quality always tends to do well. Although a lot of online debate suggests tailoring your entry for the country and salon you're entering it is best to ignore most of the so called expert competition discussion and advice and just enter your best possible images. You can look at previous exhibition entries and winners to gauge the overall level of quality and even see if a particular Salon feels like it has a theme in what it accepts. For example, a large number of Salons in Europe seem to favour heavily photo-shopped images within their awards and acceptance lists, suggesting a regional preference for images with a certain look and feel. Salons in the United States love the way Australian photographers capture images, and most will find they are very successful with USA based Salons. When you have a better feel for the whole process, you can then look to refining your entries for different regions of the world.

Really though, simply put, you won't know if you are "good enough" until you submit your images and get your first results card. Be sure to check out the Salon catalogue you will receive too - this shows what you were competing against and what judges liked the look of. If you're just entering Salons for fun, you don't really need to do anything. However, if you are going to take Salons seriously, and work towards accreditations, it's very important you keep a log of what you entered, where you entered it, the result and a few other important facts. From here, you need to choose if you are going to work towards APS honours and/or PSA, FIAP, RPS or even more. It's a good suggestion to log information for all you want to work towards, so you can choose later on and not have to go trawling back through old emails looking for what was accepted into which category many years ago! Good paperwork is essential, as is the storing or your catalogues for the verification and application of your levels.

Next, you need to check with your national photographic body which is the APS and with the international bodies too, what their acceptance criteria for accreditations are. It is best to aim for the entry-level awards first, because they normally require a few tens of acceptances, in a dozen countries/salons with a certain proportion of your entries as prints. For instance APS entry level is LAPS and only requires fifty acceptances. Once you're submitting and recording, you can shift focus back to taking more photographs and planning how to reach your first accreditation with those subsequent wonderful images you keep on taking.

The decision on whether to or not to chase exhibition glory is very personal. My biggest recommendation is to think seriously about it and try it a couple of times to see how you find the process and how much satisfaction that brings. The results are always exciting because you are pitching your images against thousands of others and it helps your photography immensely. It's certainly not for everyone, but that in itself shouldn't stop you from at least trying it. So, here is an outline to help you on your way:

1 . Work on your portfolio. Have at least four solid images for each section you want to enter. A good suggestion is colour and monochrome as a minimum, plus extras for other sections like travel, journalism, portraits , etc.

2. Start with a digital competition. Though you will need to enter print competitions eventually (for FIAP accreditation), for your first salon it's much easier to do digital only. Look for one that ideally has been running for a few years.

3. Make sure it's FIAP and PSA patronised. You want both at this stage. Most Salons are patronised by both these organisations.

4. Read the rules for the Salon carefully. Although Salons with FIAP and PSA patronage must adhere to core rules, it's still worth checking things like the resolution needed for your files, the cost and any other special rules.

5. Submit your entry. Upload your files to the Salon website. Make sure you use unique names for each image and that you record the names of all the files you sent AND the categories you sent it for. Make sure too, that you record the PSA category as well as the Salon category for each one you enter.

Good luck with your photographic endeavours!
Article from APS E News Sep 2016 with author's permission.

South Gippsland Camera Club - Foster Camera Club
The Foster Camera Club has changed its name to represent the broad area from which members are drawn. The new President is Roger Keagle. Continuing cheers to the good people at SGCC (South Gippsland Camera Club).
Ballarat Camera Club
With a change of direction from the Art Gallery of Ballarat, the Ballarat National Exhibition is now being run every second year. 
The 2016 Competition is currently open and invites entries from all camera enthusiasts in seven categories, covering Open Monochrome and Colour, Nature, Photojournalism/Social Documentary, Creative/Experimental, Landscape/Seascape and People/Portrait.
Entries close 2nd November 2016, With the Exhibition being on display at the Art Gallery of Ballarat from 10th December until 18th January 2017.
Entry forms are available for download from our website
and judging is by a very competent and professional team of judges.
Co-ordinator Liz Cocks SSAPS  SSVAPS can also be contacted by phone on 03 5339 2650
For Sale
(Free ads for members of affilated clubs)
2 x AF-S Nikko 28-300mm f3.5-5.6G ED VR lenses.
We have taken several excellent award-winning images with these lenses.
Excellent condition in their original boxes.
(We are upgrading to 70-200 f2.8 lenses.)
$500 each
Contact Alfred Zommers
0414 336 234
Western Plains Photography Club
Warragul Camera Club Inc.
Judges and Presenters at your Club
Every year, when we put our syllabus together, we turn to the "Victorian Judges List" to engage judges and presenters for our monthly meetings.

These people are members of the photographic community that volunteer their time to come along to our meetings. In the past, there has been very little training for potential judges and no continuing training at all for existing judges. A group has been formed to try and rectify this.

The APJA (Judges Association) has put together a series of 1-day seminars to help current judges and potential judges become better trained and be of greater help to clubs.

As current judges retire, one thing is for certain, if we don't train up new judges, it will be increasingly difficult to engage judges and speakers. Also, there will be little or no improvement in judging standards if there is no ongoing training.

Please support this initiative. If you would like to attend the next round of Level 1 training the details are below. There is no compulsion to become a judge. It is an excellent opportunity to increase your "Image Evaluation" skills.
Victorian 3D Society
Do you want to see the above picture and many others in 3D?
You can go to the final meeting of the Victorian 3D Society on the 5 Dec 2016, at 8:00pm in the Horrie Watson Pavillion, Whitehorse Rd, Deepdene (Melway Map 46 A7). You will not be disappointed!

For further details, contact the Secretary Mal McCormick on 03 9459 4843, email:
The Victorian 3D Society and the Sydney Stereo Camera Club alternately host the biennial Australian National Stereo Photography Convention. The first Convention was held in Canberra in 1967 and Canberra has been selected by the Sydney host club for our 50th Anniversary Convention from Friday 7th to Sunday 9th April 2017. See Previous editions of the newsbrief for all details.
MGA - Monash Gallery of Art
The winners of the BROWNESS Photographic Prize has been announced.
Australasian Journal of Ageing - 2016 Photographic Competition
VIGEX 1st International Digital Salon - 2016
You can see the 2016 Results here.
Electronic PDF Catalogue  08 October 2016 - Downloadable free from website:
Mailing of Awards             23 October 2016 
This salon is being conducted by VIGEX Inc, which has been running the VIGEX Print Salons since 1980

Australian Photographic Judges Association

APJA training 2017 

Australian Photographic Judges Association is conducting training in 2017 for Levels 2, and 3 and 4.
If you are a judge then this training is for you. If you are interested in becoming a judge then this training is for you.
If you are just interested in learning more and improving your photography skills then this training is for you.

All are held at  St. Peters Anglican Church Hall
Cnr. Ames Ave & Neerim Rd Murrumbeena.  (Melway 68 K5)
BYO lunch. Morning and afternoon teas provided.
Cost:    APJA members                                       $25
            Persons on the current Judges List         $35
            Others                                                   $50

Details of training courses will be announced when finalised.

Port of Melbourne - Photo Oportunity

These boat tours would make great photograph opportunities.

Link to Port of Melbourne boat tours.

VAPS, Organisational member of Australian Photographic Society

Competition Opportunity

Lake Macqaurie National Exhibition of Digital Photography
Closes: 31st October 2016

Photo Opportunity

It's all-hands-on-deck in the Queen Victoria Gardens. 
It was a great photo opportunity last year and looks like it will be this year as well.
From October 2016 to February 2017.

Read more
Victorian Associations of Photographic Societies Inc
Proudly acknowledges as a returning and valued sponsor

Imagebank Australia

At this year's interclub competition, Imagebank Australia awarded vouchers to the value of $100 toward any size Acrylic print to 20 photographers selected from the AIPC Victorian print finalists.

The deadline that these vouchers must be used by is 1 September 2016.

The AIPC selection committee selected prints nominated to go on to the AIPC judging. Selected prints were  identified on the exhibition boards.

On behalf of the VAPS community, we would like to thank the management and staff of Imagebank Australia for their kind and generous sponsorship and we look forward to a long association.

We ask all our members to support Imagebank Australia by visiting their website at and utilising their expert services for your next important print work.
Victorian Association of Photographic Societies Inc Welcomes Epson Australia Pty Ltd
A new and valued sponsor for our members' benefit.
Special Offer from Epson for VAPS Club Members
Register at the following link to receive a $20 online shop voucher as well as many offers from the Epson range of products.
We encourage our club members to support Epson in your next printer purchase. Visit their website at to get all of the information on the new Epson SureColor SC‐P600.
Thank you Epson for your support to the Camera Clubs of Victoria
Any members of an accredited Camera Club or Society interested in evaluating images or judging are invited to apply to join the Australian Photographic Judges Association.
You do not need to be an active judge to be a member.
The prime objective of the Association is to help develop the evaluation and judging skills of members.
Further information contact:
Rob Sloane:   or
Paul Robinson:


or go to the VAPS Website at

Open the News tab and select Newsbrief newsletters.
There you can subscribe for a free email copy of Newsbrief.
Keep up with all of the announcements and news from the clubs.
Hard copy of Newsbrief is not be available in 2016
VAPS Committee Listing
Ian Rolfe

Vice President/Chair Judging Sub-committee
Alfred Zommers

Vice President /Interclub
Peter Kewley,
0429 826960

Lorraine Holden
(03) 9557 7951

Jeanette Colson

Badges & Awards
Web Administrator/Convention

Policy and Documentation
Peter Calder

Newsbrief Editor
Barry Povey
(03) 9798 7441

History & Archives
Alan Wilson

Committee Member/Assistant Web Admin.
Betty Bibby

Committee Member
Danielle LeGassick

Return to Contents

Victorian Association
of Photographic Societies Inc.

General Enquiries:
P.O. Box 2010, South Melbourne, Victoria, 3205
Lorraine Holden:
VAPS Objectives
  • To advance the art of photography.
  • To further the interests of affiliated bodies.
  • To draw up regulations governing exhibitions and inter-club competitions.
  • To arrange the exchange of guest lecturers and demonstrations on any subject relating to photography.
  • To arrange the exchange of prints between clubs.
  • To arrange periodical conventions for members of affiliated bodies and guests.
  • To arrange the publication of an official journal or news sheet .
A Brief History:
Camera clubs have existed in Melbourne since the 1890's and an umbrella organisation called the Victorian Photographic Affiliation was formed in 1908. This guided amateur photography in Victoria for forty years. The Victorian Association of Photographic Societies was formed on 27 September 1952 and comprised of 12 clubs. This has grown to more than 70 clubs in Jan 2016. VAPS is a non-profit association that is entirely self-funded. The Association is run by an elected Committee of Management which is responsible for the operations of the Association, and for ensuring the Association fulfils the objectives.
Victorian Association of Photographic Societies welcomes contributions from interested parties, however, Victorian Association of Photographic Societies accepts no responsibility for the content of these contributions and the views contained therein are not necessarily those of Victorian Association of Photographic Societies. While every care is taken with solicited and unsolicited materials supplied, Victorian Association of Photographic Societies does not accept any liability for loss or damage however caused. Victorian Association of Photographic Societies takes no responsibility for the claims made by advertisers or transactions by. Does not endorse the products sold on the website/Newsbrief or enter into any of the exchanges. Nor is the Victorian Association of Photographic Societies responsible for any exchanging of information or monetary amounts. All transactions are solely the responsibility of the advertiser and purchaser.
Material on the Victorian Association of Photographic Societies site or the Newsbrief may not be reproduced or published elsewhere without the written consent of the publisher, Victorian Association of Photographic Societies. All rights reserved.
Advertising in Newsbrief
Would you like to contribute to Newsbrief? If you do, then it would be helpful if you use the following.
  • Reformatting of text will occur (fonts and size) to suit the email format. (Paragraph 14, Heading 16-18, San serif fonts)
  • Images can be submitted as jpegs or pdf up to 300 ppi.
Images will be reduced in size as appropriate for email. Text submissions preferred in Microsoft Word format. Images are preferred as JPEG.
PDF files can be accommodated.
Costs: Ads of any size.
Commercial $100 per issue
Commercial (Member discount) $50 per issue
Affiliated Clubs and their members, free.

Contact the editor if you have questions.
Next Issue - November
Newsbrief publication deadline 26 October 2016.
Newsbrief Editor: Barry Povey:
Copyright © 2016 Victorian Association of Photographic Societies, All rights reserved.
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Victorian Association of Photographic Societies
P.O. Box 2010
South Melbourne, Vic 3205

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