Wednesday, 14 December 2016

A $1,000 award from Birdlife Australia Photography

Every two years, Birdlife Photography Australia runs the Tom Oliver award, which is named in honour of one of our members who was a particularly good educator in photography.

The award has two sections, with a prize for each.  One award is valued at $1,000 and is for the winner in the adult section.  In addition, there is a $500 prize in the "rising star" section; which is for
entrants who are 18 years or under at the time of entering.

The award is not a photographic competition, but rather an award for
people who have created the educational material the judges feel best helps photographers take better pictures of birds.  There is no cost to enter, nor is there a limit to the number of entries per person. An entry does not have to be in a particular format.

Please find attached the full details of how to enter and the award's rules. We would appreciate it if you were to pass this information to your group members who may be interested in entering.

Best wishes,
Les Peters
for Birdlife Australia Photographic group.

Click here to go to Birdlife Photography site  where there are a number of competitions on the go.
Take a look and be impressed!

Fwd: Fw: VAPS Newsbrief December 2016

VAPS Newsbrief
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Victorian Association of Photographic Societies Inc.
December 2016. Vol. 43, No 11.


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Message from the President

Greetings everyone,
Another year comes to a close and all of us will reflect on the many photographic activities we have engaged in and the journeys we have completed, also, events and places that have added to our life experience, and maybe some of us have filled yet another hard drive with images!

The AGM has come and gone with most committee members electing to stay on for another year of service. I must thank Lorraine Holden and commend her for many wonderful years of loyal service as secretary for VAPS. We are all sincerely grateful for all her unselfish work and dedication. Our committee works hard behind the scenes to run the association efficiently and I would like to thank all members for their untiring work too. It was very pleasing to see a unanimous vote for the APJA to be substantially funded for three years by VAPS. This is so the very important work of organising seminars, particularly into the higher levels with the aid of skilled professionals as keynote presenters will eventuate. The training and mentoring for beginners and new ones will, of course, continue, with the end result being, that all clubs in Victoria will benefit from an overall improvement in judging standards. The aim is to make the APJA world class and I think we have a very good chance of that becoming a reality.

Congratulations to the winners of the Tesselaar Tulip farm photographic competition and it was lovely to welcome Melanie from the company to present the prizes. They felt it was a good success overall and so, would like us to promote and run that competition again next year.

The APS committee is continuing to work on the 2018 convention plans, with 2017 now well in hand. It will also continue to work closely with the APJA to ensure its success for the next year's programs it is organising to run.

Finally, I wish each and every member of all the Victorian clubs a very safe and happy year's end. Stay safe and enjoy your families gatherings and hopefully see many of you again sometime in the new year.

All the best

Ian Rolfe
Message from the Newsbrief Editor
Well, it's the end of 2016! Many thanks to everyone who has contributed material to Newsbrief for this year.

I hope Newsbriefs  have helped your club/society, particularly in giving thought to what you have planned for 2017. I know my club has done a lot of planning for 2017. I think it will be an interesting year for sure.

I have monitored a lot of hardware development over 2016 and, more than that, watched what software developers have been doing. We get amazed by hardware development but forget the development that software companies and their software engineers have done or had underway. I have seen a couple of very interesting RAW converters starting to be released. These might even create a challenge for Lightroom/Photoshop which, I guess, a lot of us use!

I also see the interface between user and software maturing and making it easier for probably 90% or more of us to access stronger tools for those of us that are addicted/interested in processing our images.

Has  contact, over 2016, with your colleagues, club members and your guest speakers taught you or got you interested in something new? Have you been trying new things? Start looking at new ways to process.

What are you going to do over summer? Do you ever stop and reflect on your photographs for 2016? I am going to make some cards over summer. Process some images, size them to 7" x 5", portrait or landscape mode. Get them printed. Obtain some black A4 card (200 gsm), fold it in half to A5. The photograph fits beautifully, in size, and there are envelopes that just suit. Give it some thought. It's a great way to share your images with relatives and friends. It's a refreshing change to email greetings and they can sit on a shelf where an email struggles with that. Has your club every included something like this as an activity or task for members?

The committee for 2016-17 has been elected.

President                               Ian  Rolfe
Vice President (2)                  Alfred Zommers      
Vice President (1)                  Peter Kewley

Treasurer                               Jeanette Colson
Secretary                               Tony Harding

Committee Member              Margaret Zommers
Committee Member              Danielle LeGassick

Committee Member              Barry Povey
Committee Member              Alan Wilson

Looking forward to 2017!

What's On 2017 - If you would like a notice to be put on the VAPS "What's On" page then you can email the details to

Barry Povey (Berwick Viewfinders Camera Club)
Danielle Le Gassick (Pakenham Camera Club)
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History & Archives - Alan Wilson


With the demise of the Victorian Photographic Affiliation in the 1930s, there was a void in the photographic community in Victoria. During the 1940s, Melbourne Camera Club member, Ted Rotherham, acted as a sort of repository for photographic information.
In 1951, progressive members of the  M.C.C., such as Bert Andrews, Allen Grey, Leigh Hawke, Ted Rotherham and Len Mullumbuy wanted the club to hold its own regular international exhibition. The club realised that it needed support towards conducting its own international exhibition and the idea of forming a Victorian association was appealing. We note that several individual camera clubs existed then, but, of course, there was no federation for camera clubs.
"By Monday, 10 December 1951, the secretary of the M.C.C. had sent a letter to all camera clubs in Victoria inviting their views on the proposal to federate. By Wednesday, 20 February 1952, Ted Rotherham was invited to act as the liaison officer," and he accepted. It was proposed to form a Federation of Photographic Clubs. Ted sent letters to all photographic clubs in Victoria about this. He visited several clubs.
"At the M.C.C. council meeting of the 8th July, a copy of the Constitution of the Victorian Photographic Affiliation was tabled and was considered as an excellent basis upon which to form the proposed federation."
A conference was proposed to be held on the 26th and 27th September 1952. A constitution (modified 1908) was to be put to the conference.
Victorian clubs were each invited to send two delegates to the conference to form the Victorian Federation of Camera Clubs. The conference was held at the M.C.C., 123 Little Collins Street, Melbourne. 27 delegates came from 12 clubs. A new name, viz. the Victorian Association of Photographic Societies, was adopted. The first executive committee was elected, with Wilf Broadhead (M.C.C.) as president. As pointed out there were 12 formation clubs (see below). V.A.P.S. was underway.

Foundation clubs:
Adult Education Assoc.
Ballarat C.C.
Bendigo C.C.
Gordon Photographic Society Geelong
Healesville C.C.
Kodak C.C.
Melbourne C.C.
The Photographic Society of Victoria
Preston Photographic Club
Sale C.C.
Southern Suburbs Photographic Society
The Victorian Railways Institute Camera Club

References :   "fILM to DIGITAL", Paul Robinson
                        VAPS Minutes, 27 September 1952

Alan Wilson
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Great Photography Adventures
VAPS Annual Convention
27-8 May 2017.



Speaker Lineup:
Tom Putt outstanding Landscape photographer, Tom will take us on a surprising photographic journey
Darran and Pearce Leal, Photographic Travel adventures to places far afield, rare opportunity to have this dynamic Father and Son team together
Craig Wetjen, Photographic Studies College, defining the image, making of his award book, "The Men's Shed"
Roosters Overland, by motorbike to Iran, a photographic adventure to be told
Ballarat Biennale Creative Director. A new approach to the Biennale

"Lunch included both days"
Friday Social Dinner Frankston RSL
Saturday Formal Awards Night Frankston Arts Centre
++ Plus more to come
The VAPS 2017 Convention and Interclub Exhibition will be a fantastic weekend, plan your visit now!

Registration forms available later this year
Accommodation availability soon to be announced
Updates in VAPS Newsbrief and on the website
Subject to change
Kimberley Photographic Adventure

Access special places and experiences not available to tourists.

Professional photographer and
film maker, Bewley Shaylor returns to the cattle station, Digger's Rest next year, for his fifth Kimberley workshop with On The Verandah. On this seven-day workshop, you'll visit multiple locations each day, all in easy reach of the station. We visit sites at the appropriate time of day for the site and for what they offer in terms of variety. You'll come away with a series of photographs that include portraiture, action, animals, wildlife, landscape, macro, abstract, time-lapse, night sky and of course, boab trees.

On this workshop, you won't be indoors getting swamped with technical info. Bewley works with you in situ, helping you understand by doing, the way different settings, position and composition affect your images. Bewley goes out of his way to make sure you have ample opportunities for great shots, and in the evenings, learn about editing, creating a workflow and how to achieve the effects you are after.

View the itinerary and gallery at


May 22rd to 28th, 2017

VAPS members receive a 10% discount and pay $2965 pp.*
Non-VAPS members $3295 pp.

Included - All meals and six night's accommodation in bush huts and a/c bunkhouse. Tutor, Bewley Shaylor. Wilderness Park Fees. Airport & hotel transfers. Short daily excursions to locations and activities. Champagne drinks and nibbles.

Excluded – Your flights. Mandatory travel insurance. Alcohol & mixers. Horse riding.

*A 30% deposit is required to reserve your place. Discounted fees to be paid by bank transfer. To enquire, call Rachel on 0428 254 529. Email:  Tourism Accreditation No: TCWA-ANW-02-0395

The Maitland International Photographic Salon
There are advantages for locals to enter this Salon.
It is useful for those who are trying to advance their photography by getting  a comparison of which of their images do well against international exhibitors.  Acceptances and awards can be used if applying for Honours with APS or the international bodies.
It is much less expensive if you are sending prints as postage is much cheaper and images do not have to be mounted.
If you have not entered an International or even a National Competition before, give it a go as life's too short to keep saying "my images are not good enough yet".

The Salon is open now and closes for entries on 16 January 2017
Ian English EFIAP

Sections are:
Monochrome Prints
Colour Prints
Nature Prints (colour or monochrome)
Open Projected Images (colour or monochrome)
Nature Projected Images (colour or monochrome)
Photo Travel Projected Images (Colour or monochrome)

VAPS Audio Visual Sub-Committee

VAPS is pleased to announce the formation of a new AV Sub-Committee, this new group will be responsible for drafting a set of AV rules for the Interclub that will explore and incorporate current techniques used Nationally and Internationally.

We thank previous members of any AV Sub-Committee who have contributed to the AV rules of past.

Now is the time to focus on the future and provide a medium that will cater for the wide range of maker's capabilities, with the most up to date techniques and provide a platform for the greatest opportunities for the creative and traditional AV makers in our clubs.

Chaired by John Spring (Member at Melbourne CC & Macedon Ranges PS) the initial sub-committee will include;

Bob Thomas (Member at Melbourne, Camberwell & Waverley CC's)
Sue Rocco                (Member at Caulfield PS & Melbourne CC)
Jan Burt                     (Member at Rosanna PC)
Ruth Burleigh           (Member at Warragul CC & Melbourne CC)
Phil Ryan                  (Member at Doncaster CC)
Garry Patterson        (Member at Bendigo CC)
Julie Bird                   (Member at Knox PS)

This very experienced AV group will have a task ahead of them but one that they are equally qualified to deliver on.

A further consultative group will be able to register their interest with the sub-committee chairperson for circulation of documents and have the opportunity to comment on and contribute to the work of the Sub- Committee.

Those interested can email John Spring at;

John will ensure that all interested parties and a wider range of AV makers are kept informed of their progress.

A discussion paper with directions for changes to the AV rules will be presented at the VAPS half-yearly meeting on 19th March, with time for further comments and submissions and final recommendations in time for voting at the AGM in October for implementation in 2018.

Congratulations to the new Sub-Committee we appreciate your commitment to ensuring Victorian club members have the best opportunities to express their Audio Visual capabilities.

VAPS Committee.


Morbis Artis: Diseases of the Arts.

I guess photography as we have not seen it before - Editor
Read more ...
From Clubs/Societies and Others
The Melbourne Camera Club
Portland Camera Club

Cor Melis 27/02/1919 - 11/11/2016

Cor was born in Holland and emigrated to Australia in 1951 and moved to Port Fairy with his wife and son in 1952.

Cor's interest in photography began when he was 12 (1930) in his homeland and later in Australia when he joined the Warrnambool Camera club in 1953. He was an Industrial chemist,  commercial photographer and a stringer cameraman for the ABC filming local news events.

He moved to Portland in 1963 after purchasing a photographic business. Cor joined the Portland Camera Club and became the clubs 2nd President from 1963 - 1968 and has served as Vice President then Junior Vice President continuously until his death.

Cor actively participated in all club meetings, he regularly judged local and show competitions, he also instigated numerous activities to develop photographic skills and knowledge within the club and the general public.

Cor was awarded a Life Membership to the Portland Camera Club in 1985. He was a member  of the Australian Institute of Professional Photographers for over 57 years and his membership to VAPS extended to 63 years.

Warragul Camera Club
They are having their High Country Print and Digital Image Celebration on Dec 9. How lucky are they to live close to the High Country.

"Our most recent outing was to the High Country with presentations and field trips run by Master Photographer Richard White, a resident of Mansfield and a traditional black and white print worker." .
Ruth Burleigh (President)

Read more …Go to their website and see their Dec Newsletter.
Ballarat Camera Club

47th Ballarat National Exhibition.

The Nationals committee were very pleased to receive 848 entries for this year's competition  with  the judging completed, and the accepted prints ready to be hung in the Art Gallery of Ballarat. The judging day went very smoothly thanks to our co-ordinator Liz Cocks and her willing band of helpers. A special thanks also to our team of judges for giving up their time to make this event a success.

Thank you to the Art Gallery of Ballarat for providing us with a wonderful venue to display the works of our talented photographers since 1997.

The exhibition opening will be held at the Art Gallery of Ballarat on Sunday 11th of December at 3pm for a 3.30 pm start.The guest speaker will be Robert Imhoff a noted photographer and filmmaker.

RSVP by Wednesday 7th December to

Trevor Bibby
Ballarat Camera Club
Nationals Committee Member.

The Judging Team and Coordinator Liz Cocks
VAPS Interclub 2017


Due to vehicle and storage and weight restrictions next year
we will not be able to accept club wooden boxes
for club prints.


Clubs are requested to use A2 folios that are available from
Office Works ($60), Riot Art Supplies and Seniors Art Supplies.
35th Newcastle National Exhibition of Photography, Closing 12th January 2017
Read More ...
Maitland International Salon of Photography. Closing 16th January 2017
Read more ...
Sydney Harbour International 2017. Closing 16th April 2017
Read more ...
Read more ...
For Sale
(Free ads for members of affilated clubs)
2 x AF-S Nikko 28-300mm f3.5-5.6G ED VR lenses.
We have taken several excellent award-winning images with these lenses.
Excellent condition in their original boxes.
(We are upgrading to 70-200 f2.8 lenses.)
$500 each
Contact Alfred Zommers
0414 336 234

Australian Photographic Judges Association

APJA training 2017 

Australian Photographic Judges Association is conducting training in 2017 for Levels 2, and 3 and 4.
If you are a judge then this training is for you. If you are interested in becoming a judge then this training is for you.
If you are just interested in learning more and improving your photography skills then this training is for you.

All are held at  St. Peters Anglican Church Hall
Cnr. Ames Ave & Neerim Rd Murrumbeena.  (Melway 68 K5)
BYO lunch. Morning and afternoon teas provided.
Cost:    APJA members                                       $25
            Persons on the current Judges List         $35
            Others                                                   $50

Details of training courses will be announced when finalised.


VAPS, Organisational member of Australian Photographic Society
Victorian Associations of Photographic Societies Inc
Proudly acknowledges as a returning and valued sponsor

Imagebank Australia

At this year's interclub competition, Imagebank Australia awarded vouchers to the value of $100 toward any size Acrylic print to 20 photographers selected from the AIPC Victorian print finalists.

The deadline that these vouchers must be used by is 1 September 2016.

The AIPC selection committee selected prints nominated to go on to the AIPC judging. Selected prints were  identified on the exhibition boards.

On behalf of the VAPS community, we would like to thank the management and staff of Imagebank Australia for their kind and generous sponsorship and we look forward to a long association.

We ask all our members to support Imagebank Australia by visiting their website at and utilising their expert services for your next important print work.
Victorian Association of Photographic Societies Inc Welcomes Epson Australia Pty Ltd
A new and valued sponsor for our members' benefit.
Special Offer from Epson for VAPS Club Members
Register at the following link to receive a $20 online shop voucher as well as many offers from the Epson range of products.
We encourage our club members to support Epson in your next printer purchase. Visit their website at to get all of the information on the new Epson SureColor SC‐P600.
Thank you Epson for your support to the Camera Clubs of Victoria
Any members of an accredited Camera Club or Society interested in evaluating images or judging are invited to apply to join the Australian Photographic Judges Association.
You do not need to be an active judge to be a member.
The prime objective of the Association is to help develop the evaluation and judging skills of members.
Further information contact:
Rob Sloane:   or
Paul Robinson:


or go to the VAPS Website at

Open the News tab and select Newsbrief newsletters.
There you can subscribe for a free email copy of Newsbrief.
Keep up with all of the announcements and news from the clubs.
Hard copy of Newsbrief is not be available in 2016
VAPS Committee Listing and Support
Ian Rolfe

Vice President/Chair Judging Sub-committee
Alfred Zommers

Vice President /Interclub
Peter Kewley,
0429 826960

Tony Harding

Jeanette Colson

Badges & Awards
Policy and Documentation
Peter Calder

Newsbrief Editor
Barry Povey
(03) 9798 7441

History & Archives
Alan Wilson

Committee Member
Danielle LeGassick

Web Administrator/Convention

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Victorian Association
of Photographic Societies Inc.

General Enquiries:
P.O. Box 2010, South Melbourne, Victoria, 3205
Tony Holding:
VAPS Objectives
  • To advance the art of photography.
  • To further the interests of affiliated bodies.
  • To draw up regulations governing exhibitions and inter-club competitions.
  • To arrange the exchange of guest lecturers and demonstrations on any subject relating to photography.
  • To arrange the exchange of prints between clubs.
  • To arrange periodical conventions for members of affiliated bodies and guests.
  • To arrange the publication of an official journal or news sheet .
A Brief History:
Camera clubs have existed in Melbourne since the 1890's and an umbrella organisation called the Victorian Photographic Affiliation was formed in 1908. This guided amateur photography in Victoria for forty years. The Victorian Association of Photographic Societies was formed on 27 September 1952 and comprised of 12 clubs. This has grown to more than 70 clubs in Jan 2016. VAPS is a non-profit association that is entirely self-funded. The Association is run by an elected Committee of Management which is responsible for the operations of the Association, and for ensuring the Association fulfils the objectives.
Victorian Association of Photographic Societies welcomes contributions from interested parties, however, Victorian Association of Photographic Societies accepts no responsibility for the content of these contributions and the views contained therein are not necessarily those of Victorian Association of Photographic Societies. While every care is taken with solicited and unsolicited materials supplied, Victorian Association of Photographic Societies does not accept any liability for loss or damage however caused. Victorian Association of Photographic Societies takes no responsibility for the claims made by advertisers or transactions by. Does not endorse the products sold on the website/Newsbrief or enter into any of the exchanges. Nor is the Victorian Association of Photographic Societies responsible for any exchanging of information or monetary amounts. All transactions are solely the responsibility of the advertiser and purchaser.
Material on the Victorian Association of Photographic Societies site or the Newsbrief may not be reproduced or published elsewhere without the written consent of the publisher, Victorian Association of Photographic Societies. All rights reserved.
Advertising in Newsbrief
Would you like to contribute to Newsbrief? If you do, then it would be helpful if you use the following.
  • Reformatting of text will occur (fonts and size) to suit the email format. (Paragraph 14, Heading 16-18, San serif fonts)
  • Images can be submitted as jpegs or pdf up to 300 ppi.
Images will be reduced in size as appropriate for email. Text submissions preferred in Microsoft Word format. Images are preferred as JPEG.
PDF files can be accommodated.
Costs: Ads of any size.
Commercial $100 per issue
Commercial (Member discount) $50 per issue
Affiliated Clubs and their members, free.

Contact the editor if you have questions.
Next Issue - February 2017
Newsbrief publication deadline 26 Janurary 2016.
Newsbrief Editor: Barry Povey:
Copyright © 2016 Victorian Association of Photographic Societies, All rights reserved.
You are subscribed to this list because you are a camera club secretary or have chosen to join the list. It is used for distribution of Newsbrief items. If you role changes please notify us so we can add the new person in the role.

Our mailing address is:

Victorian Association of Photographic Societies
P.O. Box 2010
South Melbourne, Vic 3205

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