General meeting of the Yea Camera Club Inc. held Wednesday 8th
March in the RSL room.
Present: Kerry Gouldthorpe/ Phil Glowacki/
Alan Cole/ Ann Potts and Andrew
Potts Alan Synnott/ Ann Anstey / Joy and John Clayton/ Marie Hanby/
Michael Minter/ Gidget Knight /
Colin Whiteway/ Stuart Mc Lennan
Peter Dunphy gave a presentation on Professional
Landscape Photography. He illustrated a series of guidelines:
and Templates.
Hogarth S
Liveliness v
Divide the
picture into 4 and have something interesting in each.
point for lines. Strong lines can disappear outside the shot.
Front and
Tonality Focus
A good
professional knows what the shot is before picking up the camera. Location research
is 90% of the job. See everything before you shoot anything. It’s all about the
light – golden 20 minutes!
Camera gear
– Outstanding optics and good sensor plus a tripod.
Folio piece
This year,
this concept will replace our homework. Over the year the aim is to produce six
pieces of our very best work which can be entered into our Melbourne Cup
competition, be displayed in our January display and also
be ready for the assessment process for the VAPS Inter Club competition.
monthly topics will be aligned as far as possible with the monthly
presentations. Your submission can be a print presented at the next meeting or
a digital sent to Alan Cole and the concept is that it will then be positively reviewed
by the members present. Hopefully suggestions will enable you to improve the
image so that the final result is as good as you can make it.
This month’s
topics are Landscape or Flora/fauna.
Ann Potts
reported on the visit to the Blue Lotus Farm outing.
VAPS Convention in Monash Uni Frankston. May 25/26/27
Our Interclub entries and those of the other clubs will be on display. Members
must register to attend, and can attend Friday night, Saturday, Sunday, Monday
or all days according to their wish. Visit the VAPS web site for details
Kerry announced that as a result of a pre poll of members,
the club will run a competition and display
over the Melbourne Cup weekend.
A call was made for interested members to join the committee
to organise and Ann Anstey, Ann and Andrew Potts, and Phil Glowacki and Gidget Knight volunteered. Joy and John
Clayton will steer the committee.
Ballarat International.19/20 August
This weekend in August coincides with AFL in Ballarat and interested members
were advised to book their accommodation ASAP.
Photo judging. As previously announced on the night, the Peer
winner for February “Rounds” was Ann Anstey and Phil Glowacki. The judge’s
choice was Kerry Gouldthorpe, with Highly Commended Joy and merit Ann A.
Michael alerted members to a Photo Exhibition at the NGV from
now until August.
Kerry asked for volunteers to photograph the Harvest Festival
next Wednesday 10.30 – 2.00pm. Ann Potts and Michael volunteered.
Kerry alerted members to the UGLN photo competition. Check
the web page or facebook for details.
Next meeting of the midweek clubbers will be Tuesday 14th
@ 9.30 meeting at Cummins Reserve.