Monday, 17 April 2017

Notes from last camera club meeting

Meeting of the Yea Camera Club April 12th in the RSL at 7.00pm
Present:Alan Cole / Alan Synnott / Joy Clayton and John Clayton / Ann and Andrew Potts / Kerry Gouldthorpe / Phil Glowacki / Michael Minter / Stuart McLennan / Gidget Knight / Marie  Hanby / Ann Anstey.
Apology : Colin Whiteway
Kerry handed out a proposed schedule for our outing to the city on Sat 29th April. A very full day to be adjusted as the day develops. Meet at RSL at 8.00am.
John and Phil won the senior sections of the UGLN photography competition.
Paul Robinson gave a presentation on Long Exposure and Blur.
Long Exposure. Night time photography – no tripod ( use any firm construction as a support) very high ISO – X000 and large aperture and short time exposure. No flash – use available commercial lighting.
For moon photos – max aperture ISO 800  30 sec.
Blur – Paul showed examples of blurring techniques, using camera movement and zoom while shutter open.
Paul cold judged the Shadows prints for Capture an Idea.
Results                                    Judged                                                                                      Peer Choice
First                                          Alan Cole                                                                                 Andrew Potts
Merit                                       Andrew Potts
Highly Commended          Gidget Knight
                                                  Ann  Anstey
Results for March Industry / Machinery
Judged by Peter Kewley                                                                                                      Peer Choice
First                                          1st   John Clayton                                                                  Alan Cole
H.C. Phil Glowacki and Ann Anstey
Merit Ann Potts

The folio pieces Landscape or Flora / Fauna were critiqued by members,
Next month’s Folio piece is Street Photography.
Capture an Idea is Motion/Movement.
Next meeting Wednesday 10th May  

Please note that the Sunday 18th June workshop with Emma Gillette on textures has been cancelled


Wednesday, 12 April 2017

How to Get the Most Out of Photographing at Golden Hour

If you need to know how to better get the most from photography in the 'Golden Hour' then this blog may shine some light on the subject.

Click on the link to this article from DPS.

While there join this blog as it does offer up some great ideas to improve and inspire your photography. digital-photography-school.
Digital Photography School has what you need to take your photography to the next level. We offer daily tips, resources and free tutorials that will help you get the most out your camera and create stunning photos

Next meeting camera club

Next meeting of the Yea Camera Club will be this Wednesday 12th April at 7.00pm in the Yea RSL.

Guest presenter – Paul Robinson
Topic -  Long Exposure /blur.

Please bring your print for Capture an Idea – Shadows.

Homework is now linked to Portfolio pieces month by month.This month it is landscape/flora/fauna.

If you would like your photo to be assessed and subject to positive analysis by our members, please bring your print on Wednesday or send it digitally to Alan Cole by Monday night.

Monday, 3 April 2017

VAPS Newsbrief April 2017

VAPS Newsbrief
View this email in your browser
Victorian Association of Photographic Societies Inc.
April 2017. Vol. 44, No 3.


Subscribe here:
Unsubscribe: See the link at the end of the email.
VAPS Convention 27-28 May 2017
Click here.

VAPS, PO Box 2172, Caulfield Junction Victoria 3161.

President's Report

A warm Hello to all clubs in Victoria,
Autumn has arrived with crisp mornings and beautiful early light, and I sincerely hope many of you are able to get out there when you can to photograph it.
The cusp of the seasons always brings a window of delight with clouds and weather patterns changing constantly.
I have enjoyed being back in Melbourne these last couple of weeks and it's a big change temperature wise, from where I conducted my most recent workshop a few weeks ago up in the Swedish Lapland area, with daytime temperatures as low as minus thirty!
All plans have now been finalised for this year's VAPS convention in Frankston. It should be a winner! Great presenters and workshops and other activities with make for a lovely couple of days sharing time with fellow photographers.
Make plans soon and keep it on your calendar, to also attend next year's convention in Warrnambool. Plans are already underway for another wonderful weekend. We have secured an amazing keynote speaker and are negotiating with other great photographers to make it a lively and most entertaining programme.
The local camera club is already working hard to ensure we have top facilities for us too.
Easter is nearly upon us and I hope your plans include some time shooting our wonderful world.
My best to everyone

Ian Rolfe
Message from the Newsbrief Editor
New Postal Address for VAPS.

Don't miss this. The Postal Address for VAPS has been updated.
VAPS, PO Box 2172, Caulfield Junction Victoria 3161.

New Club/Society Members. What one Club is doing.

Being up-front from the start. This is my club. Berwick Viewfinders Camera Club. Like other clubs, it wants to make sure new members gain from the knowledge and interests of its members. In this way, we hope to build club numbers and encourage new members to continue attending.

What do you do to help new members at your club?

The purpose of this note is to give an example of what one club does to help new members. Parts of it might give another club an idea that may help.

For a person new to photography or wanting to improve their skills, it can be very complicated. A new club member can be overwhelmed at the start and the activities of your club, just at the time they arrive, may not be what they need.  They switch off and do not return.

Berwick Viewfinders Camera club has recognised this and this is what they do.

Step 1. BVCC has identified and listed experienced members who are prepared to be a "buddy" to the new member for the first few months until they get established. They have avoided the term "mentor" as their implies expert skill and lots of experience. This is not always required.

Step 2. When a new member joins, the Treasurer notifies the Vice President and supplies appropriate contact details.

Step 3. The Vice President phones the new member to welcome them and to get appropriate details about what they want to get out of the club as a member and/or how they might contribute.

Step 4. The Vice President, taking into account information from the new member, picks a "buddy" and rings that person to check that it is OK for them to be matched up with the new member.

Step 5. At the next meeting, where the new member and "buddy" are present, the Vice President introduces the "buddy" to the new member. It then takes off.

Step 6. The new member is given a copy of "The New members Pack."

The "buddy" does not have to be an expert in photography. He/she is there as a resource and to make the new member feel welcome. They help with any questions and identify others in the club who the new member can to directed to for more help.

It is made clear that the "buddy" system is just a starter but that help and advice is always available.

The club's by-laws and competition details can be complex for a new person. Resizing an image to the required size for competitions seems always where a new member needs help. Advice on cutting a mat, processing, where things are on the club website, all seem to pop up as being required. Although clubs generally have activities that help with these, it may be down the track a bit and the new member might need it to get started.

The objective of this program is to help new members 
  • not be overwhelmed with all that goes on
  • to feel welcome
  • to get basic help quickly

In that way, they are more likely to continue to attend rather that to "run for the hills" when things get complicated.  What does your club/society do? Let me know so that we can let other clubs know via Newsbrief.

Barry Povey (Berwick Viewfinders Camera Club)
Danielle Le Gassick (Pakenham Camera Club)
Return to Contents
Meritorious Awards and SSVAPS applications
This is a reminder to submit Meritorious and SSVAPS applications. Application forms are now on the website. Please note that they are not mailed out to Secretaries anymore.
Orders for Year Bars are also now being received. Keep them coming in, please.
Year Bars are important to members. Starting at 10 years membership and available in 5-year increments, they are recognition of your member's service and support for your club. They are $12.50 each but some clubs recycle them. Do you have accurate records of eligible members? If not you can see who has received what on the VAPS website.  If you spot any errors there, please let the Badges and Awards officer know.
Service Awards There are two levels of service awards that are available to club members.
Meritorious and State Service awards. Again these are important levels of recognition for your members' efforts. Criteria apply to these awards and all information can be found on the VAPS website under Documents,
Image Evaluation Workshops APJA
A Special Note from Rob Sloane APJA. Also, see a full program at towards the end of the Newsbrief.

Hi all,
The APJA (Judges Association) is offering a unique opportunity for existing and future judges to improve their knowledge and skills through a practical "judging" experience, much the same as what you would get if judging at a club, but on a smaller scale.
As such, we have created two free image evaluation workshops (details below). These workshops are designed to provide participants with an opportunity to enrich their understanding of judging and provoke interesting discussions around areas of judging you might not have thought of! Every participant will also have the opportunity to receive feedback on their judging skills in a safe and supportive environment.
We would really encourage experienced judges to also attend - to share their vast knowledge and experience with novice judges. We'll even put on a half decent afternoon tea!

Dates are Sunday 23rd April and Sunday 21st May.
Afternoon 1.45 pm to approx 4.45pm
Note: Workshop 1 continues on to workshop 2. (Workshop 2 is not a repeat of 1)
Location: St. Peter's Church Hall,
Cnr.  Ames Ave and Neerim Rd., Murrumbeena
Free parking available in surrounding streets.

Eligibility to attend. Any person on the VAPS/APJA Judges list or any person that has attended an APJA Training Course.
Cost:  Free (Thanks to VAPS and APJA)
Content: Theory and Practical Image Evaluation.
Registration:  Email Alfred before 16th April.
There will be time for afternoon tea and a chat.

Rob Sloane
APJA marketing
VAPS Annual Convention  27-28 May 2017.

Fantastic Speaker
Line up
 Tom Putt: outstanding Landscape photographer, Tom will take us on a surprising photographic journey.
 Darran and Pearce Leal: Photographic Travel adventures to places far afield, rare opportunity to have this dynamic Father and Son team together.
 Craig Wetjen: A Photographic Journey in what a personal project can do for you?, the making of his awarded book, "Men and their Sheds".
 Roosters Overland: by motorbike to Iran, a photographic adventure to be told.
 Ballarat Biennale Creative Director: A new approach to the Biennale.
"Lunch included both days"
Friday Social Dinner Frankston RSL
Saturday Formal Awards Night Frankston Arts Centre
++ Plus more to come

The VAPS 2017 Convention and Interclub Exhibition will be a fantastic weekend, plan your visit now!

Registration forms are available on the VAPS website

Accommodation availability, see this newsbrief.
Updates in VAPS Newsbrief and on the website
Registration form and advance programme are now on the VAPS website
Under the Interclub tab.
Please distribute information to your club members.
The exhibition opens Friday 26th May at 12 pm, in W Building of the University Campus, refer to map.
Registrations open from 3 pm in that building Friday.
Registrations will then be open in the Auditorium Foyer F Building, from 8 am on Saturday morning.
Subject to change
VAPS Programme including update
Don't forget that you can zoom in to read detail.
Link to VAPS Programme
For you to Print
VAPS Presenters

Craig Wetjen - Convention Keynote Address

Craig will be a Keynote speaker on Saturday morning, he will deliver a compelling outline of his passion and creativity and of the personal journey that he has undertaken in his own photography.

A not to be missed presentation

Craig Wetjen is a professional photographic artist and author with 30 years' experience. He began his career at the age of 16 as a photojournalist photographing for the local Newspapers in the tiny state of Connecticut USA. Moving to Santa Barbara Ca. where he received a Bachelor degree in Industrial Photography. His career highlights are shooting for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratories documenting the Mars Pathfinder and Cassini projects. He then moved to Australia 20 years ago to play a pivotal role in establishing RMIT University's digital imaging photography course. He has gone on to become a national and international award-winning photographer and has self-published two books of images of man's best friend and his owner. He is now sharing his wealth of knowledge, passion and creativity teaching photography. However, the journey his photography has taken him on was far more personal.  A health scare in 2011, and ongoing consultations with health professionals has fuelled a desire to photograph environmental portraits, so he has initiated the Men's Shed Photography Project. Its aim is to increase awareness of men's health issues—mental and physical—by documenting how the iconic backyard shed is a space not only for fixing things but also the men inside them. Most of the men captured in these images struggled to articulate what their sheds mean to them. In these cases, images can speak more powerfully than words. The book Men and Their Sheds is a collection of 101 portraits and the stories of the men within the book.  HIs book is now a published book available in most bookstores across Australia.

Find out more about Craig at:

Matt Krumins - Convention Workshop Presenter

Matt is an experienced photographic educator having presented at many clubs. He is now establishing his own photographic business and will address the subject of composition and lead into a discussion on mirrorless cameras. Matt's presentation will be important to all photographers. We hope that you can attend this workshop on the Saturday.

A focus on simplicity: A foolproof approach to composition

Matt Krumins is a full-time photography educator, photographer and writer with a passion for getting the best results in the simplest manner. In this talk, his analogies and unorthodox approach to developing and refining compositions will take you on a journey through Ikea, a child's mind and techniques on how to eat elephant all whilst giving you a tried and tested approach to better compositions. Matt will also be drawing on his experience as an Olympus & Nikon shooter presenting some pro's and con's of both systems, opening the conversation on mirrorless vs DSLR and how new technology can dramatically unlock your creativity. 

You can find Matt at

Tom Putt - Convention Keynote Address

Tom Putt is a passionate and wildly enthusiastic landscape photographer, having spent the last 20 years exploring all parts of Australia to photograph. Tom says, I first fell in love with photography at age 13. I photographed wildlife, following my love for ornithology, before leaving university to pursue a career in sports photography.

In 1998, I was fortunate enough to take the eye of Australia's leading sports photography agency, Sport the Library. From 1998 to 2001, I covered over 300 events across Australia and the world, including the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

But my passion has always been in landscape photography. My first shoot was walking the Overland Track in 1997. Since then, I have travelled extensively across Australia pursuing landscape photography.

Now Tom engages in another exciting medium, Drone and Aerial photography, his keynote address on Saturday morning, 27th May will astound and excite you as Tom takes us to the skies for some unforgettable aerial landscape photography.

Don't miss this special and fantastic opening to your 2017 convention programme, we know Tom will delight and enthral us all with his stories and photography.

You can find more about Tom and his photography workshops at

Darren and Pearce Leal - Convention Keynote/Workshop Presenters


1. Saturday Workshop
Meet father and son team Darran and Pearce Leal for a unique workshop that will take you beyond point and shoot travel photos and offer you thought to provoke challenges to improve or adjust your photo interests. They will cover techniques, locations and offer you quality question time. Stunning example images will include locations in Antarctica, South America, Africa, Arctic and other locations around the world. Darran has over 300 articles published and is a current regular contributor to Australian Photography Magazine. Pearce has already been published in several magazines and self-published two books. The father and son team will also cover film, polaroid and of course a diverse range of digital subjects, linked to shooting and using your images.

"Travel photography is not about the simple act of visiting a location and taking photos. Rather it is about immersing yourself in the locations culture, landscapes and nature. Then, to be creative, you need to open your mind and steer away from point and shoot images, challenging yourself to explore old and new concepts."       Darran & Pearce

Join Darran and Pearce as they take you around the world in 90 minutes!
2. Sunday Keynote Address
Our Keynote Speakers are two of the most travelled photographers in the world. They meet a diverse range of cultures, explore amazing places and shoot with hundreds of photographers from all over the world each year. You can expect some funny stories, points to test your photographic interests and be amazed at the limitless options available to you today as a creative artist. It does not matter whether you are a beginner or a seasoned veteran, the same problems and opportunities apply. This motivating speech will touch on a very important question – Where is Photography Leading you?

Tell your friends these will be two special presentations not to be missed.
Darren Leal                                       Pearce Leal
Read more of our excellent presenters in next month's Newsbrief
VAPS. Free Parking on the Weekend
Don't forget that you can zoom in to read detail.
VAPS Visiting Frankston
VAPS Accomodation
Welcome to Frankston

VAPS delegates please find listed below accommodation offerings around our beautiful city and just beyond

1.         Best Western International
                  389 Nepean Highway Frankston
                  9781 3444
                  Mention VAPS Rate.
                  Rates are based on Deluxe Rooms featuring Queen bed only or   Queen and Single bed
                  Overnight = $153 per room  (rate includes breakfast)
                  3 night stay = $135 per night (minimum 3 night) rate includes breakfast
                  *rates are based on single or double occupancy – additional cost for 3rd person
                  *Executive and Luxury rooms available – rates can be quoted direct if required

2.              Quest on the Bay ( Central City Area )
                  435 Nepean Highway Frankston
                  8765 2500
                  Mention VAPS rate
                  Studio apartment - $170 per night
                  Executive studio apartment - $189 per night
                  One bedroom apartment - $208 per night

3.              Quest Apartments ( Just before the Shell Servo )
                  377 Nepean Highway Frankston
                  8796 1000
                  Quest Apartments are offering special rates for VAPS delegates
                  Use the links below to go directly to the booking page for VAPS Delegates                
                  Quest Frankston Serviced Apartments – Book Now
                  Or call the Front Office at Quest Apartments and quote VAPS

4.               Frankston Motel ( Near Monash University )
                  233 Frankston – Flinders Road
                  5971 1233

5.               BIG4 Mornington Peninsular Holiday Park
                  ( Near Monash University )
                  2 Robinsons Road
                  Frankston 5971 2333

6.               Carrum Downs Holiday Park
                  1165 Frankston – Dandenong Road, Carrum Downs
Ballarat International Foto Biennale
19 August - 17 September 2017

Their website is now active and is available here.
History and Archives
Alan Wilson researches for the VAPS History and Archive. Here is an extract from his latest report to the VAPS committee.

Knox Photographic Society was formed on Thursday, 29 November 1974. During 1974, four "mature students" were undertaking a short-term photography course at Knox Technical School. The four, Fred Bradley, Roger Burns, David Croucher and Cliff Claxton, and their teacher, Detlef Voges, decided to form a photographic club, there being none in the area.
At the second and third meetings, matters such as constitution, name, objectives, membership and finances were considered.
The club met in the Knox Technical School library.
In the early years, Adrian Cook, the owner of Bayside Camera Centre, did a great deal for the club.
During 1977, club membership reached 53, and the club was in a position to promote its activities by making donations of photographic books to the Knox Tech. library, for example.
The club fell on hard times in the 1980s and membership fell to seven in 1984. It was suggested that the club disband.
Since the 1980s, the fortunes of the club have revived, and with the digital revolution in photography, the club has achieved a record membership of 130.
Over the years, Knox has provided a number of VAPS committee members: Ron Davis, Marcia Brown, Heather Runting, Rob Sloane, Lyn Sloane, Ron Cork, Heide Reid, Chris Cronin, Barrie Attwood, Alfred Zommers and Margaret Zommers.

Pakenham Camera Club was formed in June 1995, after a public meeting of local photographic enthusiasts, with help from local traders and photographers – Darren Spargo, Ian Thomas and VAPS representative, Roy Berryman. The foundation president was Glen Wilson.
The newly formed club attracted nearly 30 members. Meetings have taken place on the third Tuesday of each month in the Uniting Church Hall in Main Street, Pakenham.
In October 1995, the first of the club's "Venture" competitions was held. The entrants met on a Sunday afternoon, and, after paying a fee of 20$, were given a disposable camera and asked to photograph a certain topic in two hours. The films were processed and then judged.
Club outings were arranged regularly with memorable trips to Healesville Sanctuary, Coal Creek, and Coolart.
The first Pakenham National Photographic Exhibition was held in May 2004 at the Cardinia Cultural Centre in Pakenham. This was reportedly a great success and paved the way for a further five national exhibitions to be run.
Jenny Trotter was club secretary for many years.
The club continues to meet on the third Tuesday of each month, at the Beaconsfield Secondary College in Pakenham (a large venue).
More to come next month ...





15 Feb 2017 to 15 May 2017
Ann Britton Photography Gallery
55 Herbert Street
Boulia 4829
Victorian contact 04 19 592 859.
From Clubs/Societies and Others
Yarra Ranges Photographic Society
Skipton and District Photographic Club
12th Skipton Photographic Show
Organised by the Skipton & District Photographic Club
21st  May 2017 Time 10.00am to 4.00pm
Venue – Skipton Mechanic's Hall
Open, Novice & Youth Sections - Primary & Secondary
Entries Close Friday 12th May 2017
Show Schedule/Entry forms/more information Contact – Dorothy Dunn ph 0401079060
Karen Bradshaw Phone: 0439630884

Download Entry Form and Details here.
Western Plains Photographic Club - Lismore
29TH APRIL 2017
9.00 am to 4.00 pm
Entry $5 Adult/under 16yrs free

Lunch/afternoon & morning tea available
Lismore Community Centre

Schedules available from
Sec: Lorraine Graham 0407875102/
Download Entry Form: Click here for entry form:
Download Conditions: Click here for conditions:
Download Special Landcare Section Conditions: Click here for Landcare conditions:
Download other details: Click here for details.

Go to their link here. Western Plains Photographic Club - Lismore
Warragul Camera Club
Southern Suburbs Photographic Society
Berwick Viewfinders Camera Club
Berwick Viewfinders Camera Club cordially invites you to join us for an inspiring presentation by Jeff Servaas of PROtog.

Jeff will bring along a wonderful range of lighting and studio equipment including mains powered and battery powered portable flashes, and lighting kits including flashes, modeling lamps, light stands, PC sync cables, and light modifiers such as umbrellas, and softboxes.
Come along and join in the fun, including live demos, take some portraits.

Venue: Starbright Theatre, Berwick Fields Primary School, Gwendoline Drive Berwick,
Date and Time: Monday, April 10, 7.30 pm
Light supper will be served

Email for further information   
Monash Gallery of Art
I am sending this to you as a committee member of the Friends of the Monash Gallery of Art.

The MGA in Wheelers Hill describes itself as the "home of Australian Photography". For 2017 a series of talks have been scheduled. Every second month will feature an evening talk by a well-known photographer - Lisa Saad and Bruce Postle being the first of these. Lisa's talk is on Thursday 20th April, 7 pm and is not to be missed! Alternative months have talks on a Monday morning, Monday 20th March at 10 am being on "Windsors possessions".

The Friends group will also hold an exhibition in the Ramp Gallery 14th October to 26th November. While entry to the competition for a place is free, those submitting images need to be members- which comes with a range of other benefits. Do consider joining as this is a great opportunity to have one or more of your images on the wall of a major photographic gallery.

More information on the Friends group-

Vicki Moritz
On behalf of the Friends of the MGA
0418 397296
Western Australia Photographic Federation Inc.
An invitation from WAPF to participate in a project for amateur photographers and writers.
Boroondara Library Service is hosting a photographic competition called Shutter Speed - Transport in Boroondara.
Head On Photo Festival
Between 5 - 28 May this year, Oxford Street, Paddington NSW will be the centre of the festival. Through Head On To Paddington, they are bringing inter/national photography into the area, along with its many and varied, avid followers.
44th Warragul National Photographic Competition 5th April 2017 -  Information
Sydney Harbour International 16th April 2017 - Information
APSCON Image Competition 30th April 2017 - Information
Vigex 19th International Print Salon 8th May 2017 - Information
Australian Photographic Judges Association
APJA meets regularly to provide education and training as well as a forum for those persons interested in evaluating photographic images or judging photographic competitions.

APJA aims
- to improve the level of judging and provide a better service to VAPS clubs.
- to maintain and improve the pool of judges for VAPS clubs to choose from.
- to provide ongoing training and a structure for judges to improve their image evaluation abilities.
- to contribute to the Photography Artform.

Paul Robinson                         President
MargaretZommers                   Secretary
Sheryle Griffith                        Treasurer
Rob Sloane                              Marketing
Alfred Zommers                      Honours

Upcoming events
There are over 40 members and meetings are usually held at St.Anthony's Church Hall. cnr. Neerim and Grange Rd. Carnegie. Judges on the VAPS/APJA judges list, and any interested member of any VAPS affiliated club is welcome to come along.  The next two workshops are at St.Peter's.
If you wish to join, the annual subscription to APJA is $40.
This is what we have planned but it could change due to unforeseen circumstances.

Sunday      April 23   Image Evaluation workshop #1   (see this article) St. Peters
Sunday      May 21    Image Evaluation Workshop #2  (see this article) St Peters
Sunday      July 2       General topic: Portraiture
Sunday      July 23     Level 2 Training (Registered participants only) at St Peters Hall.
Sunday      Aug 6      General topic: Photojournalism
Sunday     Aug 20     Level 3 Training (Registered participants only) at St Peters Hall.         
Sunday      Sept 10    General meeting: Topic Abstract.
Sunday      Sept 17    Level 4 Training (Registered participants only) at St Peters Hall.     
Sunday      Oct 22      General meeting: Topic Architecture.
Sunday      Nov 19     General meeting: Topic Nature.

Image Evaluation Workshops. #1 and #2
Dates:  Sunday  23 April and 21 May
Time:   Sunday Afternoon 1.45 pm to approx 4.45pm
Location: Peter's Church Hall, cnr Ames Ave and Neerim Rd., Murrumbeena. Parking available in surrounding streets
Eligibility to attend:     Any person on the VAPS/APJA Judges list or any person that has attended a APJA Level 1 Novice Training Course.
Cost:  Free     (Thanks to VAPS and APJA)
Content: Theory and practical Image Evaluation.
Registration:  Email Alfred before 16 April.

Workshop #1.  23 April      
Scoring systems.
Practical scoring
How to critique images.
Looking for positives and areas for improvement.

Workshop #2. 21st May
      1.         Practical critiques.

Image Evaluation and Judging Course.   (Level 1, Novice)
Date: Sunday 2 April
Time: 8.30 am to 4.00 pm
Location: Benalla. Avon Street Campus of Benalla P12 college. (Enter via Clarendon Street, comes off Bridge Street north of the shopping precinct).
Lots of parking available.
 Eligibility to attend:     Any person that is a member of a VAPS affiliated club.
Cost: APJA member:  $25.
Persons on the VAPS/APJA judges list:  $35.
Other:  $40

Morning and afternoon tea provided.

Bring your own lunch. (note: a packed lunch is recommended, purchasing lunch may be difficult, especially in the time frame of the lunch break).
This is our first attempt to run this course outside Melbourne.

Thanks to VAPS, the Benalla Camera Club, and the APJA for this initiative.  Camera Club members from Melbourne and Country areas are encouraged to make use of this opportunity. This course will not run in Melbourne in 2017. Our thanks also to the presenters willing to give their time and travel to facilitate this course.
Content:  Image Evaluation Education and Training Program.     Emma Gillette
                Judging Photography.                                                     Ron Cork
                Judging Styles.                                                                Sheryle Griffith
                Emotion In Images.                                                          Alfred Zommers (Ian Rolfe)
                Public Speaking. (Survival)                                              Rob Sloane
                Aesthetics vs Technical                                                   Emma Gillette
                Practical Evaluation
                Q & A

Please register with Alfred Zommers.  The sooner the better, but before 25th March.
Alfred: ,  0400 330 071

Note: This is the only Level 1 course scheduled this year.
Level 2  July 23,  Level 3 Aug. 20, and Level 4 Sept 17.

VAPS, Organisational member of Australian Photographic Society
Victorian Associations of Photographic Societies Inc
Proudly acknowledges as a returning and valued sponsor

Imagebank Australia

At this year's interclub competition, Imagebank Australia awarded vouchers to the value of $100 toward any size Acrylic print to 20 photographers selected from the AIPC Victorian print finalists.

The deadline that these vouchers must be used by is 1 September 2016.

The AIPC selection committee selected prints nominated to go on to the AIPC judging. Selected prints were  identified on the exhibition boards.

On behalf of the VAPS community, we would like to thank the management and staff of Imagebank Australia for their kind and generous sponsorship and we look forward to a long association.

We ask all our members to support Imagebank Australia by visiting their website at and utilising their expert services for your next important print work.
Victorian Association of Photographic Societies Inc Welcomes Epson Australia Pty Ltd
A new and valued sponsor for our members' benefit.
Special Offer from Epson for VAPS Club Members
Register at the following link to receive a $20 online shop voucher as well as many offers from the Epson range of products.
We encourage our club members to support Epson in your next printer purchase. Visit their website at to get all of the information on the new Epson SureColor SC‐P600.
Thank you Epson for your support to the Camera Clubs of Victoria
Any members of an accredited Camera Club or Society interested in evaluating images or judging are invited to apply to join the Australian Photographic Judges Association.
You do not need to be an active judge to be a member.
The prime objective of the Association is to help develop the evaluation and judging skills of members.
Further information contact:
Rob Sloane:   or
Paul Robinson:


or go to the VAPS Website at

Open the News tab and select Newsbrief newsletters.
There you can subscribe for a free email copy of Newsbrief.
Keep up with all of the announcements and news from the clubs.
Hard copy of Newsbrief is not be available in 2016
VAPS Committee Listing and Support
Ian Rolfe

Vice President/Chair Judging Sub-committee
Alfred Zommers

Vice President /Interclub
Peter Kewley,
0429 826 960

Tony Harding

Jeanette Colson

Badges & Awards
Policy and Documentation

Newsbrief Editor
Barry Povey
0409 024 194

History & Archives
Alan Wilson

Committee Member
Danielle LeGassick

Web Administrator/Convention

Return to Contents

Victorian Association
of Photographic Societies Inc.

General Enquiries:
PO Box 2172, Caulfield Junction Victoria 3161
Tony Holding:
VAPS Objectives
  • To advance the art of photography.
  • To further the interests of affiliated bodies.
  • To draw up regulations governing exhibitions and inter-club competitions.
  • To arrange the exchange of guest lecturers and demonstrations on any subject relating to photography.
  • To arrange the exchange of prints between clubs.
  • To arrange periodical conventions for members of affiliated bodies and guests.
  • To arrange the publication of an official journal or news sheet .
A Brief History:
Camera clubs have existed in Melbourne since the 1890's and an umbrella organisation called the Victorian Photographic Affiliation was formed in 1908. This guided amateur photography in Victoria for forty years. The Victorian Association of Photographic Societies was formed on 27 September 1952 and comprised of 12 clubs. This has grown to more than 70 clubs in Jan 2016. VAPS is a non-profit association that is entirely self-funded. The Association is run by an elected Committee of Management which is responsible for the operations of the Association, and for ensuring the Association fulfils the objectives.
Victorian Association of Photographic Societies welcomes contributions from interested parties, however, Victorian Association of Photographic Societies accepts no responsibility for the content of these contributions and the views contained therein are not necessarily those of Victorian Association of Photographic Societies. While every care is taken with solicited and unsolicited materials supplied, Victorian Association of Photographic Societies does not accept any liability for loss or damage however caused. Victorian Association of Photographic Societies takes no responsibility for the claims made by advertisers or transactions by. Does not endorse the products sold on the website/Newsbrief or enter into any of the exchanges. Nor is the Victorian Association of Photographic Societies responsible for any exchanging of information or monetary amounts. All transactions are solely the responsibility of the advertiser and purchaser.
Material on the Victorian Association of Photographic Societies site or the Newsbrief may not be reproduced or published elsewhere without the written consent of the publisher, Victorian Association of Photographic Societies. All rights reserved.
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  • Reformatting of text will occur (fonts and size) to suit the email format. (Paragraph 14, Heading 16-18, San serif fonts)
  • Images can be submitted as jpegs or pdf up to 300 ppi.
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Costs: Ads of any size.
Commercial $100 per issue
Commercial (Member discount) $50 per issue
Affiliated Clubs and their members, free.

Contact the editor if you have questions.
Next Issue - May 2017
Newsbrief publication deadline 26 April 2017.
Newsbrief Editor: Barry Povey:
Copyright © 2017 Victorian Association of Photographic Societies, All rights reserved.
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Victorian Association of Photographic Societies
PO Box 2172
Caulfield Junction, Vic 3161

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