Winter Greetings everyone,
Although we are in the grip of very cold and blustery weather,
there has never-the-less been wonderful opportunities to get out and shoot that awesome stormy winter in the past few weeks. I know of a few clubs who have ventured out and been amply rewarded, with some amazing images being taken.
I wanted to convey some informative news to you all with regard to next year’s annual convention. Members of the committee have been down to Warrnambool already and have seen first hand the wonderful facilities that have been organised for this. The local club is truly motivated to bring us an excellent weekend. I will be heading down myself in the coming weeks to discuss further with their committee and we are now finalising speakers and menus and a myriad of other items.
Mark your calendars now the weekend of May 26th and 27th 2018. The Warrnambool VAPS convention will start Friday night as we are planning a cocktail party of sorts to view the many print entries, nibble on some delightful Hors d'oeuvres, maybe have a drink or two and socialize with our friends. It will be a great introduction to the weekend.
Many have availed themselves recently to sing up for the APJA courses, both here in Melbourne and very recently in country Benalla.
If you can, think seriously about Level 3 and 4 coming up soon. Our advancement in the photographic world and the learning opportunities these courses afford are a valuable addition to our skills and photographic knowledge.
Keep shooting those winter scenes and remember, spring is just around the corner, with colours and warmth only a few weeks away.
My best regards to all
Ian Rolfe
President VAPS
Message from the Newsbrief Editor |
You often hear comments from judges, and others in clubs, about including photographs of other people's artwork in competitions.
Examples include street art, graffiti, installations. For the photographer, however, it can be quite interesting taking such a photograph. It makes you think a little. You explore the angles/shapes/textures and light. It fact, you try to add something to the artwork that makes it partly yours and adds to the story the artwork might tell. Often it's a person that can be added, another object like a bicycle or an animal/bird. In particular, street art leads itself well to experimentation with your processing - monochrome, high-dynamic-range and the like.
I certainly have had fun and do learn by processing such images. I have not entered them in competitions too often, but have made cards from them to give to friends.
Why did I write about the above?
Well, recently, cousins of mine from South Australia visited Melbourne with their young family and I saw images they took at ArtVo, an immersive trick-art gallery in Docklands. It's a commercial venture and costs to enter and there is no endorsement from me or VAPS. You can check it out if you like on line via a Google search. The family clearly had fun. They were encouraged to immerse themselves in incredible, large-scale artworks painted directly onto walls and floors. Then a photograph is taken by you. The artworks were created by 14 experienced artists
However, the resulting images did make me think and wonder about the way we interact with our surroundings, how we perceive and can be deceived by our surroundings and how I might include something of my own into appropriate images I take.
What is an immersive experience? Here is part of one image from the ArtVo website.
Barry Povey (Berwick Viewfinders Camera Club)
Don't forget that you can zoom in to read the detail on any image in the Newsbrief.
From the Convention May 2017 |
See the Convention Catalogue here.
Notice of Annual General Meeting 12 Nov 2017 |
2018 Affiliation forms, AGM Proxy forms, and 2018 Committee forms will be available on the website. Monitor this on the website. Two are below. Time and other details to be advised.
Ballarat International Foto Biennale |
Exhibitions and What's On |
Ballarat International
Foto Biennale 19 August to 17 September 2017
The famous Biennale is set to roll into Ballarat again this year
New features and extended fringe programs and events every weekend will make the 2017 Biennale an outstanding event
Get all the information here
World Photo Day
Bright Festival of Photography.
Gippsland Interclub Exhibition
The annual Gippsland Interclub Exhibition has been an annual event since 2011. The participating clubs – East Gippsland Camera Club, Sale Camera Club, Latrobe Valley Camera Club, South Gippsland Camera Club and the Warragul Camera Club – host the exhibition in their own areas on a rotational basis. The exhibition has now completed a full circuit and will return to Warragul this year.
The exhibition will be held at the Red Tree Gallery in Jindivik bumping in on the 27th of July and bumping out on the 30th of August. The official opening and judging will be held at 3 p.m. on Saturday the 19th of August, World Photography day.
Monash Gallery of Art
Lots of new things here.
Australian Photographic Society Convention
Click here.
WHEN: 25, 26 and 27 of August, 8.00am – 6.00pm (free admission daily)
WHERE: Melbourne Olympic Park Function Centre, Batman Ave, Melbourne VIC 3000
VAPS Convention 2018 - Warrnambool
Weekend of 26 - 27 May 2018
18-23 October Forster NSW
Australian Photography Society Convention
From Clubs/Societies and Others |
The Diamond Valley Photographic Society - Photographic Exhibition |
Diamond Valley Photographic Society’s Photographic Exhibition. This is to be held from Friday 8th to Sunday 10th September 2017.
This event will take place at the Diamond Valley Lodge, 46 Hurstbridge Road, Diamond Creek, and will coincide with the Diamond Creek Rotary Town Fair which is being held on the Saturday 9th.
Pakenham National Photographic Exhibition |
The Warragul Camera Club is hosting the Gippsland Photographic Exhibition in July/August 2017
To be held at Red Tree Gallery Jindivick from Thursday 27th July until Wednesday 30th August open daily 10 am – 4 pm with the exception of Saturday 19th August when it will be open at 2.30pm for the official opening, closed in the morning for judging.
The OFFICIAL OPENING is 3 pm Saturday 19th August World Photography Day
This is an Interclub Photographic Competition involving five Gippsland Camera Clubs, Latrobe Valley Camera Club Traralgon, Sale Camera Club, South Gippsland Photography Club, East Gippsland Photographic Society Bairnsdale and Warragul Camera Club.
Each club submits 10 framed images making an exhibition of 50 framed images.
This event is an annual Interclub competition and exhibition, it has been running since 2011 when the Warragul Camera Instigated the event with the desire to foster fellowship between neighbouring camera clubs. The VAPS (Victorian Association of Photographic Societies provides a bronze medallion to the winning club) Invitations have been sent out to the participating clubs, representatives of the VAPS our panel of three judges, and the press to attend the Official Opening. Many clubs take advantage of the promotional material sent to them by the host club, about the area where the exhibition is held. This usually means visiting clubs make it a day or weekend outing.
Preston Photographic Club |
The committee and membership of the Preston Photographic club would like to pay tribute to the long list of VAPS judges who have come out to our club to judge our competitions over many years. They often travel long distances, in miserable weather, and for very little remuneration and we would just like to let them all know that their services are very much appreciated and they are admired for their commitment to the camera club community in Victoria. We are a small club as far as membership is concerned but we are no less passionate about our photography than the larger clubs and feel that our progression as a club and the quality of the photography produced by our members is enhanced by the judge’s critiques and advice through the competitions. Many of the judges have been coming out to our club for many years and even though they are there to judge they become great friends and supporters of the club and we sincerely thank them for all they do for us.
We are also excited at the formation of the Australian Photographic Judges Association as this can only benefit us, as not only is the already high quality of judging enhanced further, but the recruitment and training of people is giving the VAPS community a larger more diverse pool of judges, challenging us and our creativity in our photography.
Sincere thanks to all the judges who have supported our club over the years and we look forward to continually welcoming you as friends to our club for many years to come. And we also look forward to welcoming and experiencing the new judges on the list as well.
APS National Exhibition - Digital |
29th Sutherland Shire National Exhibition of Photography 2017
12th August 2017 Website
Sydney International Exhibition of Photography 2017
28th August 2017 Website
APS Photo Book Competition 2017.
25th Sept. Website
The 4 Nations competition. Website
LakeMacqaurie National Exhibition of Digital Photography.
12th Nov. Website
Human Right Photographic Competition.
30th September. Website.
APS Photo Book Competition 2017
25th September 2017 pdf Entry Form (1.64 MB)
You can view the 2017 Catalogue via the link above.
Leongatha Art and Photographic Show |
1 - 3 September 2017
Organized by the Leongatha Rotary Club.
On line entry and payment, or print out the entry form and mail together with your cheque.
The Art and Photography Show will be held in the Mesley Hall, Cnr Olgivy & Horn St, Leongatha, and the Daffodil
Festival in Memorial Hall Mccartin St Leongatha.
ENTRIES CLOSE 11 August 2017
Creswick Photographic Prize |
Terms & Conditions are on that page and also in the Trybooking Registration process. It is organised by the CRWA Arts Group and supported by Patron Jeff Moorfoot OAM. This 2017 event is an open event and there is no particular theme, it features a Community Bank Award of $500 offered as the main prize. (thanks, Creswick & District Community Bank). Honourable Mentions & Peoples Choice Award too!
The exhibition will be accessible at the heritage Creswick Railway Station from 11 am - 4 pm Sat & Sun 2,3 and 9,10 September 2017. Email:
The Creswick Railway Workshop Association is a not for profit association that has been renovating the heritage listed Creswick Railway station and Goods shed as a community Arts, Learning & Cultural space since 2011.
The Facebook page for the CRWA has lots of images and info.
Australian Photographic Judges Association |
Level 3: Sunday 20th August
Level 4: Sunday 17th September 2017
Please register by email giving your Name, your club, and phone contact to:
Bill Millar - by Friday 18th August (Level 3) and Friday 15th September (Level 4)
We need to know if you are coming as we need to organise morning and afternoon tea.
Venue for all seminars: St. Peters Anglican Church Hall
Cnr. Ames Ave & Neerim Rd Murrumbeena. (Melway 68 K5)
Lunch is BYO and there is no parking in the church grounds. Park in neighbouring streets.
Cost: APJA members $25
Non-APJA members on the current Judges List $35
Others $40
For more information, contact Alfred Zommers 0414 336 234 or
Paul Robinson 0409 425 700 or Rob Sloane 9761 2107 or
VAPS, Organisational member of Australian Photographic Society |
Victorian Association of Photographic Societies Inc Welcomes Epson Australia Pty Ltd
A new and valued sponsor for our members’ benefit.
Special Offer from Epson for VAPS Club Members
Register at the following link to receive a $20 online shop voucher as well as many offers from the Epson range of products.
We encourage our club members to support Epson in your next printer purchase. Visit their website at to get all of the information on the new Epson SureColor SC‐P600.
Thank you Epson for your support to the Camera Clubs of Victoria
Any members of an accredited Camera Club or Society interested in evaluating images or judging are invited to apply to join the Australian Photographic Judges Association. You do not need to be an active judge to be a member. The prime objective of the Association is to help develop the evaluation and judging skills of members. Further information contact: Rob Sloane: or Paul Robinson: |
or go to the VAPS Website at
Open the News tab and select Newsbrief newsletters.
There you can subscribe for a free email copy of Newsbrief.
Keep up with all of the announcements and news from the clubs.
Hard copy of Newsbrief is not be available in 2016 |
VAPS Committee Listing and Support |
President Ian Rolfe
Vice President/Chair Judging Sub-committee Alfred Zommers
Vice President /Interclub Peter Kewley, 0429 826 960
Secretary Tony Harding
Treasurer/Accountant Jeanette Colson
Badges & Awards Margaret Zommers |
Policy and Documentation TBA
Newsbrief Editor Barry Povey
0409 024 194
History & Archives Alan Wilson
Committee Member Danielle LeGassick
Web Administrator/Convention Rebecca Nicolandos
Return to Contents |
Victorian Association of Photographic Societies Inc.
- To advance the art of photography.
- To further the interests of affiliated bodies.
- To draw up regulations governing exhibitions and inter-club competitions.
- To arrange the exchange of guest lecturers and demonstrations on any subject relating to photography.
- To arrange the exchange of prints between clubs.
- To arrange periodical conventions for members of affiliated bodies and guests.
- To arrange the publication of an official journal or news sheet .
A Brief History:
Camera clubs have existed in Melbourne since the 1890’s and an umbrella organisation called the Victorian Photographic Affiliation was formed in 1908. This guided amateur photography in Victoria for forty years. The Victorian Association of Photographic Societies was formed on 27 September 1952 and comprised of 12 clubs. This has grown to more than 70 clubs in Jan 2016. VAPS is a non-profit association that is entirely self-funded. The Association is run by an elected Committee of Management which is responsible for the operations of the Association, and for ensuring the Association fulfils the objectives.
Victorian Association of Photographic Societies welcomes contributions from interested parties, however, Victorian Association of Photographic Societies accepts no responsibility for the content of these contributions and the views contained therein are not necessarily those of Victorian Association of Photographic Societies. While every care is taken with solicited and unsolicited materials supplied, Victorian Association of Photographic Societies does not accept any liability for loss or damage however caused. Victorian Association of Photographic Societies takes no responsibility for the claims made by advertisers or transactions by. Does not endorse the products sold on the website/Newsbrief or enter into any of the exchanges. Nor is the Victorian Association of Photographic Societies responsible for any exchanging of information or monetary amounts. All transactions are solely the responsibility of the advertiser and purchaser.
Material on the Victorian Association of Photographic Societies site or the Newsbrief may not be reproduced or published elsewhere without the written consent of the publisher, Victorian Association of Photographic Societies. All rights reserved.
Advertising in Newsbrief
Would you like to contribute to Newsbrief? If you do, then it would be helpful if you use the following.
- Reformatting of text will occur (fonts and size) to suit the email format. (Paragraph 14, Heading 16-18, San serif fonts)
- Images can be submitted as jpegs or pdf up to 300 ppi.
Images will be reduced in size as appropriate for email. Text submissions preferred in Microsoft Word format. Images are preferred as JPEG. PDF files can be accommodated. Costs: Ads of any size. Commercial $100 per issue Commercial (Member discount) $50 per issue Affiliated Clubs and their members, free.
Contact the editor if you have questions.
Next Issue - September 2017
Newsbrief publication deadline 26 August 2017.
Newsbrief Editor: Barry Povey: