Saturday, 25 May 2013


Next meeting of show sub committee


Sunday, 19 May 2013

Outing with Alexandra Camera Club to Ken Pollard's Antiques

On Saturday 18th May three club members along with seven Alex Club members visited Ken Pollard's antique collection at his farm near Merton. Ken has been collecting a wide range of memorabilia including an impressive selection of wool balers, general farm implements mostly horse drawn or very early version of tractor drawn, wooden and steel wheeled carts and carriages,  small antique items,  tools, toys et al. What a great place to nostalgically wander amongst the numerous sheds and outdoor collections. A very interesting days photography.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Action Photography - Yea Tigers footy/netball.

We have been asked by the Tigers to continue photographing the home games again this year. 

Do we have any volunteers?

It is a significant commitment on the day, but you do get to see your efforts published in The Yea Chronicle.

So come on all you sports fans get some first hand experience at sports photography.

Email John C direct or contact him through the <Contacts> page of this blog and put your name on the roster.

Home dates are:
June 1    8    22
July  6    13
Aug 3  10

Please indicate your availability and willingness to cover the activity on that date so that John  can put together a roster.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Heritage Photo Display

Don't forget to have your 'heritage' prints (min 20 x 25 cm) mounted and described with your name on the back for easy return, delivered to Kim or Judy by Friday 17th May.

Any subject as long as it is of a heritage setting or event. Can be from any country but Australian is the focus. Six mounted prints each member would be great.

Mat Cutting Company Holiday Closure

After 30 years of business we've decided it’s time to take some “long service” leave, and therefore we'll be closing from the 14th of August to the 21st of October this year 2013.
I know it’s still 3 months away, but I wanted to get in early so that you were aware of what we are doing.
Because it’s for an extended period I am really conscious of trying to organise things with you so that you’re not inconvenienced or left short of stock whilst we are away.
So, could you please have a think about what will suit you best and let me know - I’m very happy to work with you in whatever way I can to ensure that you have sufficient stock over this period.
Please note that the latest possible dispatch will be the 14th of August, so we will need to be organised well before then!
I’ll be in touch again a couple of times between now and then as a reminder, but please feel free to contact me if you have any queries.
Many thanks,

May Meeting

It was exciting to see so many new faces at last Wednesday's meeting.

Welcome! My apologies to all for forgetting the computer and delaying procedures. Call it a senior moment!

1. The committee decided by special resolution with the unanimous support of the members present to postpone the AGM to August 14th.

2. The Treasurer is authorised to pay the RSL in one annual payment for the continuing usage of the RSL rooms.

3.Capture an Idea for June is -TREES. Bring as a Print.

4. Homework is to take 4 low light shots, on a USB stick.
5. 'From One Image' for digital manipulation is below. Get your copy from the email sent to members by the Secretary.  Please bring your effort to the next meeting as a PRINT

6.Joint outing with Alex. Camera Club to Ancona to see an exhibit of old farm machinery this Saturday May 18th. Please let John C know if you intend to come so that he can let the Alex. organisers the numbers to expect

Exhibition Sub Committee

Reminder -
Exhibition sub committee meets Monday 13th May@7.30 pm in the Yea RSL

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

MAY MEETING - Wednesday 8th May 2013

Topic Low Light Practical
Bring camera,tripod etc and rug up well. Its likely to be cold night so make sure you bring a scarf and hat and a 'rug' for your camera.
Also bring
1. Your print of an altered image supplied by Alister.
2. Your print for Capture an Idea competition - Candle or Candelabra
3. Your homework on a USB stick, featuring action 1/ freeze action 2, Panned action and 3/ Blurred movement action.

At the RSL hall at 7:00. The heaters will be on.