To those whom I have not seen this New Year and all prospective new members, I hope you enjoyed the festive season and are all fired up for the new calendar.
The first meeting of the camera club for 2015 will be this Wednesday, Feb.11th.at 7.00pm in the Yea RSL hall.
This is an important meeting because it forms the base for the new year.
- We will review the voting rules for Capture an Idea. Remember FEb’s photograph is GREEN and should be brought on the night. ( If we have new members who wish to enter the competition but don’t have their photo on the night and will make a GREEN photo, then voting will be deferred to the March meeting.)
- We will run through the calendar of events.
- We will arrange our outing to the Toolangi State forest this Sunday Feb15th.
- We will organise our presentation of a cheque to the Yea Memorial Hospital.
- We will outline our idea for 2015 Competition and Exhibition and assess the level of interest and practical support.
- Bring your camera and gear – we will team up for taking photos around the town.
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