Welcome to Autumn and the opportunity to take wow autumn colours.
The next meeting of the camera club will be Wednesday 11th March at 7.00pm in the Yea RSL.
Please remember to bring your “Capture an Idea “ PRINTS for Feb.-GREEN and March – SKY.
Also those who attended the Feb. meeting have the opportunity to email to Alan C before 7.00pm this Saturday 7th, two photos they took of Yea on their walk around that night.
Please ensure that you reduce the size of each photo before sending. 1MB each would be ideal but not critical. If you cannot do this, bring your photos on a USB stick early on the night of the meeting.
This month’s presentation is how to construct a light box with the two Alans-_ Alan S and Alan C..Bring your cameras for the chance to try one out.
Also this month is decision time regarding whether we will hold our annual competition and exhibition.Your committee has already decided that we should, but we need to know the level of support within the membership before we commit ourselves. If you cannot attend this meeting it would be most helpful if you can email to me your thoughts and hopefully your commitment.

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