Thursday, 29 October 2015

VAPS: October Edition of Newsbrief

VAPS Newsbrief
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October 2015 Edition of Newsbrief


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Best regards,

Karel Reus
Editor: VAPS Newsbrief

VAPS Newsbrief Nov 2015

VAPS Newsbrief
Victorian Association of Photographic Societies Inc.
November 2015. Vol. 42, No 10.


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President's Report
Editor's Comment
From Club/Societies and Others
Judging at Clubs
Judging Workshop
What is a PUB National?
MAMA Art Foundation National Prize
December Newsbrief
           President's Report November 2015          
I am delighted at being elected President of the Victorian Association of Photographic Associations Inc, it will be a hard act to follow after such strong and positive leadership by Ron Speed.
Ron has been a tireless worker supporting VAPS in many areas, so I take this opportunity, as I am sure all of our members will, in thanking Ron for his dedication and support of the Association over the last two years.

This new term also sees some positive changes to the Interclub and the announcement that our 2016 Convention and Interclub exhibition will be held in Albury.

The Albury-Wodonga Camera Club is fully behind the convention and readily welcomes all club members to Albury over the weekend of 3rd to 5th JUNE 2016. Brian Paatsch and his team have been working hard there to secure a stunning venue for the conference, exhibition and social functions.

Improvements to the Interclub will include the introduction of a new upload system that will enable clubs to upload their maker's details, digital files and print details. This will eliminate a great deal of paperwork, be friendly to the environment not to mention to those committee members who usually have to spend several days keying all of the details.  Full details of the 2016 Interclub and Convention will be forwarded to clubs along with the re affiliation forms in November.

Our Newsbrief Editor has moved on from that role after producing some significant changes to Newsbrief and we thank Karel Ruse and also Vera Curnow, the Assistant Editor to Newsbrief for their generous contributions in time, effort and professionalism.  We now welcome Barry Povey from Berwick Viewfinders as our new Newsbrief Editor.  Remember we always welcome and seek club inputs with your own information for Newsbrief so if you have a story to tell let Barry know, I am sure he will find a spot for you in the News.

Margaret Zommers has also been working diligently in improving the VAPS service awards requirements, the Meritorious award has returned to an eight year requirement as does the SSVAPS awards. Although each award was for quite different contributions, there seemed to be some confusion in what should be included in each.  The Meritorious Award is for exceptional service for eight years to the applicant's local club and local area, while the SSVAPS is for service to the State of Victoria.  The categories have been spelt out in detail in the new application forms which are now on the website so you can read them there.

I now look forward to working with you and our committee to make Photography enjoyable and rewarding for all of us.

          Message from the Newsbrief Editor            

You have received this eMail because you are on the VAPS list to receive the Newsbrief.

Well, the Annual General Meeting has just been held and there is a new Newsbrief editor.

I have just met with the pervious editor to do part of the handover and it was great to get some fantastic help. Thank you Karel.

Beginning with this issue we will be using a new method of generating the Newsbrief.

The method is browser based and manages the development and distribution of the Newsbrief as an eMail.

It replaces the method where the product was designed for print. It is now designed for the "web". You will see a mobile version of the Newsbrief on mobile devices. An unsubscribe facility is present as a mandatory requirement.. You can get your own personal eMail by subscribing. See the bottom of the eMail or click here. You will be able to view it in your mail software and web-browser. Save it to your group's web site. Forward it to group members. Let's hope that I sort out any bugs during my initiation into this work.

Being browser-based you will, over time, find some use of links to other websites and to "anchors" elsewhere in the Newsbrief.

At the very top of this eMail there is link that will open the eMail in your browser. Do this and all the links will come active.

A healthy balance of links, articles, ads needs to be maintained. Links do not last. Links take you away from the content here. Articles are crucial. It also means a rethink in the way graphics and articles are submitted. Word documents are fine. Pages (Mac) are fine. JPEGS are fine. PDFs are not suitable.

This publication is directed at helping VAPS affiliates. (and hence their members). A link to another club/society's website is a great way to keep in touch with other activities. You need to see what other clubs are doing. Other groups want to know what you are doing. You may get some ideas that will work with your group. You never know! You might be in Foster for a few days and you find that they are meeting that night. You could pop along hoping they would welcome you as a guest. The lovely people at Foster certainly would. They could tell you of some great local spots for photography. CHiPA (Central Highlands Imaging and Photographic Association) consistently contribute monthly to the "What's On" section on the website. Well done CHiPA.

Hence, it is so important that groups feed me articles of interest about you or your group. I know that just waiting for articles to come in will be a long wait. That is the way "life is". We have busy lives. (Mine will be a bit busier now too!) So if you get a phone call from me, for a chat and to ask for help with new material, you will consider it favourably. But, don't wait. Be proactive. Put a paragraph together. It is clear that there is interest in how you run/score your competitions. What is good about your group? What worked for you?

This link will help.

You will see a Call for Entries for the MAMMA Art Gallery in Albury in this issue. Brian Paatsch from the 2016 Convention Committee has sent this in. Make sure you note it.

There is no Assistant Editor at the moment. How about giving it a go?  One is desperately needed. We need a team of two on this.

Cheers to you all,

Barry Povey (Berwick Viewfinders Camera Club)
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Advertising in Newsbrief
Would you like to contribute to Newsbrief? If you do then it would be helpful if you use the following.
  • Arial font
  • 16 point for body text
  • 18 point or 20 point for headings
  • Images can be submitted as jpegs up to 300 ppi.
Text may need to be reformatted as appropriate for eMail.
Images will be reduced in size as appropriate for eMail. Submissions preferred in Microsoft Word format.

Contact the editor if you have questions.
Barry Povey:

          From Clubs/Societies and Others         

Meritorious and SSVAPS Awards
Margaret Zommers - Badges and Awards Secretary

The Meritorious and SSVAPS Awards have been revamped as promised at the half-yearly VAPS General Meeting and in previous Newsbriefs.  Following a considerable degree of confusion as to what should be included in the application for each, the criteria have now been spelt out in some detail.

The Meritorious has also been increased to eight years instead of five, as there were complaints from previous recipients that this award had become watered down over time. The increase of years is hoped to produce some consistency.  Recipients now need to work in 3 out of the 6 categories in the Meritorious Award and 4 out of 8 in the SSVAPS. They do not have to work in all three (or four) for the eight years, but must work in a minimum of one per year, and cover three (or four) over the eight-year period.

If a club feels that an applicant is deserving of one of these awards even though they do not meet the categories, please put in the application anyway as the VAPS committee has the discretion to make exceptions.  There is also a category of Other in each award, where services which are outside of the scope of the categories may be included.

The new application forms are now on the web.  I will put the details of these awards in future Newsbriefs prior to the VAPS mid-year General Meeting which is the time when clubs need to submit their applications for 2016.

Badges & Awards / Convention 
Margaret Zommers

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Judging at Clubs.

Over the years very little has been done to develop the skills of our judges and presenters. The VAPS judges list is a valuable resource to clubs when trying to find judges, image evaluaters, and presenters for club nights.

Most judges on the judges list, possibly attended a one day course run by VAPS, then offered to go on the list and do their best for the clubs that invite them along. They even paid for the course themselves. It's a fairly daunting task, especially to start with. Why do they do it - mostly to give a little back to the art, hobby that they are passionate about. It's a voluntary job, and as a person that has produced many club syllabuses over the years, I am very grateful.

Last year the APJA was formed and has currently around 28 paid up members. Its prime objective is to develop the skills of its members, and any other persons helping clubs out with judging and evaluating. It is still feeling its way, and it will be quite a while until it gets it anything like perfect.

Recently it held a one day seminar (Level 1 training) with the aid of a couple of Art Department University lecturers, (which of course had to be paid), and a couple of APJA speakers who gave their time free. Attendees paid to attend the day. About 46 attended including 12 from the country, which really was fantastic.

We now have some feedback, and some suggestions, on what judges are looking for with respect to further training. We also got some ideas of who would be good speakers.

The real issues we have is how to judge the artistic merits of images, especially in areas like contempory photography. Just take a look at what is being hung in the galleries around Melbourne, drop into MGA or Magnet for example. Take a look at AIPP images, take a look at the Bienalle images, take a look at some of the Internationals.

Who stands to gain the most from all of this? No doubt, the members of Victorian Association of Photographic Societies, i.e. the clubs. VAPS made a grant to the APJA to help kick it off, which was a great start, APJA is planning:
  1. An Intro to Judging course (Beginners)  on November 8th 
  2. Level 2 Seminar around March 2016
  3. Level 3 Seminar around May 2016
  4. An Intro to Judging course (Beginners)  around August 2016
  5. Level 1 Seminar around October 2016

APJA also schedules a bi-monthly get together, usually on a Sunday. Someone does a small presentation and there is some discussion on issues relating to judging and image evaluation.

So please get behind this initiative, if you are on the judges list, if you have attended a judging course, or if you just want to be part of it and you are not a member. It would be great to have you involved and get your ideas.

Just drop an email to
Rob Sloane:   or
Paul Robinson;
Rob Sloane, member of Knox Photo Society, Judge and member of APJA.

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                  What's A PUB National?                 

Well, I had better be a good role model and set an example by contributing to Newsbrief myself. If I can do, it anyone can?

In June each year, Berwick Viewfinders Camera Club (BVCC) run their PUB National. It's held in the function room of a local hotel - hence PUB. It's run along the National judging style – hence National.

Initially we have a pub-dinner with lots of great chit-chat.

Then the judging starts and it's serious. There are trophies at stake. A camera club is asked to provide three judges for the competition. They are there for a free dinner. Lucky people! But they are there for a serious job too. The categories are large prints, small prints and projected images. Each image is seen for eight seconds. Each judges rates them one to five. Judges hold up score cards so members cannot see the scores. The total score is 15. Only a first prize is awarded in each section. If more than one get the highest score, the judges make a final decision.

Then the trophies are awarded and we go home happy.

What's good about the PUB National?
  • It's a great social evening.
  • Club members have to think about what entry is appropriate for an eight second viewing. It's different from internal club competitions.
  • It makes members aware of what a National competition is.
  • It involves another club.
  • It gives members from another club a chance to do some judging as a team. Great for inexperienced/new judges.
  • Very little preparation of entries beforehand. They do not have to be packed up and sent to the judges weeks before. There is a minimum of preparation, by print stewards, compared with other competitions.
  • Judges have to do no preparation except think, and chat amongst themselves, about how they score and have a nice dinner with good people.
  • When you forget to prepare three sets of score cards, to hold up, you can ask the hotel if you can have 15 coasters and you can make them on the spur of the moment.
It's one of our best club nights and to get a trophy at the PUB National is big-time!

Try it.
Barry Povey – Berwick Viewfinders Camera Club (BVCC)

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Any members of an accredited Camera Club or Society and interested in evalating images or judging, are invited to apply to join the Australian Photographic Judges Association.
You do not need to be an active judge to be a member.
The prime objective of the Association is to help develop the evaluation and judging skills of members.
Further information contact
Rob Sloane:   or
Paul Robinson:
Introduction to Judging Workshop
Great news for potential judges.

Thanks to the APJA (Australian Photographic Judges Association) and support from VAPS the next Introduction to Judging Workshop is planned for the Sunday, 8 November 2015.
The workshop is aimed at anyone who has an interest in judging images and will demonstrate the discipline of judging and carries out practical applications of this by participants. The outcome will be a basic understanding of the role of judging images.
This course is particularly designed for those who wish to enhance their understanding of judging photographs and is the first stepping stone for anyone who wish to continue with further training for the judging role.

Date:  Sunday 8th November
Venue: St. Peter's Church Hall,
cnr Ames Ave and Neerim Rd., Murrumbeena
Parking available in surrounding streets
(Not in the church carpark).
Time:  8.45am to 4.00 pm
Cost:   $20
Morning and afternoon tea supplied. BYO lunch or local shopping centre
Bookings are essential.
Email APJA Secretary Margaret Zommers
With your Name and Club
Payment can be made on arrival at the door.

. Introduction by Jenni Tanner
."The language, expression and methods of judging" by Sheryle Griffiths
. "Emotional content of images including reference to historical works" 
   by Ian Rolfe
. "Psychology of Judging" by Paul Robinson
. "Conceptual Visual Strategies" by Paul Robinson
. Practical judging exercises carried out by participants

If you book, please turn up, so we don't waste a seat.
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MAMA Art Foundation National Prize 2016

Submit your work

The MAMA Art Foundation National Photography Prize 2016 is a biennial acquisitive awards and exhibition, showcasing the best in contemporary Australian photography with a cash prize pool of $50,000.

An exhibition of the selected photographs will be held at MAMA from 20 May to 7 August 2016, from which, prizes totalling $50,000 will be awarded, consisting of:
  • MAMA Art Foundation National Photography Prize – up to $47,000
  • John and Margaret Baker Memorial Fellowship for emerging artists - $3,000 fellowship
  • Additional acquisitions – up to $47,000 (depending on NPP awarded value)
Applications close for the MAMA Art Foundation National Photograph Prize 2016 on Friday 11 March 2016.

All applications will be assessed by a judging panel consisting of both internal and external representatives. Entrants of works shortlisted for the exhibition will be notified by Monday 11 April 2016.

All works shortlisted for exhibition will be featured in the exhibition catalogue, which will be available for sale online and in shopMAMA.

The prize winning photographs will be announced at the opening of the exhibition on Friday 20 May 2016.

Those photographs not acquired by MAMA through the MAMA Art Foundation National Photography Prize will be available for purchase during the exhibition (30% commission applies).

How to apply. All applicants will need to submit an online application form, which must include the following:
  • Up to 3 images of unique artwork/s for consideration by the selection panel, each accompanied by individual artwork statements
  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • Artist practice statement
  • Payment of a non-returnable entry fee of $30.00 (inc. GST)
If you have any any queries regarding the application process please contact the MAMA Curatorial and Exhibition Team on 02 6043 5800 or

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                 December Newsbrief               
Well, here is where the editor sticks his neck out.
What did club/societies do over the cup weekend?
You have time to get an article in for the deadline on 26th November.
Just a paragraph and a couple of pictures will really lift the last Newsbrief for the year.
As I have heard said, "Just do it!" Use the link or eMail the editor.

Look for Conference 2016 details in the December Newsbrief.

Due out around 1st December.
Article deadline 26th November.

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Victorian Associations of Photographic Societies Inc Proudly welcomes a new sponsor - Imagebank Australia

At this years inter-club competition, Imagebank Australia awarded vouchers for an 11" x 14" acrylic print (valued at $105 each) to 20 photographers selected from the AIPC Victorian print finalists.
Selection and awards were be made by the AIPC selection committee and announced at the annual dinner.
Further to the above Imagebank Australia will be offering monthly prizes of acrylic prints to a competition that will be set up via their Facebook page. As soon as details are finalised they will be distributed to all clubs and announced via the website and Facebook.
On behalf of the VAPS community we would like to thank the management and staff of Imagebank Australia for their kind and generous sponsorship and we look forward to a long association.

A Sponsor of VAPS
Victorian Association of Photographic Societies Inc Welcomes Epson Australia Pty Ltd
A new and valued sponsor for our members' benefit.
Special Offer from Epson for VAPS Club Members
Register at the following link to receive a $20 online shop voucher as well as many offers from the Epson range of products.
We encourage our club members to support Epson in your next printer purchase. Visit their website at to get all of the information on the new Epson SureColor SC‐P600.
Thank you Epson for your support to the Camera Clubs of Victoria

Affiliate of VAPS

-Australian Photographic Society
VAPS Committee Listing
Ian Rolfe

Vice President/Chair Judging Sub-committee
Alfred Zommers

Vice President /Interclub
Peter Kewley,
0429 826960

Lorraine Holden
(03) 9557 7951

Jeanette Colson

Badges & Awards
Margaret Zommers
Web Administrator/Convention
Rebecca Nicolandos

Policy and Documentation
Peter Calder

Newsbrief Editor
Barry Povey
(03) 9798 7441

History & Archives
Alan Wilson

Committee Member/Assistant Web Admin.
Betty Bibby

Committee Member
Danielle LeGassick

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Victorian Association
of Photographic Societies Inc.

General Enquiries:
P.O. Box 2010, South Melbourne, Victoria, 3205
Lorraine Holden:
VAPS Objectives
  • To advance the art of photography.
  • To further the interests of affiliated bodies.
  • To draw up regulations governing exhibitions and inter-club competitions.
  • To arrange exchange of guest lecturers and demonstrations on any subject relating to photography.
  • To arrange exchange of prints between clubs.
  • To arrange periodical Conventions of the members of the affiliated bodies and guests.
  • To arrange the publication of an official journal or news sheet .
A Brief History:
Camera clubs have existed in Melbourne since the 1890's, and an umbrella organisation called the Victorian Photographic Affiliation was formed in 1908. This guided amateur photography in Victoria for forty years. The Victorian Association of Photographic Societies was formed on 27 September 1952 and comprised 12 clubs. This has grown to more than 60 clubs in 2014. VAPS is a non-profit association that is entirely self-funded. The Association is run by an elected Committee of Management which is responsible for the operations of the Association, and for ensuring the Association fulfils the objectives.
Newsbrief publication deadline 25th of November` 2015
(Next edition: December 2015)
Commercial advertisements cost $50 (Full page $100)
Newsbrief Editor: Barry Povey:
Victorian Association of Photographic Societies welcomes contributions from interested parties, however Victorian Association of Photographic Societies accepts no responsibility for the content of these contributions and the views contained therein are not necessarily those of Victorian Association of Photographic Societies. While every care is taken with solicited and unsolicited materials supplied, Victorian Association of Photographic Societies does not accept any liability for loss or damage however caused. Victorian Association of Photographic Societies takes no responsibility for the claims made by advertisers, or transactions by. Does not endorse the products sold on the website/Newsbrief or enter into any of the exchanges. Nor is the Victorian Association of Photographic Societies responsible for any exchanging of information or monetary amounts. All transactions are solely the responsibility of the advertiser and purchaser.
Material on the Victorian Association of Photographic Societies site or the Newsbrief may not be reproduced or published elsewhere without the written consent of the publisher, Victorian Association of Photographic Societies. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2015 Victorian Association of Photographic Societies, All rights reserved.
You are subscribed to this list because you are a camera club secretary or have chosen to join the list. It is used for distribution of Newsbrief items. If you role changes please notify us so we can add the new person in the role.

Our mailing address is:
Victorian Association of Photographic Societies
P.O. Box 2010
South Melbourne, Vic 3205

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