Friday, 25 March 2016

March 2016 Meeting Minutes

General meeting of the Yea camera club Inc. held in the RSL rooms Wednesday 9th. March @ 7.00pm.

Present: Ann and Andrew Potts, Ian Robinson, Bryan Worth, Michael Minter, Stuart McLennan , Phil Glowacki , Alan Cole and Alan Synnott, Pauline Roberts, Ann Anstey, Joy and John Clayton, Kerry Gouldthorpe, Gidget Knight, Judy and Keith Hoffman

1. Kerry informed the membership that a cheque for $1000 had been presented to the Yea and District Memorial Hospital. It had been well received and would be used to purchase new equipment.

2. Michael Minter had on display a selection of photobooks produced in Big W. Members were canvassed for their subject ideas, but most members preferred to keep their ideas a secret at this time. Joy and John will bring in their photobooks for next month and Pauline will do so for the May meeting. This will give the membership some ideas on presentation and the available printing resources.

3. Kerry reported on our attendance at the Whittlesea camera club presentation by Peter Walton.

Precis of that given by Kerry plus JohnC's own notes:
  • Travel light – take three lens 15mm, 24 – 105mm, 70 – 300mm.
  • Carry your own gear in a manner that it is ready very quickly. Did not like backpacks because slow to access your gear.
  • Be prepared.
  • Given the image stabilisation available in camera in new cameras, he did not consider it necessary to carry a tripod unless you knew of definite photographic needs e.g. Long exposures.
  • Three steps to produce good photography.
  • a) See the photo
  • b) Capture it 
  • c) Finesse it post camera.
  • Also For bouquet the larger the ratio of camera to subject and subject to background, the better.
  • Look for a picture within a picture, change your angle of view, give yourself elbow room and look for leading lines
  • Three rules: # 1: There are no rules, # 2: See # 1, # 3: Be there.
Historical photos of trains taken by Lance Adams were shown over the break.

4. Ann Anstey enquired if any members were going on the joint car rally with Yarra Ranges Camera Club on Sunday 20th March. There were no recorded participants.

5. Judy Hoffman raised a proposal to purchase a new computer because of the condition of the existing computer and associated problems. There was overwhelming support from the floor.

6. Last month’s Capture an Idea Peer Choice awards – 3rd Pauline, 2nd Stuart, 1st Michael.  Judy Hoffman as guest judge announced the winning photo was Stuart?

7. Ann Potts asked if the club could take photos for the Yea Day Care Centre. This was thought to be too difficult for members because of multiple sessions, short notice and the requirement to have a Working with Children Check. There was no support to take the photos.

8. Kerry announced that the judge for March’s subject –Open, will be Ron Litjens.

9. Alan Cole presented on Back to Basics.

The elements were Exposure, Lighting,  Focus,  Composition, Mood,  Digital Darkroom and Setting up the camera.

This night’s topic was Exposure and the understanding necessary to take the perfect exposure. Each point of the Exposure Triangle – Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO was explained in detail, and their interaction.

The members broke into groups to practically review the details.

Meeting closed.


Take 2 photos of the same subject from the same position. One with a large aperture (small no) and one with a small aperture (large no) to illustrate the effect of aperture on Depth of Field.

Email these pics to AlanC by the Sunday before the next meeting. Please reduce the size of images to around 1Mb

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