Friday, 22 July 2016

AGM 2016


Notice is hereby given that the AGM of the Yea Camera Club Inc. will be held on Wednesday August 10th in the Yea RSL hall. 

The meeting will take place during/after our regular general meeting which will commence at the usual time of 7.00pm. 

All executive positions of the club will be declared vacant and nominations are required to fill these positions. Nominations can be emailed to the secretary or presented on the night.

The agenda for the AGM will be:

  1. Minutes of the previous 2015 AGM
  2. Presentation of annual report from the President.
  3. Presentation of annual report and accounts from the Treasurer
  4. Determination of the fee structure for 2016/17
  5. Election of Officers.
There is no general business in the AGM

Only financial members from 2015 onward will be allowed to vote, but of course anyone can attend.
John Clayton – Secretary

Minutes of the Yea Camera Club Incorporated AGM for the year ending 30th.June 2015 held in the Yea RSl on Wednesday 12th August2015.

Present; Kerry Gouldthorpe  Ann Anstey  Joy and John Clayton   Alan Cole   Alan Synnott Andrew Potts   Ann Potts   Judy Hoffman   Kim Clements  Sue  Phil Glowaki
Apologies: Pauline Roberts  Mary White  Colin

Minutes of the 2014 AGM

The minutes have been previously circulated to all members. A motion was placed to have read and approve the minutes. Moved Ann Potts Seconded Alan Synnott Motion approved unanimously.

President’s report
The President reported on the club’s activities during the year and its community involvement as per attached. The President particularly thanked the Treasurer Ann Anstey for her work and announced Ann’s retirement as Treasurer.

Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer tabled the financial details for the year, as per attached documentation. Copies of the report were circulated to all members. There were no questions on the report.
Motion to accept the report Moved Ann Anstey  Seconded Andrew Potts Motion carried unanimously.

The President indicated that the membership fee was satisfactory and should remain the same for the 2015/16 year.
Motion to maintain fees as current . Moved Kerry Gouldthorpe Seconded Alan Cole Carried unanimously.

All executive positions were declared vacant. Alan Cole took the Chair and the secretary gave him some received written nominations.All positions were elected unopposed.

For the position of President: Nomination Kerry Gouldthorpe  Proposed John Clayton Seconder Joy Clayton .
Position of  Vice President: Nomination Judy Hoffman Proposed John Clayton Seconder Joy Clayton 
Position of  Treasurer: Nomination Joy Clayton Proposed Ann Anstey Seconder John Clayton 
Position of  Secretary:  Nomination John Clayton Proposed Kerry Gouldthorpe Seconded Judy Hoffman

The President indicated that it would even the load on committee members if certain tasks were delegated to members or sub committees. Three appointments were made- Ann Anstey Alan Synnott and Ann Potts.

Meeting closed .7.30pm

Annual Club Fees

Members please note that annual membership fees are due. Payments can be made by direct credit to the clubs Bendigo Bank account or paid to the Treasurer at the next meeting.

Your membership must be current to qualify for the Capture An Idea competition each month so please get your subscriptions paid ASAP.


To club secretaries and newsletter editors.
The APJA would be pleased if you could include this in your newsletter.
Many thanks
Rob Sloane

Getting Judges and Presenters at your club
Every year when we put our syllabus together we turn to the VAPS “Judges List” to engage judges and presenters for our monthly meetings.

These people are members of the photographic community that volunteer their time to come along to our meetings. In the past there has been very little training for potential judges and no continuing training at all for existing judges. A group has been formed to try and rectify this.

The APJA (Judges Association) has put together a series of 1 day seminars to help current judges and potential judges become better trained and be of greater help to clubs.

As current judges retire, one thing is for certain, if we don’t train up new judges, it will be increasingly difficult to engage judges and speakers. Also there will be little or no improvement in judging standards if there is no ongoing training.

Please support this initiative.

If you would like to attend the next round of Level 1 training the details are below.
There is no compulsion to become a judge.
It is an excellent opportunity to increase your “Image Evaluation” skills.

Level 1 (Beginners) training.
Date:               Sunday September 11
Venue:                        St. Peters Anglican Church Hall
Cnr. Ames Ave & Neerim Rd Murrumbeena.  (Melway 68 K5)

Ø  Judging images.                     
Ø  Good /Bad judging                 With Sheryle Griffith
Ø  Emotion in Images                  With Ian Rolfe
Ø  Public Speaking                      With Rob Sloane
Ø  Camera Craft                          With Emma Gillette
Ø  Elements of an image,             With Ian Bock
Ø  Prac exercises.                         With APJA members
Ø  Q & A                                     With APJA members

BYO lunch      Morning and afternoon teas provided.

Cost:    APJA members                                   $15
            Persons on the current Judges List     $20
            Club Members                                     $25

For more information or to register contact:
Gerry Gibson                
Or  Rob Sloane at            (after 13 Aug)
Or Paul Robinson at      

 Seminars as of 17 July 2016

 7 Aug

Level 2
8.45 am


9.00 am
9.20 am
20 mins
Sheryle Griffiths
9.20 am
9.30 am
10 mins
Sheryle Griffiths
9.30 am
9.45 am
15 mins
History of Photography
Paul Robinson ??????
9.45 am
10.30 am
45 mins
What Judges Look For
Paul Robinson
10.30 am
11.15 am
45 mins
Judging Landscapes
Ian Rolfe
11.15 am
11.45 am
30 mins
Morning Tea

11.45 am
12.30 pm
45 mins
Judging Wildlife / Nature
Doug Gimesy
12.30 pm
1.15 pm
45 mins

1.15 pm
2.00 pm
45 mins
Advanced critique of images
Emma Gillette
2.00 pm
45 mins
Prac - judging prints

2:45 pm
3.00 pm
15 mins
Afternoon tea

3.00 pm
3.30 pm
30 mins
Prac - Judging EDPI

3.30 pm
4.00 pm
30 mins
Q & A

4.00 pm
4.10 pm
10 mins
Thank you - Wrap up
Paul Robinson


 11 Sept
Level 1
8.45 am


9.00 am
9.20 am
20 mins
Sheryle Griffiths
9.20 am
9.30 am
10 mins
Sheryle Griffiths
9.30 am
9.45 am
15 mins
Ron Cork Video #1
Ron Cork
9.45 am
10.30 am
45 mins
Public Speaking
Rob Sloane
10.30 am
11.15 am
45 mins
Emotions in Images
Ian Rolfe
11.15 am
11.45 am
30 mins
Morning tea

11.45 am
12.30 pm
45 mins
Basic critique of images
Emma Gillette
12.30 pm
1.15 pm
45 mins

1.15 pm
1.45 pm
30 mins
Good/Bad judging
Sheryle Griffith
1.45 pm
2.30 pm
45 mins
Elements of an Image
Ian Bock
2.30 pm
3.00 pm
30 mins
Prac - judging prints

3.00 pm
3.15 pm
15 mins
Afternoon tea

3.15 pm
3.45 pm
30 mins
Prac - judging EDPI

3.45 pm
4.00 pm
15 mins
Q & A
4.00 pm
4.10 pm
10 mins
Thank you -Wrap up
Paul Robinson

Cambodia Workshop

I run a business in Kensington, Victoria called The Fox Darkroom & Gallery.
We are running an international photographic workshop in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The workshop is taking place in November.
I am writing to ask if you would be willing to share this workshop with VAPS members? 
Below is a link to the workshop information -
It is a fantastic opportunity for those wanting to couple a bit of adventure and better their photography.
Thanks so much for your time,

Tom Goldner
The Fox Darkroom & Gallery
P: +61 414 486 051 | E:
Facebook Instagram

Friday, 15 July 2016

July meeting notes

General meeting of the Yea Camera Club held in the RSL hall on Wednesday 13th July 2016

Present: AP X2  JCX2  AC  KG  AA  SM  GK  MH  BW
Apologies   JH KH PR

Wolf Marx, a member of the Australian Photography Judges Association from the Camberwell Camera Club gave a presentation on STREET PHOTOGRAPHY.

Here are the notes on his presentation.

Definition of Street Photography. – random activities in public places. Usually features people in chance encounters, un- manipulated and unaware. There should be GRACE.

Australian Law – no one has the right not to be photographed in a public place. Use commonsense and discretion.

Tips for better photographs
  1. Look for interesting locations and wait for interesting passers by
  2.  Go to political rallies, protests and public events.
  3. Try to avoid harsh light.
  4. Use small cameras for discrete shots.
  5. Use auto focus or hyperfocul length. There is an app for this “Set my Camera.”
  6. Use shutter priority 150/200th second.
  7. Prowl the streets.
Winner of the Judge’s award for Capture an idea June - light - was Alan Synnott. 

Highly Commended Ann Anstey and Phil Glowacki.

Winner of the Peer Review was Phil Glowacki. Highly Commended was Alan Cole.

Homework is 2 Street Photographs taken in Yea.To be emailed to AlanC by the Monday before the August meeting.

Members are reminded that subscriptions for 2016/17 are now payable ( by direct debit or on pay to AnnA on the night of a meeting).

Next meeting will include the Annual General Meeting, at which all executive positions will be declared vacant. Nominations are requested to fill these functions – President, Vice President, Secretary , Treasurer and at least one non executive position .

Nominations should be forwarded to John C at yeacamerra<at>

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