Sunday, 24 November 2013

Ballarat National Photographic Exhibition

Art Gallery of Ballarat: supporting local artist image:
Bianca Lai Yin Ho Aboriginal Woman (detail) photographic print

Ballarat National Photographic Exhibition

Saturday 7 December 2013 – Sunday 19 January 2014

The Ballarat National Photographic Exhibition provides a quality art and cultural experience, which raises the profile of photography and encourages visitors to Ballarat. It is well-regarded in Australia’s photographic circles and this year has attracted eight hundred and eighty-five images from ninety-two entrants from as far as Broome in Western Australia. The top one-hundred and sixteen prints have been selected for display.
This is the forty-fifth year that the Ballarat Camera Club has staged the exhibition, which has been held at the Art Gallery of Ballarat since 1997. The Ballarat National Photographic Competition is approved by the Australian Photographic Society and is run in accordance with its recommended practices.

Opening event
Sunday 8 December, 3pm

Guest speaker: Ian Pym; Past exhibition Co-ordinator and ex-member of the Ballarat Camera Club.

RSVP Wednesday 4 December to or 03 5320 5858
Art Gallery of Ballarat
40 Lydiard Street North, Ballarat

Entry free. Open 10am - 5pm
(closed Christmas and Boxing Days)

Thursday, 7 November 2013


The next meeting of the camera club will be:
Wednesday 13th @ 7.30pm in the RSL hall

This will be the last meeting before our Christmas break up tea, and therefore part of the meeting will be a tidy up of outstanding issues.

This is the last month for "Capture an Idea"
Please bring your SHAGGY print.

Please bring your homework - Black and White
Remember 2 subjects 6 photos
    Colour, Black and white in the camera,and colour conversion to black and white.
On a usb please.

We may also review our FOOD photos.

Please bring all sold/unsold raffle tickets and money.

Please bring ideas for next year, learning as well as outings.

Please bring 3 ideas for Capture an Idea.

Anyone interested in being a delegate to VAPS?

We may also discuss the show and VAPS boards hire etc.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

November meeting

Because it is a holiday long weekend for some, we thought it would be an ideal opportunity to get out there with your cameras and take your SHAGGY photos and if you haven't already, either start or finish your Black and White homework. (Details below)

Next meeting of the club will be Wednesday 13th.

This may be the last time John wilI see some members before the Yea Ag Show, so can ALL raffle tickets sold/unsold be returned to him at the meeting together with monies to Ann.

If you cannot make the meeting please ensure that you give your raffle monies and ticket books, sold/unsold, to someone who is attending. Thank you.

Take photographs of 4 different subjects
You will need to take 2 of each subject
One in Camera Mode - Black & White
An identical photograph of the subject in colour
Convert the colour photograph to black & white with your software.
Bring them along next month on your memory stick so we can all compare.
Please write down the procedures of your conversion.

Judes Suggestions

Still Life Subject (Look for something OLD)
Landscape Midday
Same Landscape at Dusk
If you have a Polarizer give it a try.
Then take another photo without the polarizer of the same subject and let’s see the difference

Friday, 11 October 2013

Yea Art Show 2014

This post requires your immediate attention.
Please reply either positive or negative.
We need your response by Monday 14th.

At Wednesday night’s meeting a discussion was held around what form the clubs presence at the Arts Carnival should take. The event this year will be bigger than ever and a good chance to promote the club and show off some of your best work.

You will remember that last year we had in the vicinity of 100 prints on display in the ‘Goods Shed’ over the Australia Day weekend. The event will again be held over the Australia Day weekend.

We are looking for ideas of the format for this year and a commitment from members to man the display. We would like to get enough members to volunteer so that each manning stint is only 2 hours.

What format do you think the display should TAKE?

Please email yeacamera (at)  or John C NOW with your offer of assistance (or not) and your ideas. Help the committee make the event one that truly reflects the wishes of the club members.

Some suggestions have been put forward already.
  • A collage of daily photos that ‘describe’ the Arts Carnival. (this is a creative idea but would require a fair bit of commitment for members to not only take shots of the events happenings over the week of the event but also to print and display the prints daily).
  • Each member provides 10 mounted prints for display. (The prints would have to include a majority that were not used in our Spring Photo Competition or the Yea Show).
  • Make prints available for sale.
  • Run a workshop on some aspect of photography.  Michaels Cameras have offered to present a subject to our club at some time. Possibly make a small charge to attend. Find someone to do a presentation on photographic software such as Lightroom, Picasa etc
  • Accompany presentation with display that showcases the use of software.

Please make the committee’s job hard by giving us so many ideas it will be difficult to decide what to do and have so many helpers it will make manning whatever we do easy.


Your club needs you.

We need some more volunteers to sell raffle tickets outside the supermarket for 2 hour stints between now and the middle of November. If you can help even for just one 2-hour time slot please reply to this email and let John know.  

It’s  only 2 hours so please help the club sell heaps of tickets. The prizes this year are fantastic so the tickets should be easy to sell. Two people per shift makes it more pleasant for all.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

September 2013 Meeting

Next meeting of the camera club will be Wednesday 11th September - next week! 

Do we have a night for you?! 

Important details and a lip smacking practical!!
The meeting will commence in the RSL Hall 6.30 for 7.00pm prompt start.

The first item will be the judging of the "Capture an Idea " Balloons. Please bring your entry as a print. 

We are sorry but Black and White homework is postponed again because we have a full night schedule.

We also need to finalise a date to go to Flowerdale Estate either the 22nd. or 29th this month.

This will be followed by the postponed 2013 AGM. As previously circulated the President and Treasurer will present their annual reports and financial statement. 

Belowis last year's AGM minutes which will be taken as read to save some time. This does not preclude you from raising any issue with the minutes.

All committee positions both executive and non executive  are up for nomination. There will also be special resolutions to accept the recommendations of the committee to change the constitution as per previously circulated detail and minutes.

This meeting must finish by 7.45pm  when we will move to The Provender Country Bakehouse on High Street.

Judy Hoffmann has kindly liaised with the management to photograph their products and will have set up lights etc in readiness for us.This is a practical session so bring your gear!! We should have fun and produce some mouth watering images.

Minutes of last years AGM


Annual General Meeting of the Yea Camera Club Committee was held at Yea RSL Hall on Wednesday, 11 July 2012 at7:45 p.m.

Present: Sarah McMaster, Kim Wyllie, Joy Clayton, John Clayton, Alan Synnott, Andrew Potts, Judy Hoffman, Alan Cole

Apologies: Ann Anstey, Julie Fishlock, Kimm Noonan
Minutes of Previous AGM were circulated and read John moved and Sarah seconded that the previous Minutes as read be accepted. Carried

President's Report Judy presented a Report on the Year 2011/12 activities.
Kim moved that the President's Report be accepted. Seconded Alan S Carried

Treasurers Report:
John had presented a detailed Report on the year's financial transactions. A June 30th balance of $4606 was recorded See John's earlier email.

He commented that the year has seen our bank account decrease by about $1500, that the November Show runs at a loss and that we do have significant photographic "hardware" as assets.
John moved the Treasurer's Report be accepted. Seconded by Kim Carried

All Committee positions were declared vacant and elections for those positions took place-

Election of Office bearers 2012/13:

President: Kim Wylie Nominated by Alan S Seconded by Joy Carried

Vice President: Alan Synnott Nominated by Kim Seconded by Andrew Carried

Secretary: John Clayton Nominated by Judy Seconded by Kim Carried

Treasurer: Ann Anstey Nominated by Kim Seconded by Alan S Carried

General Committee (2 positions):
Judy Nominated by Alan C Seconded by Joy Carried
Andrew Nominated by Judy Seconded by Alan S Carried

General Business

Alan C. distributed the Loddon Shire pamphlet and drew attention to its 2 day photographic workshop.

John commented about an approach from Yea Rotary seeking participation via a display in their January Art Show.  A matter for the new committee.

Alan C. will forward information about "Melbourne, My beautiful City" competition. (NB this is attached to the email with these minutes).

Friday, 30 August 2013

Vincent Laforet Seminar and Workshop

The following e-mail has been received form Canon.

I wanted to let you know about an event we are organising which may be of interest to your camera club.

We are very privileged to have Vincent Laforet coming to visit Australia and to provide a series of seminars and workshops.

Please feel free to circulate this with your members.

Kind regards,

James Wilson

Manager Professional Segment
Professional Imaging
Canon Australia Pty Ltd 1 Thomas Holt Drive North Ryde NSW 2113
P: +61 2 8873 8843 | M: +61 (0)417 604 901 | W:
Social:  cid:image001.png@01CDF951.63E32470 Facebook | cid:image002.png@01CDF951.63E32470 Twitter | cid:image003.png@01CDF951.63E32470 YouTube

Melbourne Workshop: Learn how to get more from your DSLR HD motion shoots. Vincent will teach you about business opportunities, terminologies, cameras, lenses and rigs, setting up a crew, shooting angles, focusing challenges and tips for better audio. Hands-on with the Explorer.
Limited to 20 places:
Tickets $695, Students $595, CPS Members $595
Book before September 1 and SAVE $50
Purchase at:

Melbourne Seminar: Showing examples of his work, Vincent will illustrate his journey from stills to motion, and explore the impact of technology, the internet and social media on visual imaging. Inform your future.
Tickets $75, Students $55, CPS Members $55.
Book before September 1 and SAVE $10.00
Purchase at:

Canon proudly invites you to experience Vincent Laforet.
Don’t miss your chance to see director and Pulitzer Prize winning photographer, Vincent Laforet in Australia. Acclaimed for his forward-thinking approach to image making and storytelling, Vincent pioneered innovative tilt-shift & aerial photography using HD-capable DSLR cameras. His short film “Reverie” was viewed more than 2 million times in the first week of its release in 2009. Recognised as one of the 100 Most Influential People in Photography, his seminars and workshops are not to be missed.

To learn more about Vincent's visit: | 
Melbourne Museum, Carlton Gardens, The Age Theatre, Tuesday, September 10 from 6:45pm to 8:45pm. Rokeby Studios 1/90-94 Rokeby Street, Collingwood Wednesday, September 11 from 9.45am to 4.00pm

September Meeting

Judy has passed on a few links that may be worth looking over before the September meeting. 

She thought by spreading these to our members, they could view and study them in preparation for the practical session.

This way we will be able to cut down on time needed for the Wednesday night. (As Judy will have to be at Provender to set up early)

precedes the monthly meeting.
START 7PM Sharp.

Auction of Old Cameras South Australia

On 27/08/2013, at 11:53 AM, Jason Harris <> wrote:

The following e-mail advising an upcoming auction that may be interest to members is below. 
Hi Peter

I came across your associations website.  I am hoping you can help me.  We are offering a very significant collection for Dr. Garry Scroop, who collected, amongst many things, cameras.  His camera collection ranges from the earliest of wet and dry plate cameras, 1920's - 1940's cameras, and 1950's + 35mm cameras.

It is a very significant collection, one which I am certain members of the photographic clubs would be interested in viewing. 

Is it possible to pass on the details of the collection to your member clubs, rather than me trying to contact them all individually?

Further details of the "The Dr. Garry Scroop Auction" can be found at

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


Jason Harris
Managing Director
Scammell Auctions
7 Chapel Street, NORWOOD
08 83620404    0421 345 663

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

July Homework Challenge is Black and White (Monochrome)

Take photographs of 4 different subjects
You will need to take 2 of each subject
One in Camera Mode - Black & White
An identical photograph of the subject in colour
Convert the colour photograph to black & white with your software.
Bring them along next month on your memory stick so we can all compare.
Please write down the procedures of your conversion.

Judes Suggestions

Still Life Subject (Look for something OLD)
Landscape Midday
Same Landscape at Dusk
If you have a Polarizer give it a try.
Then take another photo without the polarizer of the same subject and let’s see the difference

Naturally Loddon Photographic Field Trips

Discover local natural environment including some of its diverse flora through the lens of a camera.
Bridgewater - on - Loddon
Sunday 1st September 
Sunday 6th October 

Cost $30/day

email if you are interested in joining this field trip.

Monday, 8 July 2013

July Meeting

Wednesday 10th. July @ 7.00pm for 7.30pm in the RSL hall.

Topic for the night - Black and White Photography with Judy Hoffmann

This month's "Capture an Idea" was PEOPLE. Please bring your entry as a print.

This month's homework was FRAMED. Please bring your 4 shots on a USB stick.

Technology is wonderful when it works. Unfortunately we were unable to circulate the One Image photo, so it has been held over to next month.

July marks the start of a new financial year and all office bearing positions are up for election.  Elections will take place at the AGM in August. Nominations should be in writing on the nomination form available in the attachment or on the night next Wednesday.  Nominations will be received up to the August meeting.


Sunday, 23 June 2013

Special Photo Shoot Event

The club has the opportunity for its members to take publicity photographs for a nearby prestigious estate, with the prospect of an incentive for the winner(s). The photographs that  the owners of the estate like best (not necessarily the best photos) will receive a prize of an accommodation package.

We are not the only invitees to take photographs so come along and see if you can out-shoot everyone.
When: Sunday 30th June 
Where: Meet at the Yea Shell Garage @ 10:00am sharp
Will all those intending to come please let John C know by Tuesday 25th. You can e-mail him or phone.  If we know you are coming we can wait a few minutes for late comers.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Photography Workshop - Beginners Escape the Auto Setting

Action Photography

Would members like to photograph the Yea Tigers home games?

We need members to take photographs of home games on the following dates.

July     6th    and   13th
Aug     3rd.  and    10th

Please indicate your availability for the dates above to JohnC by emailing him on <> or his home email or phone.
A roster will be drawn up. Photos are published in the Yea Chronicle along with the article reporting the game.
If you enjoy sports or just like taking action shots then this is a fun and a worthwhile experience.

Get back to JohnC ASAP and register your interest in your choice of dates from above.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Pakenham Photo Comp 2013

You can access the flyer, entry conditions and entry from here. This link will take you to a Dropbox shared page of documents and links.

Packenham Photo comp

Friday, 7 June 2013

Lal Lal Moorabool Photographic Group Exhibition

June Meeting

L  O  N   G          W  E   E  K  E  N  D
It's a long weekend coming up. The forecast is good; the temperature warm and with an extra day what better time to prepare for our next camera club meeting WEDNESDAY 12TH. @ 7.00PM. IN THE RSL.


  • This month's " Capture an Idea " is trees. Please bring your entry as a print.

  • This month's photograph for digital play was provided by AlanS. Please bring your digital enhancement as a print.

  • Homework for this month was 4 low light photographs. A chance to show your talents - misty mornings + frost, inspiring sunsets , night shots of illuminations , star trails , the potential list goes on.Remember if photographing near traffic at night - be seen, wear something light colour / reflective.Stay safe. Please bring your stunning results on a memory stick.

  • To put you in the picture, this month's meeting topic is Framing with Gary from Frame Co.
Next sub committee meeting for the Exhibition / Competition is Monday 17th @ 7.30pm in the RSL

Saturday, 25 May 2013


Next meeting of show sub committee


Sunday, 19 May 2013

Outing with Alexandra Camera Club to Ken Pollard's Antiques

On Saturday 18th May three club members along with seven Alex Club members visited Ken Pollard's antique collection at his farm near Merton. Ken has been collecting a wide range of memorabilia including an impressive selection of wool balers, general farm implements mostly horse drawn or very early version of tractor drawn, wooden and steel wheeled carts and carriages,  small antique items,  tools, toys et al. What a great place to nostalgically wander amongst the numerous sheds and outdoor collections. A very interesting days photography.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Action Photography - Yea Tigers footy/netball.

We have been asked by the Tigers to continue photographing the home games again this year. 

Do we have any volunteers?

It is a significant commitment on the day, but you do get to see your efforts published in The Yea Chronicle.

So come on all you sports fans get some first hand experience at sports photography.

Email John C direct or contact him through the <Contacts> page of this blog and put your name on the roster.

Home dates are:
June 1    8    22
July  6    13
Aug 3  10

Please indicate your availability and willingness to cover the activity on that date so that John  can put together a roster.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Heritage Photo Display

Don't forget to have your 'heritage' prints (min 20 x 25 cm) mounted and described with your name on the back for easy return, delivered to Kim or Judy by Friday 17th May.

Any subject as long as it is of a heritage setting or event. Can be from any country but Australian is the focus. Six mounted prints each member would be great.

Mat Cutting Company Holiday Closure

After 30 years of business we've decided it’s time to take some “long service” leave, and therefore we'll be closing from the 14th of August to the 21st of October this year 2013.
I know it’s still 3 months away, but I wanted to get in early so that you were aware of what we are doing.
Because it’s for an extended period I am really conscious of trying to organise things with you so that you’re not inconvenienced or left short of stock whilst we are away.
So, could you please have a think about what will suit you best and let me know - I’m very happy to work with you in whatever way I can to ensure that you have sufficient stock over this period.
Please note that the latest possible dispatch will be the 14th of August, so we will need to be organised well before then!
I’ll be in touch again a couple of times between now and then as a reminder, but please feel free to contact me if you have any queries.
Many thanks,

May Meeting

It was exciting to see so many new faces at last Wednesday's meeting.

Welcome! My apologies to all for forgetting the computer and delaying procedures. Call it a senior moment!

1. The committee decided by special resolution with the unanimous support of the members present to postpone the AGM to August 14th.

2. The Treasurer is authorised to pay the RSL in one annual payment for the continuing usage of the RSL rooms.

3.Capture an Idea for June is -TREES. Bring as a Print.

4. Homework is to take 4 low light shots, on a USB stick.
5. 'From One Image' for digital manipulation is below. Get your copy from the email sent to members by the Secretary.  Please bring your effort to the next meeting as a PRINT

6.Joint outing with Alex. Camera Club to Ancona to see an exhibit of old farm machinery this Saturday May 18th. Please let John C know if you intend to come so that he can let the Alex. organisers the numbers to expect

Exhibition Sub Committee

Reminder -
Exhibition sub committee meets Monday 13th May@7.30 pm in the Yea RSL

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

MAY MEETING - Wednesday 8th May 2013

Topic Low Light Practical
Bring camera,tripod etc and rug up well. Its likely to be cold night so make sure you bring a scarf and hat and a 'rug' for your camera.
Also bring
1. Your print of an altered image supplied by Alister.
2. Your print for Capture an Idea competition - Candle or Candelabra
3. Your homework on a USB stick, featuring action 1/ freeze action 2, Panned action and 3/ Blurred movement action.

At the RSL hall at 7:00. The heaters will be on.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Photographing Raptors - Shepparton

Meeting held 10th April 2013

Apologies were received from Kim Whyllie, Alan Synnott, Pauline Roberts, Ian Wallace and Andrew Potts.

It was a pleasure to welcome as guests and potential members - Lyn Bryant, Kerry Gouldthorpe, Sue Schreiber and Nigel Kenny. We hope you enjoyed the evening and found it informative too!

Our apologies to Mandy, Ricky and Kelly re our failure to communicate after the display. Our systems are not perfect but you are on the list now.  I hope that Therese Morris is now receiving the updates.

We congratulate those members who contributed photos. for the Seymour Garden Show and thank Kim for delivering them and Ann for collecting them. The composite presentations were awarded 1st and 2nd. prizes.

Field trip to Jamieson - It was decided that since the objective was to capture the autumn colours, the outing should be postponed to a later date when the colours were more apparent. A new date is to be fixed recommended not before  April 27/28. Be aware we have another outing planned for May so we need to avoid close proximity of the dates.Please advise any preferences.

Our thanks to Alan Cole for an instructive presentation on Action Photography.The first Tigers home game is on Saturday 20th. april. If any member would like to try their hand at sport photography,please advise me so that we can meet at the ground and perhaps obtain free entry for the group.

Alister is to provide a photo for digital manipulation.To be forwarded to all members. This is a fun, self training exercise to find out what the various software programmes can do. Skill comes with knowledge and practise.


Based on the Action presentation, please provide on a memory stick at the next meetimg - 
Any subject
a stop action photo 
a panning action photo
a blurred movement photo.

Capture an Idea this month is Candle/Candelabra. Please bring your entry as a print- minimum size 10 x 15 cm.

The committee is still working on a proposal for the Photographic Exhibition and competition over the Cup Day weekend in November. Stay tuned.

Members are advised that registrations for VAPS conference closes April 23rd.

for the Yea Camera Club committee

Friday, 8 March 2013

One for all you flower people

One for all you flower people - a chance for you to bloom and show your brilliance.

Poster below was only avaiable in hard copy so apologies for quality of scan.

RMIT Michael Coyne Documentary Photography X Series Intensive

Date  Easter 1 - 5 April 2013

We would like to advise you that we are presenting the Michael Coyne Documentary Photography X Series Intensive program in conjunction with Fujifilm this Easter 1 - 5 April 2013.

The exciting news that we would like to inform your members about is that we have reduced the price of the five full days of tuition and mentoring by MIchael Coyne to $1480 (we were originally offering it for $2100)

This is an exciting, unique opportunity for photography students, enthusiasts and professionals to spend an intensive week being mentored by Michael Coyne, one of the photographic world greats. 

The intensive is strictly limited to a maximum of 15 participants.

Please feel free to use my details for any further queries that either yourself or the Camera Clubs may have.

Shae Allen
Project Officer | Business and Innovation
School of Media and Communication
RMIT University
Building 94
Level 2
23-27 Cardigan Street
Carlton 3053