Monday, 23 November 2015

Broadford Art Show

Broadford Art Show 2016
Gavan Hall, High Street, Broadford Vic 3658
Sponsored by Milners Picture Frames

Friday 26th February 2016                    7 pm - 10 pm
Saturday 27th February 2016      10 am - 5 pm
Sunday 28th February 2016       10 am - 3 pm
Dear artist / photographer

Milners Picture Frames has much pleasure in inviting you to submit entries for the Broadford Art Show to be held on the above dates.

We have enclosed an entry form giving details of conditions and requirements.

All profits from the Broadford Art Show will go to Gavan Hall for another year of refurbishments and renovations.

This is our Third year running such an event and we are really looking forward to involving the Local Art Groups/Photography Groups and Primary/High School students in raising funds for our Hall.

Your early return of entry forms would be very much appreciated to assist in compiling and printing of the Catalogue.

For any further enquiries please feel free to contact Nicole Milner 0412 100 247 and we look forward to your participation and seeing you on the night.

Yours sincerely,
Nicole & Mathew Milner
Milners Picture Frames                                                                            

Official Opening
And Awards Ceremony

Friday 26th February 2016
7pm – 10pm

Opening Ceremony Admission
$15 per Person
Supper and refreshments will be served.

Saturday and Sunday Viewing: Gold coin donation

Art Prizes
$500          Most Outstanding Artwork in Show (Any Medium)
$200          Best Oil
$200          Best Acrylic
$200          Best Watercolour
$200          Best Pastel
$200           Best Any Other Medium
$200          Drawing (Pencil, Coloured Pencil, Graphite)
                   Best Youth (Primary School) $50 Framing Voucher
                   Best Youth (High School) $50 Framing Voucher
$200          Peoples Choice

Photography Prizes
$150          Most Outstanding Photography in Show
$100                    Best Local Broadford Content
                   Best Youth (Primary School) $50 Framing Voucher
                   Best Youth (High School) $50 Framing Voucher
$50ea        Highly Commended Award x 2

Form A

Please attach labels to the back of your works.

Artist .....................................................

Entry Title .............................................

Medium .................................................

Price .......................................................

Artist .....................................................

Entry Title .............................................

Medium .................................................

Price .......................................................


Entry Title.............................................




Entry Title.............................................



Conditions of Entry

Closing date of entries is Friday 5th February 2016

1.   There is a limit of three (3) entries per exhibitor which must be original and may be in any medium.
2.   All exhibits must be the original uncopied work of the exhibitors, and not previously entered at the Broadford Art Show.
3.   Entry Fees: (Must accompany the entry Form) Please do not send coins in the post.
$8.00 per entry (Miniature pairs count as one entry)
Maximum art work not to exceed a frame size of 1000mm x 1000mm.
Entries can be mailed to Milners Picture Frames 71A High Street, Broadford, Vic 3658, emailed or submitted online at
4.   All works will be hung according to available space, all paintings must be suitably framed and wired ready and safe for hanging. In addition Form A (overleaf) must be completed, with the artists name, entry title, price and medium and be attached to the reverse side of the corresponding work.
5.   The Judges decision shall be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
6.   Broadford Art Show will take no responsibility for GST obligations. Artists must include GST in their sale price and attend to GST in their usual manner.
7.   All entries must be for sale with a 20% commission to Milners Picture Frames with all profits being forwarded to Gavan Hall.
8.   Selections and awards will be announced during the opening night at 7pm Friday 26th  February 2016. Winners of the Peoples Choice Award will be announced at 3pm Sunday
28th February 2016.
9.   Delivery of exhibits to Gavan Hall, High Street, Broadford on Wednesday24th February between the hours of 10 am – 12.30 pm or by arrangement with Nicole Milner
(0412 100 247) prior to this date.  A receipt will be issued for all entries submitted.
10.      Milners Picture Frames will deduct commission from all sales and the balance will be paid within (21) days of the close of show. GST will not be charged.
11.      Unsold works will be available for collection only between the hours of 3.30pm and 5pm Sunday 28th February 2016.  Please keep your receipt for this purpose.
12.      Milners Picture Frames reserve the right not to hang any work and no discussion regarding their decision will be entered into.   
13.      Please Note: Change of Titles or Prices of Works will not be accepted after Friday 12th  February 2016. 
14.      Exhibitors will receive one free pass for opening night.        
15.      All Photographic images may have been captured on photographic emulsion or acquired by digital imaging cameras.  Any computer modification of the original image must have been made by the entrant.  
16.      Photographic images can be either colour, sepia or black and white.
17.      Photographic images must me matted and mounted on firm cardboard; framed photographs will also be accepted and must have hangers.
18.      100% care will be taken with entries submitted, however all works are the responsibility of the artist. We accept no liability for loss or damage either in the course or while entries are in their custody.

Entry Form

Milners Picture Frames                                                           Nicole Milner
71A High Street                                                                                                      0412 100 247
Broadford Vic 3658                                                               
A.B.N 95119229260

Name ............................................................................

Address ................................................................................................................


Phone..............................Mobile ................................

Enclosed please find $ ................. being entry fee for the listed exhibits and
including Opening Night tickets.

Entry fee $8.00 per entry
I require ............... tickets for opening Night $15 each (Exhibitors will receive one free pass for opening night)

Cheques  to be made payable to: Nicole Milner
Direct Debit: BSB 633-000 ACC 156058471
Record your first initial & surname or part thereof






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