Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Feb 2017 meeting

The first meeting for the 2017 New Year will be Wednesday 8th February at 7.00pm in the RSL hall.

This is one of the most important meetings of the year because it is the opportunity to inform members and obtain feed back on the year's activities. Listed below in no particular order are some of the items to be brought up at the meeting.
1. Guest presenter Desli   - "The Photographer's Toolbox"
2. Presentation by Alan Cole in his Back to Basics series, this time on "Focus"
3. Canvas interest in the planned outing Sat.18th Feb to the Blue Lotus Farm. (Perfect venue for your Folio piece on Flora.)
4. Review our Display over the Australia weekend
5. Information on entering/in house judging of photos for the VAPS INTERCLUB COMPETITION. If you have photos that you would like to be considered ,and were not in the last display, please bring them on this night.
6. Camera Club"s Competition and Exhibition over the Melbourne Cup weekend. Who wants it and is prepared to take a role.
7. Capture an Idea – present your photo of Circle/s/Round.
Restatement of Rules for Capture an Idea.
There are two competitions using the one photo running concurrently within this framework – one to be judged by our Peers and one to be judged by an external judge.
A) The Peer Choice.
To be eligible to enter in any month, the member must be present.
The members will vote for a first place only. Do not vote for your own photo.The winner on the night will the member with the most 1st places .The result is totally independent of the number of voters.Monthly result could be announced on the night.  Results will be accumulated to the year end and the winner will be the member with the most 1st places. In the event of a tie, the winner will be the member with additionally the most 2nd places.
B) External Judged Choice
The same photo judged by our peers will be externally judged. In addition, members unable to be present on the night may enter their photo.
The judge will announce a winner and highly commended/ merit as they see fit. The scoring will be 4 points for winning, 3 points for HC , 2 points for merit and 1 point for entering. Points will accrue to the year end and the winner will be the member with the highest score.
General rules
1. Entrants must be a financial member to enter the competition.
2. Photos must have been taken during the year of the competition.
3. Digital alteration and editing is allowed.
4. Subject matter must be acceptable to be viewed by minors.
5. Each photo should have your unique number ( available from Ann Anstey ) in the bottom right hand corner.
6. Photos must have been taken by the member.

Check out the Club Rules page for an update to the Capture an Idea rules.

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