Message from the Newsbrief Editor
VAPS CONVENTION 2017 Some Stats.
The 2017 convention has now concluded.
Numbers overall were 253 delegates and others.
The Frankston Photographic Club's role as the managing club was excellent with a great deal of assistance provided in putting up the exhibition and running the business over the weekend. At the BBQ, they cooked 360 sausages and 100 Patties.
The Saturday night dinner was exceptional with 201 persons booked in including guests.
Barry Povey (Berwick Viewfinders Camera Club)
Don't forget that you can zoom in to read the detail on any image in the Newsbrief.
From the Convention May 2017
See the Convention Catalogue here.
Left over from the Interclub Competition
Who owns this?
Contact the Editor.
Ian Bock
Ian has just received the 60 Year Bar. He has been a member of the Melbourne Camera Club for those years. Just imagine the wonderful recollections he would have about Photography.
Notice of Annual General Meeting 12 Nov 2017 |
2018 Affiliation forms, AGM Proxy forms, and 2018 Committee forms will be available on the website. Monitor this on the website. Two are below. Time and other details to be advised.
Working with Children. Change to Legislation. |
Working with Children. Implications for Clubs.
(The following is not formal, legal advice but is given as information for clubs to make them aware of coming changes to legislation)
There are a number of new legislative requirements coming into effect in August that affects clubs, where there is potential for one-on-one or direct interaction with an underage (U18) person.
It is very important that clubs review the details in the link carefully. It has implications for all clubs. Implications/actions would vary depending on the sort of programs you have in which under 18 year-olds may participate.
Generally, clubs could continue to accept and welcome student or junior club members provided that, at all times, they are accompanied by a parent or guardian at club meetings, functions or workshops.
Where there is direct one-on-one interaction with an underage person, and a parent or guardian is not present e.g. photographic instruction, image evaluation nights or excursions, then the moderator/instructor or group leader must have a Working With Children (WWC) check and appropriate card.
It would be advisable for two or more club officials to have WWC checks and approved cards and be present at any club meeting where an underage person may be in attendance to observe and ensure all WWC procedures are carried out accordingly.
The check is easily obtained and is free for volunteers.
Use the above website address to access the WWC-check information or for inquiries.
VAPS is continuing to examine this complex matter.
Tony Harding. Secretary.
Ballarat International Foto Biennale |
All the details are here.
The Essendon Camera Club was formed on 23 April 1956. A young 19-year-old, Gary Lewis, organised the first meeting of the club at his parents' home in Buckley Street, Essendon. Four people came. Gary wrote to the "Essendon Gazette" saying that the meeting had been a great success with approximately 50 people attending. In the formative years, Gary was the president and secretary.
Early meetings were held above the chemist's shop in Puckle Street, Moonee Ponds, then at the Doutta Gala Hall in Royal Avenue, North Essendon. Later meetings were changed to St. Thomas' Memorial Hall at Moonee Ponds Junction. The next move was to the Essendon Community Centre next door. That place was gutted by fire in January 1978, so the club returned to St. Thomas'. The club is now at the Aberfeldie Baptist Church in Price Street, West Essendon.
Alex Murray joined the club in 1957 and has the record for the longest-serving president: 21 years. David Oldfield was president for eight years (1989-1996), as was Ian Forrest (1981-1988). In more recent times, Jenny Colson and Alex van Harmelen have been presidents for several years.
E.C.C. has conducted a 10-week photography course for many years. Ian Cust R.I.P. and Neil Ross largely ran this course in the early years. Now the course is digital and organised by Matthew Wings.
Last year, 2016, the club had 162 members, making it the largest affiliated club with VAPS.
"Film to DIGITAL", Paul Robinson.
VAPS Interclub Audio Visual Rules |
Discussion Document on potential changes to the 2018 VAPS Interclub Audio Visual Rules: By John Spring – chairman of the VAPS AV Committee
You can download from the VAPS Web Site 'documents' tab a copy of the discussion document as submitted by the VAPS Audio Visual Committee (AVC) to the recent Half Yearly VAPS delegates meeting.
Comments and suggestions on the AVC discussion document can be made to the VAPS Secretary for the consideration by the AVC in stage 2 of the review for potential revision of the 2018 Interclub AV rules.
"…AV Sub-Committee Stage One Discussion Paper is now available. Please review and send all comments to no later than 30th June…"
Background to the formation of the committee and the brief of requirements are contained on the first page of the discussion document. A short presentation by members of the VAC at the VAPS Frankston Convention will enable conventioneers to pose questions and receive responses on this review of the Interclub Audio Visual rules.
Exhibitions and What's On |
Ballarat International
Foto Biennale 19 August to 17 September 2017
The famous Biennale is set to roll into Ballarat again this year
New features and extended fringe programs and events every weekend will make the 2017 Biennale an outstanding event
Get all the information here
World Photo Day
Pepe's Fine Art Photography
16 JUNE – 18 JULY
Jose Rojas
Jose Rojas explores his passion for nature with his stunning landscape photography.
Civic Centre Art Space
Civic Centre, Magid Drive, Narre Warren 3805
Bright Festival of Photography.
Gippsland Interclub Exhibition
The annual Gippsland Interclub Exhibition has been an annual event since 2011. The participating clubs – East Gippsland Camera Club, Sale Camera Club, Latrobe Valley Camera Club, South Gippsland Camera Club and the Warragul Camera Club – host the exhibition in their own areas on a rotational basis. The exhibition has now completed a full circuit and will return to Warragul this year.
The exhibition will be held at the Red Tree Gallery in Jindivik bumping in on the 27th of July and bumping out on the 30th of August. The official opening and judging will be held at 3 p.m. on Saturday the 19th of August, World Photography day.
Monash Gallery of Art
Lots of new things here.
Australian Photographic Society Convention
Click here or on the image above.
From Clubs/Societies and Others
Pakenham National Photographic Exhibition
AV Group at Melbourne Camera Club
AV group at Melbourne Camera Club
John Spring has produced an interesting note on the History of this group.
It can be viewed here
Further information is available at these links.
and examples can be seen here |
APS Audio Visual Spring National
Details are HERE.
Poetry & Song
Photo Harmony
Melbourne and Regional AV Enthusiasts
Have you ever heard of a "Pub National"? Here is an idea for your Club!
It's a club social event combined with a competition run on "National Format".
Here is a procedure.
Decide to have a "Pub National" and book a function room with an appropriate approximate number of tables at the local good pub. They usually do not need exact numbers and the function room is often free.
Invite a neighbouring camera club to supply three judges for the evening and give them a free dinner.
Get members to submit images and EDPIs in categories as you desire. Do this one week beforehand. No need for long-term planning.
Print stewards do the paperwork. There is no need to send entries off to the judges. They are judged on the night. Prepare three sets of number cards for the judges to hold up. These are numbered one to five. (If you forget this you can use drink coasters from the pub on the night.)
On the night.
Meet at the pub at about 6.00 pm and have a great meal, chat and laugh. Chat with the judges. Chat with your members. Get members to bring a small item to be raffled. Cheap tickets are sold for the raffle. (eg five for $2.00) Do raffles at several times over the evening. Great fun. Winners pick their own parcel.
Around 7.30 pm. Now the judging! Judges and members see the images or EDPIs for 8 seconds and hold up numbers so that only the data recorder can see the numbers. Results are entered on a laptop into a spreadsheet prepared by print stewards. If there is a draw for the top score then judges get together to decide the winner in the section. Only a winner decided. Also, have judges decide the best image overall for the night. Have small trophies for winners. Have perpetual trophy for the overall winner. Or, have your own variations on this.
Go home fed and happy.
A great social event.
You build your relationship with another club.
Members get to participate in a National Type Competition and learn what images do well in this type of competition.
Minimal planning needed by print stewards and club members.
Small cost to the club.
Berwick Viewfinders Camera Club has just had their Pub National Competition. A lovely, winter activity with a good chat, hot meal and happy winners. It is one of their most popular competitions.
Ivanhoe Photographic Society |
Free Display Stands!
Are you a new club? Have you got some strong younger members?
Ivanhoe Photographic Society is offering 10 x carpet-cloth covered display stands FREE to any club willing to collect them.
Sturdy Boards covered with light beige /burgundy coloured Velcro friendly cloth with black steel frames, all in good condition.
2 x The black steel stands/feet (each approx. 2 ft tall) support each display board.
Assembly of each board is best done by two people as they are quite heavy.
If interested, please contact IPS Secretary email: |
Board with 16"x20" & 8"x12" prints to indicate size
Redlands International Photographic Exhibition 2017 17th July 2017 Website
29th Sutherland Shire National Exhibition of Photography 2017
12th August 2017 Website
Sydney International Exhibition of Photography 2017 28th August 2017 Website
32nd Perth National Photographic Exhibition 2017. 21st July. Website
APS Photo Book Competition 2017. 25th Sept. Website
The 4 Nations competition. Website
LakeMacqaurie National Exhibition of Digital Photography. 12th Nov. Website
Human Right Photographic Competition. 30th September. Website.
Australian Photographic Judges Association |
Over the past few months the Australian Photographic Judges Association has been busy with:-
- A presentation to members on "What Judges look for" by Margaret Zommers.
- Two half-day workshops on Evaluating Images. This involved some real hands-on practical experiences for VAPS member clubs members to get a feel for judging.
The following photographers took part in this event and really made a great job of it.
Greg Earl. Mike O Connor, Anthony Yap, Bill Millar, David Skinner, Peter Calder, Gary Freestone, Linda Fox, Craig Gurnett, Sam Mariani, Darryl Whitaker and Andrew Raff.
Congratulations on the great work.
Also thanks to Emma Gillette for the presentation and facilitating the event and Alfred for getting it together.
- Back on the 2nd April, the Benalla Camera Club facilitated a level 1 training course where at about 30 members attended. A number of APJA members drove up to Benalla to do the presentations. It worked out really well. Well done BCC for this initiative.

Benalla workshop participants cast a critical eye over images.

APJA President, Paul Robinson at Benalla.

Emma Gillette explains some basics of image evaluation.
- Upcoming APJA events: Level 2 Training 23rd July, Level 3 Training 20th Aug, and Level 4 Training 17th Sept.
Level 2, 3 & 4 APJA Image Evaluation Seminars 2017
Level 2: Sunday 23rd July
Alfred Zommers – by Friday 21st July
We need to know if you are coming as we need to organise morning and afternoon tea.
Level 3: Sunday 20th August
Level 4: Sunday 17th September 2017
Please register by email giving your Name, your club, and phone contact to:
Bill Millar - by Friday 18th August (Level 3) and Friday 15th September (Level 4)
We need to know if you are coming as we need to organise morning and afternoon tea.
Venue for all seminars: St. Peters Anglican Church Hall
Cnr. Ames Ave & Neerim Rd Murrumbeena. (Melway 68 K5)
Cost: APJA members $25
Non-APJA members on the current Judges List $35
Others $40
For more information, contact Alfred Zommers 0414 336 234 (before 29th July) or
Paul Robinson 0409 425 700
Bob Hayter and Margaret Zommers received these awards at the VAPS Convention 2017
Bob Hayter
Bob Hayter has been an outstanding and tireless worker for Frankston Photographic Club. He has been Treasurer for seven years and over that period, solely responsible for managing accounts, payment of bills, banking of income, book-keeping and reporting to the committee. He was instrumental in setting up the club's on-line payment system which has simplified the annual fee collection, registration and payment for club events such as seminars, workshops etc. In his role as Webmaster, he has set up and maintained the club website. This has included publishing the winning entries from the club monthly competitions, publishing newsletters on the site, providing ongoing improvements and major updates and general maintenance.
Bob set up the club's Day-Time Group that holds monthly meetings and photo-shoots for those who find it difficult to attend regular Wednesday night meetings. He has taken responsibility for the update, repair and maintenance of the public address, computer and projector systems. His business contacts in the computer, sound and printing industries have been of considerable assistance to the club over many years.
As a committee member, he leads a printing specialist group to assist members to become proficient in high-quality image printing. Currently, with other team leaders, he is constructing a dedicated photographic printing service for Frankston club members. He has also been one of the Photoshop leaders for the advanced Photoshop workshops.
In about 2013 Bob formed a photographic club at the Beleura Village in Mornington. With 24 members it runs meetings each fortnight. As convenor of the club, he has organised competitions and exhibitions on a regular basis over that time. He has taught and mentored camera craft to that group and runs Lightroom training courses. And if that were not enough to keep him busy, he was a founding member of the Photographic Section of the Mornington Men's Shed where he teaches Lightroom and organises photo-shoots for them. This small group at the Mornington Men's Shed, with Bob as the current President, and with financial support from the Mornington Peninsula Shire, is providing a drone-based photographic capability for the shire. This is a new and rapidly expanding area of photography.
All these activities have not stopped him being a regular contributor to the Frankston club's monthly competitions, the annual VAPS inter-club, Frankston/Pakenham/Berwick Inter-club and National Competitions. He has had several acceptances at nationals and earned a merit in Photo-Journalism at the Ballarat National. He also exhibits his work through his other camera club activities.
He has assisted the Wollongong Camera Club to re-establish their web-site about four years ago. He rebuilt it for them from scratch and still continues to administer their site. They were very appreciative of his efforts and issued a special award to Bob with a letter of appreciation to the Club. He has similarly assisted other clubs with their own web-sites and on-line presence.
He has been the co-organiser for each of the one-day seminars at the Frankston Club. These image editing seminars have attracted maximum numbers and been open to other VAPS affiliated clubs throughout Melbourne. He has also been involved in organising the FPC Members' Exhibitions at Frankston Arts Centre. These exhibitions were open to the public and other photography clubs around Melbourne and attracted several hundred visitors over the duration of each exhibition.
He has been FPC's 'go to' technical person for many years. His advice is regularly sought for upgrading or maintenance of the club facilities. His long-standing contribution to the club has been acknowledged when he was made a Life Member of the club. VAPS joins with the Frankston Photographic Club to publicly honour him with the VAPS State Service Award.
Margaret Zommers
Margaret has been an active member of KPS since joining in 2008. In 2014 she joined the committee, assisting in many committee tasks as well as taking on the responsibility as the supper coordinator. In 2013 she joined the VAPS committee and in 2014, after Fred Everett retired from the VAPS Committee, she took on the position of Badges and Awards Secretary. In the same year, she also started judging at VAPS affiliated clubs throughout Victoria as well as being on the KPS judging panel and selection panel for interclub competitions. She has assisted at several Nationals, VAPS Interclubs, judged one VAPS interclub and also this year was invited to judge at the Maitland International. In 2017 she was asked to apply her extensive skills as a judge to manage the VAPS Interclub Print judging.
Margaret took on the position of secretary when the Australian Photographic Judges Association was formed in 2015 and is still serving in that position. As a member of the judge's association, she has been one of the lecturers since 2016 and has also presented a presentation "What Judges Look for." to many clubs in Victoria either as a guest speaker or in conjunction with her judging assignments. Recently she has also started mentoring several trainee judges from KPS and other VAPS clubs.
Margaret has given various presentations on photography topics at KPS, other VAPS affiliated clubs and at APJA meetings.
In 2014 Margaret assisted with the organisation of the KPS 40-year exhibition, the KPS exhibition at the Bakery in Fern Tree Gully as well as exhibiting some of her images at these exhibitions.
Since she joined KPS she has often written articles for the club's monthly and weekly newsletters, revised the KPS Code of Conduct document as well as assisting with the rewriting of the VAPS Constitution.
Since 2014 Margaret has assisted in teaching, at KPS, the Beginners Camera Courses, Basic and Advanced Lightroom courses as well as teaching Lightroom to another VAPS club in 2016. In 2016 she was a volunteer photographer at the Boronia West Primary School Culture event.
This year, being passionate about going to the zoo to photograph the animals, she started organising outings to the various zoos in Melbourne for KPS members.
Margaret has supported the Australian National and International exhibitions either assisting or judging. She has been very successful as an exhibitor both Nationally and Internationally and has gained several honours in recognition of her photographic skills. For her contribution to photography, the Knox Photographic Society and VAPS wish to honour Margaret with the State Service Award.
Here are some links provided by readers. These are for reference and VAPS does not formally endorse the content of these links.
VAPS, Organisational member of Australian Photographic Society |
Victorian Association of Photographic Societies Inc Welcomes Epson Australia Pty Ltd
A new and valued sponsor for our members' benefit.
Special Offer from Epson for VAPS Club Members
Register at the following link to receive a $20 online shop voucher as well as many offers from the Epson range of products.
We encourage our club members to support Epson in your next printer purchase. Visit their website at to get all of the information on the new Epson SureColor SC‐P600.
Thank you Epson for your support to the Camera Clubs of Victoria
Any members of an accredited Camera Club or Society interested in evaluating images or judging are invited to apply to join the Australian Photographic Judges Association. You do not need to be an active judge to be a member. The prime objective of the Association is to help develop the evaluation and judging skills of members. Further information contact: Rob Sloane: or Paul Robinson:
or go to the VAPS Website at
Open the News tab and select Newsbrief newsletters.
There you can subscribe for a free email copy of Newsbrief.
Keep up with all of the announcements and news from the clubs.
Hard copy of Newsbrief is not be available in 2016 |
VAPS Committee Listing and Support
Victorian Association of Photographic Societies Inc.
- To advance the art of photography.
- To further the interests of affiliated bodies.
- To draw up regulations governing exhibitions and inter-club competitions.
- To arrange the exchange of guest lecturers and demonstrations on any subject relating to photography.
- To arrange the exchange of prints between clubs.
- To arrange periodical conventions for members of affiliated bodies and guests.
- To arrange the publication of an official journal or news sheet .
A Brief History:
Camera clubs have existed in Melbourne since the 1890's and an umbrella organisation called the Victorian Photographic Affiliation was formed in 1908. This guided amateur photography in Victoria for forty years. The Victorian Association of Photographic Societies was formed on 27 September 1952 and comprised of 12 clubs. This has grown to more than 70 clubs in Jan 2016. VAPS is a non-profit association that is entirely self-funded. The Association is run by an elected Committee of Management which is responsible for the operations of the Association, and for ensuring the Association fulfils the objectives.
Victorian Association of Photographic Societies welcomes contributions from interested parties, however, Victorian Association of Photographic Societies accepts no responsibility for the content of these contributions and the views contained therein are not necessarily those of Victorian Association of Photographic Societies. While every care is taken with solicited and unsolicited materials supplied, Victorian Association of Photographic Societies does not accept any liability for loss or damage however caused. Victorian Association of Photographic Societies takes no responsibility for the claims made by advertisers or transactions by. Does not endorse the products sold on the website/Newsbrief or enter into any of the exchanges. Nor is the Victorian Association of Photographic Societies responsible for any exchanging of information or monetary amounts. All transactions are solely the responsibility of the advertiser and purchaser.
Material on the Victorian Association of Photographic Societies site or the Newsbrief may not be reproduced or published elsewhere without the written consent of the publisher, Victorian Association of Photographic Societies. All rights reserved.
Advertising in Newsbrief
Would you like to contribute to Newsbrief? If you do, then it would be helpful if you use the following.
- Reformatting of text will occur (fonts and size) to suit the email format. (Paragraph 14, Heading 16-18, San serif fonts)
- Images can be submitted as jpegs or pdf up to 300 ppi.
Images will be reduced in size as appropriate for email. Text submissions preferred in Microsoft Word format. Images are preferred as JPEG. PDF files can be accommodated. Costs: Ads of any size. Commercial $100 per issue Commercial (Member discount) $50 per issue Affiliated Clubs and their members, free.
Contact the editor if you have questions.
Next Issue - August 2017
Newsbrief publication deadline 26 August 2017.
Newsbrief Editor: Barry Povey:
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